God's Deacon

Chapter 164 Magic Soul

Looking at the surprise and fear in Zhong Cheng's eyes, Gongsun Xiao smiled with satisfaction and narrowed his eyes and said, "Well, the explanation is almost done. Let's start doing business!"

"Is it business?"

Zhong Cheng looked under his feet and found that his ankles were now caught by the white bones emerging from the ground.

Then, he looked at the situation around him doubtfully and found that there was this cemetery nearby and a dark forest in the distance. It is certain that this is by no means the grove at the beginning, because the trees around are full of dead branches. Just like the magic forest where the witch lives in the movie, it is chilly and creepy.

If the strange-looking trees in the distance are just a terrible foil under the night, the hundreds of square meters cemetery under your feet is undoubtedly the theme of horror under this moonlight. The cemetery at Zhong Cheng's feet is a standard mass grave, surrounded by bulging graves, but there are almost no tombstones, and it is completely unclear who the owner of the grave is. It is really because of this strange mess that the atmosphere of terror is stronger.

Looking at the dead environment around him, Zhong Cheng took a deep breath, put his eyes back to Gongsun Wei, and snorted coldly, "I'd like to hear how you can unlock the seal on my anti-God sword!"

Gongsun Wei's strength was originally far superior to Zhong Cheng, but now Zhong Cheng has entered the trap he designed, so for him, Zhong Cheng is just a non-threatening guy. When victory is completely turned to his side, he will inevitably forget his complacency, and this is exactly what Gongsun Yai is now. Therefore, he is not in a hurry to get rid of Zhong Cheng.

As if to show his strength, Gongsun Xiao smiled proudly and looked at Zhong Cheng's eyes full of conceit. He coughed softly and smiled, "Well, from the perspective of your cooperation, I'll tell you generously! Don't you feel that the atmosphere in this place is gloomy?

Zhong Cheng looked around and said coldly, "Yes, it's gloomy here that makes me think that I'm in the underworld!"

Gongsun Xiao raised his head and laughed mysteriously and said, "You're right. This place is full of the breath of death. Although it is not the underworld, it is quite close to the underworld."

"Hmm!" Zhong Cheng raised his chin and said in a cold voice, "Is it necessary to play riddles now? Just say what you want to say!"

After listening to this, Gongsun Yai laughed again and then said, "Okay! It's bold enough, so you won't sell it. Let me tell you clearly that the cemetery under your feet, including the forest around you, is the opening of the door to the human world to the underworld! So here is both the human world and the underworld!"

Zhong Cheng's pupils shrank and frowned, "That is to say, this is both the human world and the underworld, right?"

Gongsun Yai nodded and said, "You can understand that this is the human world during the day. And after night falls, once the door to the underworld opens, it will become the underworld! The sunset is coming soon, and this place will soon become the underworld! At that time, I will have a way to lift the seal of the anti-God sword on your body.

After hearing this, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but be slightly surprised. Because this place is dark from far to near, coupled with gloomy death, Zhong Cheng thought it had already sunset! Thinking so, Zhong Cheng raised his head and looked into the sky. At a glance, he found that a red sun was slowly disappearing on the horizon at the edge of the sky. However, due to the heavy yin of the forest itself, the red sun could not shine here.

"So, after this place becomes the underworld, how can you lift the seal of the anti-God Sword?" Zhong Cheng withdrew his eyes and continued to ask.

Gongsun Yai's face has always maintained a complaed smile, and now it is no exception. He smiled, twisted his beard, and said with a smile, "Do you still need to say that? Of course, with the help of the unique breath of death in the underworld, let the anti-God Sword forcibly seal itself!"

Zhong Cheng raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "What does this mean?"

"Ha ha, it seems that you really don't know! Well, the old man will tell you today!" Gongsun Xiao paused and paused for a few seconds before continuing: "Because this is the junction of the two worlds, the space and time here are very chaotic compared to other places! Do you feel it too?"

Zhong Cheng nodded, looked up at the sun in the sky, and said, "Well, I do have this feeling. When I first came here, I thought it was late at night, but after seeing the sun, I knew that I was wrong. From this perspective, the space and time here are indeed chaotic.

"Yes, because it connects the underworld and the human world, neither the sun in the human world nor the sun in the underworld can shine here. It's like a chaotic world. Space and time don't exist! When the door is opened, this chaotic feeling will rise to a higher level!"

Speaking of this, the smile on Gongsun's face became more and more self-contained.

"And I will use this chaos to create an illusion of the anti-God Sword, deny everything around me, and restore its original appearance! That is, the anti-God sword when you have never recognized the Lord! Isn't the so-called chaos the best way to clear everything? Hahaha!" With that, Gongsun began to laugh unscrupulously.

Hearing this, Zhong Cheng finally understood what Gongsun Wei meant.

As Gongsun Wei said, everything in the chaotic world is disorderly, and it is chaotic in time or space. And everything comes from chaos! Therefore, when the anti-God Sword King is like the chaotic world, he will mistakenly think that he has returned to the original point, thus denying anything before and restoring it to the most initial anti-God sword! The seal on his body will be lifted with confidence!

Thinking of this, Zhong Cheng suddenly realized why the anti-God sword turned into a stone sword when he first saw the anti-God sword in the underworld tomb. I'm afraid that after the anti-God Sword entered the chaotic area of the underworld, it relieved everything, which restored its original appearance.

However, if you explain it this way, Zhong Cheng will have to further explain another question - why does the anti-God sword release the petrochemical state in his own hands?

However, Zhong Cheng knows that now is not the time to struggle with this problem. Let's wait until he escapes and ask Bauhinia for advice. The top priority now is how to ask the other party's palm as soon as possible. Now I am facing a top strong man who is a soul, a bull/forced figure who can destroy the whole army in the air! For Zhong Cheng, the possibility of escaping from such a master is almost zero.

Thinking of how bumpy his road ahead was, Zhong Cheng couldn't help sighing. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, calmed his beating heart, and then opened his eyes to look at the relaxed Gongsun Wei opposite him and said, "That is to say, once the doors of the two worlds are opened, causing chaos, the anti-God Sword will empty everything. And at that time, will you kill me and take it away?"

Gongsun Wei nodded and smiled, "That's of course! But the old man will not only take away the anti-God Sword, but also take away the other treasures in your ring! I didn't expect that this time, I can not only get the anti-God sword, but also get the remnant soul of the dragon. This feeling is really great! Speaking of which, where did you get your dragon soul?

Zhong Cheng snorted coldly and said coldly, "What are you doing asking this? I don't seem to have the need to answer you!"

At this time, Gongsun was in a good mood and was not angry. He twisted his beard and smiled casually, saying casually, "I don't want to do anything. It's just that the old man sent a disciple to look for the remnant soul of the dragon in the mansion a few years ago, but the disappointing disciple has not come back yet, so he is quite emotional!"

After hearing this, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but be shocked and couldn't help asking, "Are you a thin master?"

"Sweet and thin?" Gongsun Yai obviously had never heard of the name and showed surprise. However, Gongsun is so clever. As soon as he saw Zhong Cheng's expression, he already understood what was going on. He narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled, "Oh, so it is. Did Jingfan deliberately change his name in order to sneak into the public mansion?

"Jingfan..." Zhong Cheng repeated softly several times, and suddenly an inexplicable sadness rose in his heart. When Zhong Cheng first came to this continent and wanted to be an ordinary person, Jingfan used to be the character he wanted to make deep friends with. Now, the old man is gone, and nothing is wrong!

The sun and the moon are still alternating, and the years are still flowing. And the changes continue little by little!