God's Deacon

Chapter 100 Nine Disasters

Bauhinia also knew that this kind of practice could not be delayed, so he put away his reproach and sighed, "Forget, I'm too lazy to scold you. Anyway, let's leave here first."

"Uh-huh," Zhong Cheng nodded in a hurry, but the next moment he looked sad and said doubtfully, "However, I still care about the explosion just now. I don't know if there is anything wrong with Fei Xue. Bauhinia, can you?"

"Do you want me to take you to find her?" Bauhinia raised his eyebrows and made Zhong Cheng's mind clear.

"Hmm." Zhong Cheng looked at Bauhinia and said with confidence, "If it's your words, there must be a way."

After receiving Zhong Cheng's positive reply, Bauhinia had no choice but to shrug his shoulders and sigh, "Well, if I don't help you, I don't know what will happen to you. I'll tell you.

"You just ran in the right direction, and the explosion did come from this dense forest. However, the trees in this dense forest are arranged according to the principle of 'nine palace gossip', so the ' gossip array' is formed, which makes you lose your direction and get stuck in it. As long as you follow the path of 'nine palace gossip', this problem will not exist.

Zhong Cheng nodded and quietly waited for Bauhinia's follow-up.

Bauhinia paused for a while and continued: "The so-called 'nine palace gossip' is quite troublesome to explain. I don't think you understand it now, so I'm not going to tell you the principle. After a while, as long as you follow the path I pointed out, there will be no problem.

"Well, that's good." Point out that you nodded to agree. In fact, if this "nine palace gossip" really needs to be explained, I'm afraid it's not enough to explain it all night. In the current time-sensitive situation, doing such a meaningless thing is undoubtedly a waste of life.

After resting in place for such a while, Zhong Cheng has basically returned to his original state. Zhong Cheng, who was anxious in his heart, quickly took steps and walked through the forest.

Just like at the beginning, Zhong Cheng was walking straight ahead until Bauhinia reminded him and did not notice anything strange. Then, under the mention of Bauhinia, Zhong Cheng finally found the strange things that are not easy to find in this dense forest.

The trees in this dense forest are arranged according to the principle of "nine palace gossip". With the special high and low terrain in the dense forest at that time, it can confuse people's eyes and give people a visual illusion that they have been walking forward. In fact, the direction has been changed unconsciously.

Of course, as long as you know the truth and pay attention to the terrain and the arrangement and change of trees, then this "gossip array" will not trap people. Moreover, this loser's "gossip array" is really not so exquisite and complicated.

According to Bauhinia, the "gossip array" in this dense forest is not perfectly arranged, but uses the fur principle of "nine palaces gossip". Thinking of it, although his loser is a descendant of God, compared with Bauhinia, it is like earth and heaven, which is completely incomparable.

Thanks to having Bauhini by his side, Zhong Cheng walked much more smoothly this time than just now. The environment around him has been changing, which makes him know that he has been moving forward.

Due to the episode just now, Zhong Cheng's speed is obviously much slower than just now. As Bauhinia said, if he can't even deal with Feixue, Zhong Cheng can't do anything about it. In the face of an enemy stronger than you, you have no choice but to take the lead in a sudden attack.

Therefore, Zhong Cheng must move forward carefully and always be ready to fight. He didn't know what was waiting for him.

After walking through the forest for a while, Zhong Cheng suddenly stopped. He frowned and stared straight ahead of him. There, there stood a white shadow, which was the public loss of Feixue!

The public lost Feixue stood there well, which means that nothing happened to her. But at the same time, Zhong Cheng had to be puzzled that Fei Xue would still appear here so late.

"What is she doing here?"

With such doubts in his heart, Zhong Cheng was not ready to go forward, but stood quietly to observe the situation. The location of Gongyu Feixue is relatively sparse. With the lighting of the moonlight, it is not difficult for Zhong Cheng to see what she is doing.

I saw the public lose Fei Xue standing still at this moment, with her eyes slightly closed and her palms closed, as if she was running some magic. Suddenly, Feixue opened her eyes and patted her palms forward.


With the attack of Fei Xue's palms, the big tree surrounded by one person in front of her suddenly burst out a strong air pressure, and then clicked and fell to the ground.

Zhong Cheng beside him was shocked. He never expected that a 16-year-old girl who lost to Feixue had such a strong palm, which was a little more powerful than his own "breaking sky"!

However, in the face of such results, Feixue herself does not seem to be too satisfied. She took a look at the big tree that was cut off by her palm, and at the same time shot her eyes at the tree behind the broken tree. She sighed faintly and muttered, "Sure enough, it is still time to reach the divine general to stimulate the dark power of the 'nine disasters'!"

"What?" Zhong Cheng's ear sounded again with Bauhinia's surprise, "I didn't expect it to be a 'ninefold disaster'. This little girl is really not simple."

"What kind of magic is 'nine-fold disaster'? Is it very powerful?" Zhong Cheng's eyes were also placed on the broken tree that had been hit, and his heart was full of shock and asked doubtfully.

Bauhinia explained with emotion, "Well, that's natural. This 'ninefold disaster' is the top magic method, which is quite famous in the power-type magic method. The reason why it is so powerful is not only because of its own strong and destructive power, but also because of the continuous dark energy brought by the blow!"

"Dark energy? What do you mean?

"The so-called dark power refers to the hidden attack after a blow. Just like waves, one wave after another is caught off guard and difficult to fight. The so-called 'nine-fold disaster' means that after one blow, nine-fold powerful dark power will come one after another, and it is getting stronger and stronger, which is difficult to resist. If this divine method is practiced to the realm of transformation, you can knock down nine mountains with one palm!"

"Nine mountains!" Zhong Cheng swallowed his saliva, licked his dry lips, took a deep look at the disappointed Fei Xue, and said, "Such a powerful magic method only interrupted a big tree and failed to use it. No wonder she was disappointed."

"This can't be blamed on her," Bauhinia did not appear, but she already knew the expression of the public loss of Feixue at this moment, and continued: "If you want to use the dark power of the 'nine disasters', you need to take a deep miracle as the basis. She hasn't broken through to the divine general, and it's understandable that she can't use it.

"Speaking of which," Zhong Cheng suddenly asked curiously, "Is this 'nine-fold disaster' powerful, or is the 'five-e elements sword' powerful?"

Bauhinia snorted coldly and said lightly, "Are you a fool? Of course, it's the sword of five elements!' No matter how strong it is, it is just a top magic law. The "Sword of Qi" in the Sword of the Five elements is the top magic method and the highest magic method. Is there any comparison between the two?

"Ha ha," Zhong Cheng touched his nose and smiled, "You just think I'm vanity and want to be better."

"High or low? Haha!" Hearing Zhong Cheng's words, Bauhinia laughed dumbly and joked, "What's higher or lower than anything! You are two stages away from others. If you don't work hard, you will never beat her!"

"Didn't you mean that if I work hard, I have a chance to win?" Zhong Cheng picked out the problem in Bauhinia's words and said targetedly.

"In that case, you do still have a chance." Bauhinia was not hard-mouthed, but admitted, "Although Miss Gong's strength is not weak, she has unfortunately not experienced the baptism of blood, so she is really not enough to compare with you in the face of hostilities. However, in terms of fighting alone, you will never beat her!"

"In the same way, you don't have to repeat it a second time. Well, I've seen enough. It's almost time to go back. I have to ask you to show me the way later. After saying that, Zhong Cheng stretched his body slightly and began to turn around and walk back.

Suddenly, Zhong Cheng stopped and turned his head to look deeply at the white shadow in the forest again.

The public lost Feixue under the moon night is still beautiful and melancholy. He is still annoyed that he failed to exert his dark energy. He did not notice that Zhong Cheng was more in this dense forest.

"Do you work hard for your family?"

Such a question flashed in his mind, and a slight wry smile appeared on Zhong Cheng's face, shook his head, carried his hands on his back, and walked back quietly.