God's Deacon

Chapter 166 Dragon Soul Power

"This is the momentum! Summon up the courage to fight!" Bauhinia's tone was full of appreciation. She paused and then continued to say, "The sunset is coming soon. Now let's find a way to escape from the environment!" People who were originally in the illusion did not know that they were in the illusion, so it was difficult to liberate themselves from the illusion. But fortunately, you already know that you are in a fantasy, so you should be able to break the fantasy with your own ability!"

Zhong Cheng didn't have the leisure to think about how to crack the illusion, so he said bluntly, "Don't lift me high, just tell me what to do!" It's too late!"

"Oh, what a child who doesn't like to think!" Bauhini pretended to be disappointed and laughed, and then said seriously, "But you said it's good. With your current ability, even if you know the illusion in your body, it is quite difficult to escape from the illusion. Let me guide you on what to do.

"First of all, you must know that fantasy is born to have an illusion effect by directly stimulating the brain, so as long as you shake your mind or your will not be strong, you will be 100% tricked. Now, don't care about the things in front of you, let your eyes fall into emptiness, and at the same time condense your mind and use your soul to feel around you. Then show what you perceive in your mind!"

According to Bauhinia's instructions, Zhong Cheng began to gradually disperse his attention to the things in front of him, while condensing his spirit and feeling the situation around him with his heart.

This is not an easy task, but Zhong Cheng seems to be quite talented in this regard. Gradually, the scenery in front of Zhong Cheng began to fade away, and with the retreat of the scenery in front of him, another picture gradually appeared in his mind.

The * of this picture is still a gloomy forest and a dead cemetery. The difference is that the eyes in this picture are blank, and many joints on the body are blocked by one white bone after another, restricting movement. And opposite himself, Gongsun Wei in a black robe was there. Of course, what surprised him most was the gradually emerging door behind him.

This gate is located in the center of the cemetery, surrounded by a layer of faint green light. Even with just a glance, Zhong Cheng can clearly feel the cold atmosphere emitted from the gate.

It turns out that the gate has been formed for a long time, but I have never known it! And all the joints on my body are blocked by white bones. No wonder I can't move!

Illusion is born, what a horrible illusion! Zhong Cheng didn't even know when he was in the move!

"Well, you have felt everything around you. Now it's very simple to take out the soul of the dragon in the ring directly with consciousness and then absorb its power. As for how much power should be output, you don't have to worry. Shenlong will think about it himself.

Zhong Cheng didn't say much. He further condensed his mind. After building up for a long time, his mind suddenly moved and forcibly took out the remnant soul of the dragon in the ring by relying on his own consciousness!

Gongsun Wei did not expect that Zhong Cheng's spiritual power would suddenly soar. Under the attention, the natural illusion of the illusion would be broken! The sudden break of the work also caused Gongsun's body to be violently devoured by the "natural illusion", and he couldn't help stepping back a few steps.

Taking advantage of the gap of Gongsun's rapid retreat, Zhong Cheng further strengthened his consciousness and forcibly attracted the power of the remnant soul of the dragon into his body! Then, Zhong Cheng's body suddenly burst into light and smashed the white bones blocked at the major joints of his body in one breath!

As for the remnant soul of the dragon, it returned to the ring at this appropriate time.

The white bone was broken, and Zhong Cheng's body was instantly freed. Today, Zhong Cheng's body contains a large number of miracles given by the dragon, so he feels that he has an unprecedented power in his body! Zhong Chengxin, who soared in his body, urged the ring in his hand to take out the unparalleled sword and lift it high in his hand!

Amazing against the sky, heaven and earth change color! The gorgeous appearance and the infinite power, whenever he holds the anti-God sword in his hand, there will always be a sense of heroism in Zhong Cheng's heart!

However, Zhong Cheng knows that this situation needs to change sooner or later. He can't always rely on the power of the anti-God Sword to add hero to himself, but should use his own momentum to infect the Anti-God Sword!

Of course, that's in the future. Now, solve the trouble in front of you first!

Zhong Cheng looked at Gongsun's eyes suddenly, and then shouted loudly, and his legs curved into the air. Gongsun Xiao had also stabilized his figure and looked up at him. There was both surprise and disdain in his eyes. After all, in his opinion, Zhong Cheng's strength was far from hurting him!

"Bad boy, let's see what you're going to do!"

Gongsun Wei snorted coldly, unexpectedly put his hands on his back, stared at Zhong Cheng carelessly, and had no intention of holding an action. And his conceit directly led to Zhong Cheng, who was in mid-air, to have enough time to adjust the attack position.

After Zhong Cheng jumped up, he was not busy launching an attack. It was not until his body came slightly above Gongsun Yai that Zhong Cheng suddenly drank and violently waved the anti-God sword in his hand in the direction of Gongsun Yau's forehead!

"Dragon of the Wind!"

On the sword of the anti-God Sword, a golden dragon suddenly rushed out of the wind, rolling and roaring towards Gongsun Wei below!

Just now, Gongsun's face was still disdainful, but now, the disdainful face has completely disappeared! He felt how terrible the power of Zhong Cheng's blow was! That's a super attack that you absolutely can't catch! That's an absolute power enough to kill him in an instant!

In the face of such terrible destructive power, Gongsun Wei retreated and was afraid. They hesitated, and almost at the moment when the dragon appeared, they rushed forward! At the moment he just opened, the dragon of the wind had hit the land behind him! There was a powerful super explosion!


A loud noise resounded through the sky suddenly between heaven and earth! The earth broke, the dead branches broke, the ground was extinguished, and trees pulled up from the ground!

This is enough to destroy the destructive power of the whole army!

After that, the scope of the explosion continued to expand, and Zhong Cheng's feet were instantly filled with bursting light! At the same time, a powerful impulse hit Zhong Cheng from the blasting. He did not stop him. He just protected his head with his hand and let his body fly up with the impact. While his body was flying high, Zhong Cheng did not forget to observe the situation under his feet and searched for Gongsun Xia's body.

Although Gongsun Yae has been affected by this explosion, Zhong Cheng does not think that Gongsun Yae will die as a result. Sure enough, as Zhong Cheng expected, on the edge of the light of the explosion, a black figure suddenly appeared, rushing in the direction outside the explosion, that is, the direction in which the door of the underworld was opened!

There is no need to confirm that Zhong Cheng also knows that the owner of the shadow is Gongsun Yai!

At this time, Gongsun Wei looked a little embarrassed, but he was not very embarrassed. Although he was affected by the explosion, it was obvious that he had just exerted some magic that Zhong Cheng did not know to resist the power of the explosion.

It is worthy of being a strong man at the level of the demon soul, and he is unharmed by such attacks!

Zhong Cheng secretly praised Gongsun Nightmare, and then his face was pale. He waved the anti-God Sword again in mid-air, danced a wind dragon, and suddenly hit Gongsun Nightmare's back!


The golden dragon roared in the sky, and then ran straight to the back of Gongsun Yai surrounded by hurricanes! Although its power is slightly worse than that of what it just came, it is definitely not a head-on attack that Gongsun Wei dares to face!

Gongsun Wei looked back at the golden dragon, and then turned his eyes and fell on Zhong Cheng. Then, Gongsun Wei seemed to think of something, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

After seeing the successive angry Zhong Cheng and the majestic dragon, the old and cunning fox like Gongsun Xiao naturally understood that Zhong Cheng was using the soul power of the remnant soul of the dragon to strengthen his strength. At the same time, I also guessed that Zhong Cheng's attack would not last long.

Therefore, as long as Gongsun Yai can accurately avoid Zhong Cheng's previous attacks, then in the end, the winner will still be Gongsun Yai!

However, Zhong Cheng will not be defeated here so easily. The gate to the underworld has been completely opened at this time and is located less than 100 meters in front of Gongsun Yai. Now Gongsun Xiao has not escaped Zhong Cheng's attack, and Zhong Cheng can continue to launch a super powerful attack.

Whether it works or not depends on whether the front and back blows can be connected!