God's Deacon

Chapter 162 Kill the enemy

Just when he was helpless, the Wolf King suddenly proposed, "Mr. Zhong, let's do this. The old man took the wolves to kill directly from one point, and then Mr. Zhong, you take advantage of the chaos to save people. How about it?"

Zhong Cheng thought for a moment and shook his head and said, "No! You also need to respond to the wolves. What if you kill yourself into the enemy's array and the wolves attack the patriarch fiercely? Therefore, you'd better press the rear and control the wolves. As for the matter of entering the enemy, just leave it to me!"


The Wolf King wants to stop it. But Zhong Cheng has waved his hand in advance to interrupt him and said, "Don't say more. Don't worry, I have my own way to save my life. Just control the wolf pack to cover me. By the way, what are the characteristics of the patriarchs and elders? I'm afraid that I will accidentally hurt them later.

"The hands of the patriarchs and elders are tied with ropes. Mr. Zhong, it's still me..."

"Okay, I know. Control the wolves!"

Zhong Cheng did not stop his behavior for the Wolf King. He suddenly took out the anti-God Sword from the ring, then showed his figure and rushed to the opposite army! The Wolf King looked at Zhong Cheng's fading back, shook his head and sighed helplessly.

When Zhong Cheng was running away, the sound of Bauhinia suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Zhong Cheng, do you really believe what this old man said?"

"Is there anything suspicious?" Zhong Cheng asked while running.

Bauhinia smiled gently and said, "There are too many suspicious places. Both his identity and his appearance are very strange. You are so sharp, don't tell me you didn't feel it!"

"Yes, you're right. A person who coexists with wolves is really strange! However," Zhong Cheng turned his eyes to his approaching army, "the purpose now should be to save people! What's the matter? Let's wait until the person is rescued!"

"It's up to you. Anyway, don't be careless!" After the last reminder, Bauhinia was no longer talking. At this time, Zhong Cheng had also been forced to reach less than 50 meters in front of the army.

Because the soldiers in this army did not look into the distance from the beginning, they did not notice Zhong Cheng and the Wolf King at all. So at this time, at first sight of Zhong Cheng, the soldiers all looked surprised, and the army was also small **.

"Who is that man!"

"How dare you rush over in one breath, aren't you afraid of death?"

"What a strong momentum! I'm afraid this man is a god!"

I don't know which soldier said the three words of the divine deer, so the small ** immediately turned into a huge **! There was an endless stream of whispers, and everyone in the army, including the commander, showed frightened expressions!

God zhi zhe, the most awesome group of people on the divine continent! They are powerful; they have unlimited power; they control everything on the continent! In front of the deacon, the army is always so weak and fragile.

Because the divine zhi zhe has the ability to destroy tens of thousands of troops in one breath!

Of course, with Zhong Cheng's current strength, there is absolutely no chance of winning against tens of thousands of troops alone. However, there should be no problem dealing with these hundreds of mobile troops. After all, Zhong Cheng's main purpose is not to annihilate the enemy, but to disperse the enemy.

With the gradual approach of Zhong Cheng, the ** of the soldiers is also getting bigger and bigger. At this time, the bearded general standing in the center of the army gave full play to the calmness that the general must have. He waved his hand and shouted harshly, "But who is the other party! Shoot the arrow quickly!"

After his thunderous shouting, the archers in the army reacted and immediately opened their bows and arrows and shot at Zhong Cheng.

Seeing the black arrow rain coming, Zhong Cheng did not dare to hold it big. He immediately waved the anti-God sword in his hand, used the magic "Sword of the Wind" and rolled up the whirlwind back!

With this blow, Zhong Cheng exerted all his strength. So at the moment when the whirlwind and the arrow rain hit each other, the result was that the feathers and arrows flew! Zhong Cheng did not slow down because of the rain of arrows, and still rushed towards the phalanx in front of him at full speed.

Seeing Zhong Cheng exerting such magic methods, the soldiers in the army boiled again and shouted. It can be seen that their fear of the deities comes from the heart.

At this moment, the wolves surrounded suddenly roared up to the sky, and then ran towards the army in the encirclement as if they had received some order!

Originally, the commander of the army intended to focus all his energy on Zhong Cheng. But now after seeing the attack of the wolves, he had to give up his mind and shouted, "No one is allowed to leave his post!" Keep where you are!"

As soon as this word came out, there was an immediate uproar among the soldiers. Especially the group of soldiers directly opposite Zhong Cheng, with a particularly dissatisfied expression, all stared at their commander with resentful faces, as if to say, "Let's block this god keeper. Isn't this let us die?"

General Beard naturally knew what his men were complaining about, but the situation was so urgent that he couldn't think much about it. He pulled out the sword around his waist, kicked the horse's belly, and stood up with a "hout" sound! Then, the bearded general held up the sword in his hand and roared morale:

"Brothers! Be sure to get through it! Victory belongs to us!"

"Wo! "Oh!"

Encouraged by the coach**, the fighting spirit in the hearts of this group of hot-blooded young people was also stimulated, all holding high the weapons in their hands and wielding their **.

However, this has no impact on Zhong Cheng and the wolves. Zhong Cheng's self-confidence will not be worn out by a few shouts resounding through the world. And the ferocity of the wolves will not change because of a few shouts. So whether it is Zhong Cheng or the wolves, the offensive is still fierce!

Zhong Cheng, who was running wildly, came to a soldier in the blink of an eye. A trace of panic flashed in the soldier's eyes, but he still clenched his teeth and suddenly poked the long gun in his hand to Zhong Cheng. Unfortunately, in Zhong Cheng's view, the soldier's attack was obviously not a threat.

Zhong Cheng snorted coldly, turned sideways over the tip of the long gun, and an inverted elbow hit the soldier's abdomen. The soldier screamed, and his body was blown upside down under a powerful force and hit the soldier in line behind him heavily. Then, two soldiers crashed into the group of soldiers together, causing a large number of soldiers behind them to fall to the ground.

It is no accident that they will do this. It is only because the miracle contained in Zhong Cheng's blow is too strong that the rest of the strength will be so great. For a divine general like Zhong Cheng, it is more than enough to deal with some ordinary soldiers.

Flying the obstacles in front of him, Zhong Cheng continued to kill the center of the army. At this time, the wolves had also arrived and took advantage of the chaos caused by Zhong Cheng's blow just now, successfully broke through the defense of the phalanx and entered the army! So far, the whole army has been in chaos.

Although the bearded general roared loudly to stabilize the army, the soldiers who hurriedly responded to the attack of the wolves had already been in a mess, and there was only the idea of life-saving in his mind. How can he remember the formation and discipline?

In the panic army, Zhong Cheng passed all the way, crossed layers of obstacles, and went straight to the core of the army.

For those soldiers who dare to stand in their way, Zhong Cheng's attitude is not to kill them as much as possible, and directly blow them away with a fist containing miracles. Of course, sometimes in the protection of himself, Zhong Cheng also had to wave the anti-God sword to deal with the other party.

Compaed with Zhong Cheng, the group of ferocious wild wolves are not so gentle. Facing those frightened soldiers, the way the wolves is to tear them to death with their teeth! This is also the main reason why the scene splashes blood.

To be honest, seeing the blood and limbs flying all over the sky and listening to the broken bones, Zhong Cheng felt quite bad, and there was a feeling of nausea and nausea. As soon as he saw this group of fierce wolves tearing up the soldiers' bodies mercilessly, Zhong Cheng would lift his vest and feel cold. After all, he is also a human being. It is inevitable to feel uncomfortable when he sees his peers being brutally abused and killed. And human fear of wolves is almost innate.

After killing a man with a big knife in front of him again, Zhong Cheng raised his head and was surprised to find that there were several elderly people with gray hair and their hands tied by ropes just ten meters away from him. It should be the patriarch and several elders. And beside these old men, there were still several soldiers, but due to the sudden arrival of Zhong Cheng and the wolves, these soldiers' eyes were already flashing and their bodies were trembling.

It's not worth mentioning!

Zhong Cheng was not worried about what threat these unresponsed soldiers would bring to himself, so he stepped on his right foot and was ready to come forward to end them. But as soon as Zhong Cheng moved, he found that something was wrong. His left ankle seemed to be ringed and cold.

Zhong Cheng lowered his head to see the situation. At a glance, even he had always been calm couldn't help exclaiming and said in shock, "What is this!"

At Zhong Cheng's left ankle, a hand was firmly grasping it. This hand is a white bone!