God's Deacon

Chapter 159 Wolf King

To his surprise, the man did not shirk, but simply replied, "I see." After saying that, the man's mouth suddenly let out a long roar, and then the wolves began to slowly retreat and gradually disappeared from Zhong Cheng's vision.

After the wolves completely retreated, the man in a black robe and a cloak said with a very fluent tongue, "Is it okay now?"

Zhong Cheng smiled, withdrew the anti-God sword from the ring, and said with a smile, "Ok, but I hope you can raise your head first and take off your cloak."


The man answered, stretched out his hand to take off the cloak on his head, and then raised his head to reveal his face. The man has beautiful hair, wrinkles on his face, and looks flat. He doesn't look like Zhong Cheng's imaginary high man, but like an old man everywhere on the street.

After taking off his cloak, the old man looked at Zhong Cheng with his lax eyes and asked, "Is there any other problem? If not, I hope you can return to a few old questions.

This is the end of the matter. Zhong Cheng didn't have much to say. He nodded and said, "No problem. Ask whatever you want to ask, but as long as I can answer you, it will never be ambiguous. But I hope you can answer my questions later.

The old man bowed slightly and said, "Yes. So, the old man began to ask, sir, is that sword just now an anti-God sword?

Zhong Cheng pondered for a while and nodded, "You're right. This is indeed an anti-God sword. But how do you know?" It is also normal for Zhong Cheng to wonder. After all, Bauhinia said that she and the Sword God were deceived into the chaotic world by the Creator tens of thousands of years ago, so for today's people, there should be no reason to recognize the anti-God Sword. Moreover, the sword god is not a god, so today's people may not even know what the anti-God sword is.

"Sure enough, it is an anti-God sword!" There was a trace of joy on the old man's face, and then he knelt down in front of Zhong Cheng and bowed his head and said, "Master!"

This change came so fast that Zhong Cheng, who was confused, couldn't help shaking and said in surprise, "What are you doing? Get up quickly!" With that, Zhong Cheng stretched out his hands to pull up the old man kneeling on the ground.

The old man seemed to dare not disobey Zhong Cheng and answered respectfully: "Yes." Then he stood up from the ground and sighed excitedly, "I didn't expect that it was really an anti-God sword!" Great! Great!"

Seeing that the old man in front of him suddenly became so excited, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but feel the confusion that the second monk couldn't touch his head. He took a deep breath and began to ask, "Old gentleman, don't be so excited, okay? Let's talk about it slowly. Let me introduce myself first. Zhong Cheng, may I ask your name?

The old man thought for a while and shook his head and said, "The old man has no name. If the master doesn't mind, call me the Wolf King."

"Don't have a name? Wolf King?" Zhong Cheng touched his chin and said, "Okay, I'll call you the Wolf King. But I hope you can change your name. To be honest, I'm not used to being called my master. If you can, just call me by my name.

The Wolf King looked embarrassed and hesitated, "This seems a little..." He originally wanted to say "not appropriate", but after seeing Zhong Cheng's serious look, the Wolf King only nodded and said, "Yes, Zhong Cheng!"

Zhong Cheng smiled with satisfaction and said, "That's good. By the way, let's talk about why you are wolves together, old gentleman. To be honest, I'm quite curious about this."

The wolf king said respectfully, "That's right. Because the old people have lived with the wolves for generations, the old man has also stayed with the wolves since childhood."

Zhong Cheng nodded thoughtfully and muttered, "Since living with the wolves, no wonder he can't speak clearly. Hey! Interesting." With that, he looked at the wolf king opposite and asked again, "I take the liberty to ask, where do the old gentleman's people live?"

The Wolf King replied, "Well, since our family is a single descendant, I should be the only one who lives with the wolf like this now."

This answer disappointed Zhong Cheng, but think about it. After all, there have never been many such alternative people.

After that, Zhong Cheng continued to ask, "Okay, next, Mr., please answer my last and most important question. Old gentleman, why do you know the anti-God Sword? Why did I suddenly become the 'master'?

The Wolf King nodded and said, "Yes, but before that, I hope you can answer me a question first. Excuse me, is this anti-God sword handed down by the Sword God?

Zhong Cheng was stunned, nodded involuntarily, and asked, "How do you know?"

After hearing this, the Wolf King's eyes flashed with excited eyes and said in a trembling voice, "Sure enough, it is the anti-God Sword inherited by Lord Sword God! Yes, you are the master you are looking for!"

"Uh..." Because he doesn't understand the trend of the situation at all, Zhong Cheng is stunned and really doesn't know what to do now. Fortunately, when Zhong Cheng was at a loss, the Wolf King began to tell the whole story.

"I think you still have many doubts in your heart. No wonder that a master like Lord Sword God will not publicize the good things he has done everywhere. The thing is, tens of thousands of years ago, my ancestors and this group of wild wolves suffered a great disaster enough to destroy the clan because they offended an extremely powerful figure! Fortunately, thanks to the help of Lord Sword God, our family survived. After helping to play with my ancestors, Lord Sword God himself went away. He didn't even say his name, just let my ancestors treat him as a swordsman!"

As he spoke, the Wolf King's face gradually surged with a look of incomparable respect, as if he had seen the demeanor of this predecessor.

Seeing this reaction of the Wolf King, Zhong Cheng nodded secretly and said to himself, "No wonder! Because the target is the predecessor of Sword God!" Although he doesn't know the sword god, but in the face of the unparalleled heroism of the sword god, Zhong Cheng still has incomparable respect for this predecessor of the sword god.

After a moment of pause, the Wolf King immediately began to narrate: "Although the master himself did not want my ancestors to remember him and repay him. But my ancestors didn't think so. First of all, in my ancestors's view, the swordsmanship of that the master can never be matched by an ordinary swordsman, so he is called the sword god. Secondly, my ancestors did not want their own family to forget this kindness, so they warned their descendants that if they met the descendants of the Sword God in the future, they would be sent at all costs to repay the great kindness of that year!"

"Oh, that's why you call me master! However, why do you conclude that I am the descendant of Sword God... huh?" With that, Zhong Cheng's expression suddenly stunned, and then he lowered his head to look at the ring in his hand and suddenly realized, "Oh! Yes, it turned out to be based on the Sword of the Anti-God!"

The Wolf King nodded and smiled, "The master is right. The reason why I can recognize the master is because of the anti-God sword in the master's hand!" After seeing the strength of the Sword God, my ancestors had a profound influence on the anti-God sword in the hands of the Sword God. After the rule was established, my ancestors started to draw the appearance of the anti-God sword and asked their descendants to be very familiar with the anti-God sword painted in the painting. Therefore, the old man can see at a glance that the sword in the master's hand is the anti-God sword.

At this point, Zhong Cheng has completely grasped the context of the incident. With incomparable respect for the sword god in his heart, Zhong Cheng suddenly smiled and said, "Old gentleman, you are wrong. Although this reverse god sword was passed down to me by the sword god, I am not a descendant of the sword god! At best, it can only be regarded as half an apprentice. When he was in the underworld, the Sword God did teach Zhong Cheng a profound truth, so it was not wrong for Zhong Cheng to say that he was half his apprentice.

After listening to Zhong Cheng's words, there was no regret on the Wolf King's face. Instead, he smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. The so-called descendants don't have to have a blood relationship with Lord Sword God, and the master-apprentice relationship is also okay. Because you are the current owner of the Heaven Sword!"