God's Deacon

Chapter 104 Lin Zhongqianying

"There is an enemy! It's a wolf, a group of wolves! The whole regiment is ready to fight! The auxiliary god deacon should quickly increase its strength!"

There was a loud roar in the mercenary regiment, and then the mercenary regiment immediately set up a formation. Everyone lined up in a square, all with weapons in their hands and waiting.

At the same time, the thin man in the middle also raised the wooden stick in his hand at the first time and shouted, "Great God of War! Please give me strength!"

With his shouting, the deacon in the front row immediately lit a pale yellow light. And the gods in the front row immediately felt that their strength had increased.

Around the crowd, there stood dozens of blue-eyed and black-haired wolves, all grinning and staring at the human beings in front of them fiercely. They showed their white fangs, curled their hind legs slightly, and were always ready to attack the mercenary regiment!

They are first-class monsters - giant wolves, which are very common in the precious forest. They are ferocious and like to attack other creatures in groups. In the forest of treasures, if there are few people, it will be troublesome to encounter them. Although they are only one level and their strength is at most around the level of divine soldiers, their attacks in groups are still very threatening.

Unlike human beings, monsters are clearly divided in levels, ranging from one to ten, which is equivalent to the strength of human beings from divine soldiers to gods. And the ten-level monster is the ancient monster! In ancient times, if the strength was against the sky, it was fully capable of fighting with the gods of the divine world and the demons of the demon world.

However, these ancient monsters generally live in the divine world or demon world, and rarely appear on the divine continent. But once they appear in the Tongshen mainland, they will definitely set off a bloody storm, causing chaos in the world!

For this phenomenon, Zhong Cheng, who is standing in front of the mercenary regiment, has long been not surprised. Only three days after coming to this treasure forest, such large and small attacks have been experienced several times. Every attack, no matter how big or small, must be accompanied by the wounds of the mercenaries.

Fortunately, the mercenary regiment is equipped with two auxiliary deacons, and the members of the regiment cooperate tacitly, so so far, no one has died.

These two auxiliary gods, one is the god who assists the combat state, and the other is the god who is responsible for healing the wounded. No matter what type it is, it is extremely important for the mercenary regiment. It is because of such a powerful auxiliary god god, the remnant wolf mercenary regiment can be so smooth in this precious forest.

"Roar!" After a fierce roar, a wolf finally couldn't help the delicious food** and suddenly rushed out straight ahead! And it is Zhong Cheng standing in front of it!

"Hmm! Looking for death!" With a cold hum, Zhong Cheng quickly punched the wolf's body! With a "c click", the wolf in mid-air sobbed, fell heavily to the ground, stretched out his limbs, and died!

This punch was extremely fierce and directly smashed the wolf's chest bone. The mercenaries around naturally couldn't help admiring. Even the other wolves shrank back in fear!

Of course, if you shrink back, they are not wolves!

After seeing the heroic wolves a little timid, another brave heroic wolf rushed out of the group and rushed fiercely towards a mercenary in front of him! Encouraged by this giant wolf, the rest of the giant wolf also launched an attack on the mercenaries one after another. This wolf war broke out in full swing!

The battle was very tragic, and screams and broken bones sounded from the chaotic situation from time to time, full of blood. The wolves launched an attack desperately, and the mercenaries also fought back fiercely!

But no matter how fiercely the wolves attack, the phalanx set up by the mercenary regiment is not chaotic!

The reason is very simple. If the wolf is injured, it will die! The mercenary was injured and could retreat from the front to the center for treatment, and then the mercenary would make up for it. Therefore, no matter how the wolf sprints, there is always a big man waiting for him in front of him.

This is the advantage of having more people!

In the end, the horn of the battle gradually stopped, and with a sad cry, the last wolf fell at Zhong Cheng's feet. The battle ended with the victory of the mercenary regiment.

At this moment, Zhong Cheng is already covered in blood. Of course, this blood is not his, but the wolf's. After all, Zhong Cheng is already a powerful figure, and it is still unrealistic for those first-class wolves to want to hurt him.

But even so, the miracles in Zhong Cheng's body are really consumed a lot. Because Zhong Cheng still can't perfectly grasp the strength of his fist, he will inevitably consume many miracles for each attack. One attack consumes less, but multiple attacks can consume more! Zhong Cheng also complained about this!

This problem has not been exposed before Zhong Cheng fought alone, but now it suddenly appears, which gives Zhong Cheng a headache for a while. Fortunately, Bauhinia reminded him in time and asked Zhong Cheng to take this opportunity to practice well, otherwise Zhong Cheng really didn't know what to do.

After hunting all the wolves, the mercenaries excitedly went to turn over the bodies of the wolves and took out Neidan from it. However, not every low-level monster like a giant wolf has an inner elixir. It's all luck to get as much as you can.

This time, God seems to be taking care of these bloody fighters. Except for a few without internal elixir, all the other heroic wolves have it. This is undoubtedly the most memorable thing for the mercenary regiment. For these Neidan, getting some injuries is nothing at all.

After taking away all the inner elixirs, the mercenary regiment continued to move towards the interior of the treasure forest. Of course, as of now, the mercenary regiment is still on the edge of the treasure forest. Compared with Zhong Cheng at that time, the speed of the mercenary regiment was undoubtedly much slower. After walking for three days, I haven't arrived at the Lingmu area.

Compared with Zhong Cheng, who only spent half a day walking to Linghu at that time, it was simply as fast as a turtle! However, this is also a matter of no words. At that time, Zhong Cheng was carrying the "devil sword", and everywhere he went, all kinds of low-level monsters obediently avoided the edge. So that Zhong Cheng has no hindrance and goes forward, and the speed is naturally fast. But the current mercenary regiment is always alerting the movements on all sides and ready to meet the monsters. Of course, the speed is slow.

continued for a while. Before nightfall, the mercenary regiment set up tents and set up tents on a dry and open open space. This place is already on the edge of the spiritual wood area. If nothing unexpected happens, Feixue can enter the spiritual wood group tomorrow to find the millennium spiritual wood he needs.

The reason why the mercenary regiment camped so early is naturally because the treasure forest at night is more horrible than during the day. Human vision is not as good as that of monsters, so night is undoubtedly the world of monsters.

After the inscription, Wang Huai immediately raised defense problems, and the mercenaries were also busy. As for Zhong Cheng, he naturally walked around the camp. He didn't want to stay beside Wang Huai and his son to create an awkward atmosphere, so every time he camped, Zhong Cheng would consciously wander around the camp for a while. As for Wang Huai and his son, they don't want Zhong Cheng to die outside the defense circle. Of course, they won't stop it.

This is also good, and I'm happy.

Zhong Cheng carried his hands on his back and walked around the forest at will. At this time, the miracle in his body had recovered, so Zhong Cheng was not afraid of being attacked by monsters. After all, this is only the outer edge of the forest of treasures, and the level of monsters is generally not high.

Walking aimlessly as usual, Zhong Cheng unconsciously came to the Lingmu group. Seeing that the height around were one spiritual tree after another, Zhong Cheng couldn't help stretching out his hand to gently touch the trunk of a spiritual tree, and a trace of nostalgia rose in his heart.

Zhong Cheng also came here three months ago, but at that time, Zhong Cheng was an ordinary person without miracles and had no knowledge of the divine continent. And now, everything has changed.

Thinking of sighing, Zhong Cheng couldn't help sighing slightly and looking around the surrounding scenery. The scenery of this rare forest is actually quite beautiful. The natural forest has its own charm from nature.

Just as Zhong Cheng was enjoying the tranquility brought by nature, there was a rustling sound in front of him. Then, there was a blue shadow not far away in front of Zhong Cheng. I saw a beautiful woman in a long cyan dress walk through the forest, but she lost to Feixue.

Gongsu Feixue saw Zhong Cheng in front of him, and her face couldn't help showing a trace of doubt. She asked, "Zhong Cheng, what are you doing here for?"

"Take a walk!" Zhong Cheng answered and said with a little surprise, "Miss, what are you going to do inside the Lingmu group? It's very dangerous there.

"Don't worry, I have my own moderation. I just went inside to find out if there was a suitable spiritual wood." Fei Xuebei opened her teeth and smiled and said, "Let's go back quickly. It's getting late. It's not safe at night in the precious forest."

"Well, that's good." Zhong Cheng nodded and walked to Fei Xue, ready to leave with her. But at this moment, there was a low roar behind them!

Zhong Cheng and the two of them were shocked and turned around almost at the same time! Behind them, there was suddenly a tauren who was nearly two meters tall and red with a huge axe in his hand. The taurouni stared at the two human beings in front of him with red eyes, and a few white fogs erupted from his huge nostrils from time to time, as if he were extremely angry.

"Monster!" Fei Xue exclaimed, opened her beautiful eyes in disbelief, and muttered, "There is no reason! This is just the edge of the spiritual wood group. How can there be a bullhead!"

"Don't think so much, get ready to meet the enemy!" Zhong Cheng stared coldly at the fiery red bull-headed monster in front of him and reminded him loudly.