God's Deacon

Chapter 154 has *

Junlang looked at the mountain made of miracles on Zhong Cheng's body, raised the corners of his mouth and muttered with great interest, "Curiosity, it seems that this boy * is not small! Let me see what other magic methods you have! Giant rock wall!"

With the gentle finger of Junlang's right index finger, the land in front of Zhong Cheng suddenly began to shake, and then the huge stone bulged, and a stone wall emerged, blocking Zhong Cheng's way again.

This time, when Zhong Cheng was ready to withdraw from the stone wall in the opposite direction in the same way, Junlang had quickly used the divine method of "gravity pressure". Under its effect, the stone wall in front of Zhong Cheng burst with a bang, and the flying stones from all over the place quickly hit Zhong Cheng's face.

Zhong Cheng was stunned. Due to the excessive distance, the defensive ability of the mountain sword alone may not be able to stop this wave of attacks. Fortunately, today's Zhong Cheng has rich practical experience. He knew that he could not protect himself with the sword of the mountain alone, so the miracle in his body quickly condensed in his fists. Then punch forward vigorously!

"Breaking the sky!"

The violent power on the fist soon hit the boulder, and there were several roars in the air. At this moment, the flying stones shot at Zhong Cheng have been smashed by the huge power of the sky!

After the two forces collided, a huge anti-shock force quickly rushed to Zhong Cheng's body, and Zhong Cheng did not stop him, and still retreated with this anti-shock force! He didn't want to be tortured by that Junlang so endlessly. After several battles just now, Zhong Cheng has clearly understood the insurmountable gap between himself and the other party. In the eyes of the other party, I'm afraid that I'm trying my best is just a doll still being played with.

Zhong Cheng's expectation is right. Even now, Junlang still does not regard Zhong Cheng as his enemy. Because the gap between them is too obvious, in Junlang's view, Zhong Cheng's ability to fight against his scattered attacks is already very good.

Although Zhong Cheng has exhausted his efforts, although Junlang is still not serious...

"Although this boy is only in the strength of the general, all the magic methods he has learned can make people jealous! And he looks only 20 years old at most, but his strength has reached this level! Sure enough, is there *?" After a few moves, Junlang was more curious about Zhong Cheng.

"Yes, I also think it's a little abnormal." The woman beside Junlang nodded and put away her charming expression for the first time. "The strength and magic shown by this boy are too unexpected. General, it's better to be careful!"

"Hmm." Junlang nodded, and his serious face now looks more serious. He knows what this woman is scrupulous about. On the divine continent, he should never offend those * characters casually. Otherwise, the consequences may be very serious.

Whether it is the "Sword of the Mountain" just now or the "Breaking the Sky" now, it is enough to make people jealous. And Zhong Cheng's own strength and his actual combat experience also make Junlang have a bright feeling. If it hadn't been for his strong *, Junlang would have found no reason to explain the current phenomenon. Of course, we can't send the possibility of endless adventures, but this possibility is too low.

Because he was full of curiosity about Zhong Cheng, Junlang was not in a hurry to chase him, but kept staring at him until his body hit the ground again.

After his body landed on the ground, Zhong Cheng did not dare to be careless and was immediately ready to move at any time. Although he also found that Junlang had not taken action at himself from the beginning, Zhong Cheng could not figure out what he was thinking about in his heart. Because he can't guess the other party's thoughts, Zhong Cheng must be more cautious.

"Ky! Tell me honestly which family you are from. If you tell the truth, I can consider not killing you!" At this time, although Junlang was interested in Zhong Cheng, his tone was still as cold as at the beginning and unchanged.

Zhong Cheng was silent and looked at Junlang in front of him suspiciously. He didn't know what the other party meant. Because he has almost never had any expression on his face! Even if there is an expression, it is too subtle to look real. Therefore, Zhong Cheng did not dare to speak boldly for fear of saying something wrong.

Fortunately, at this time, Bauhinia finally reminded him. When Zhong Cheng didn't know what to do, a familiar female voice came to her ear.

"It seems that the strength you just showed has made him doubt. Just seize this opportunity and say that the name of a big family will fool him for the time being.

After being with Bauhinia for so long, Zhong Cheng almost forgot how to quarrel with this sometimes mature and solemn beauty. Time passed quickly, but in just a few months, Zhong Cheng's life has changed dramatically. He is getting stronger, and the stronger he becomes, the more helpful it will help to release Pluto and others who are locked in the tomb by Genesis. Although Zhong Cheng doesn't want to be a pawn in the hands of others, his personality forces him to accept this agreement and embark on the road to becoming stronger!

Facing Junlang's cold color, Zhong Cheng sighed helplessly and shook his head, "I didn't expect it, since you saw it!" I can't help it. I'll tell you that my surname is actually Qian!"

After Bauhinia gave a hint, Zhong Cheng was no longer confused, so he said such a sentence calmly. He doesn't know when he began to trust this figure out woman so much.

"Money, God of Wealth..." After hearing this sentence, even the steady figure like Junlang couldn't help showing a shocked look. No one knows the god zhi zhe on the divine continent, just like no one knows the divine college. Among the families of the three gods, the first to become famous is the Qian family, the God of Wealth! The richest family in the whole continent!

Their wealth is far from enough to be said to be rich! Think about it, no one can explain how much assets the God of Wealth family has accumulated since tens of thousands of years. Moreover, as the first person to become a god on the divine continent, the strength of his descendants does not belong to the families of the other two gods at all.

Therefore, no one dares to provoke the God of Wealth family with absolute wealth and absolute strength. This also includes Junlang. Even he is unwilling to provoke the God of Wealth family. However, the credibility of Zhong Cheng's words still needs to be discussed. After all, on the Tongshen Continent, there are many desperate guys who protect themselves in the name of a certain family.

After a brief meditation, Junlang raised his head and said to Zhong Cheng, "In this case, you can leave."

Maybe he didn't expect that things would go so smoothly. After listening to Junlang's words, Zhong Cheng didn't react for a moment. He stared at the expressionless man in front of him and said secretly, "Strange, don't you doubt it?"

In fact, of course, Junlang has doubts in his heart. After all, there are many people in the world who want to pretend to be the money family to save their lives. However, since he just saw Zhong Cheng's ability, Julang has almost confirmed that Zhong Cheng's * is not ordinary, so when Zhong Cheng said his surname Qian, although Junlang was surprised, he also felt that it could be explained.

And for things like this, it is better to believe in something rather than nothing. In a word, for Junlang, whether Zhong Cheng is real or fake, killing him or not will not affect the situation. In this case, why not spare his life? That's why Junlang said such a sentence after meditation.

"Don't get me wrong, I naturally have doubts about your identity, but for me, you have nothing to do with me. So, you can get out of here." Junlang said Zhong Cheng's thoughts and dispelled his concerns.

Since Junlang has said so, Zhong Cheng is not worried about anything. He smiled freely and said, "So you are quite wise!"

"I don't want to talk nonsense. Hurry up if you want to leave!" Junlang urged coldly and was not afraid at all because of Zhong Cheng's identity.

This made Zhong Cheng quite strange and thought to himself, "This man is really strange. If I am really a person of the Qian family, isn't he afraid that I will recruit people to revenge on him in the future?"

However, now is not the time to think about this kind of thing. Under the current circumstances, Zhong Cheng can leave here intact, but the Wuhuaren on the ground is sad. If Zhong Cheng just wanted to escape for his life, he could leave at the beginning, and the reason why he didn't leave was that there was still a seriously injured Wuhua lying on the ground. If this proud young man is taken away, Zhong Cheng's meaning will be gone.

So, instead of moving his footsteps, he stood still, glanced at Wuhua who fell on the ground, then looked directly at Junlang in front of him and asked, "If I leave, can I take this person with me?"