God's Deacon

Chapter 169 Dragon Soul Against the Sky

"What to do!"

This word keeps flashing in Zhong Cheng's mind. What should he do to force Gongsun Yai to the gate of the underworld? This is a question that Zhong Cheng has been thinking about since the beginning. Obviously, if you attack head-on, the flying Gongsun Yai can definitely rush to the sky directly to avoid it. And attacking from other aspects does not look very realistic.

Now in front of Zhong Cheng is a choice, a choice that is enough to determine whether Zhong Cheng is alive or dead!

I don't know why, when he was in a hurry, Zhong Cheng suddenly missed the voice of Bauhinia. He thought that if it was Bauhinia, it might really solve the current problem. But in fact, after Bauhinia reminded Zhong Cheng of the environment again, he did not say anything again. Of course, Zhong Cheng knew that Bauhinia's purpose in doing this was to defeat his opponent with his own strength, but he still hoped that Bauhinia could say a word, even if it was just encouragement.

When he felt that Bauhinia was beside him, Zhong Cheng could always quickly forget the danger he was in. What a strange and distressing feeling!

"The door is about to open. Why don't you take action?" Just as Zhong Cheng was worried about how to take action, Gongsun Wei on the opposite side had begun to sneer in advance, "Let's do it quickly!" There is such a big drum power in your body, isn't it a big burden for you? If you can't control it and the door opens at the same time, I will kill you!"

The last sentence is not a joke! Even if you think far away, Zhong Cheng can still feel the murderous spirit emanating from Gongsun Yai!

What shocked Zhong Cheng even more was that Gongsun, an old fox, was so clear about his situation! As he said, Zhong Cheng, who has absorbed the power of the dragon soul, can release a blow at most if he wants to combine the power of the anti-sky and the power of the dragon soul. And this blow still has a premise, that is, when Zhong Cheng can still control the power of the dragon soul. After all, Zhong Cheng's strength is only at the level of a divine general, and his strength has suddenly doubled to this point, and it is quite normal that his body can't afford it.

Zhong Cheng stared fiercely at Gongsun's old face full of wrinkles, and his fist holding the anti-God sword was also rattling. The more relaxed the other party was, the more angry he would feel. But helplessly, he just did it easily. Because he knows very well that if he can take action easily, it is best to be him. If this blow can't force the other party to the gate of the underworld, it will be meaningless.


I don't know when this cemetery and the surrounding forest have become a paradise for wandering ghosts. Next to Zhong Cheng, there are miserable souls everywhere, and it seems that most of these souls with green light are soldiers who came to this expedition.

Because they died on the battlefield, they only deserve to be buried in mass graves. Obviously, they are heroes who died for the country, but in the end, even the corpses can't be buried well. No wonder they will become lonely ghosts. It is precisely because there are more and more corpses and lonely souls in this cemetery that this place has become the connection point between the underworld and the human world, right?

Looking at these seemingly afraid but sad lonely ghosts, a strange idea suddenly came to Zhong Cheng's mind: Will he become a new lonely soul in this dead forest like them?

Of course not! Zhong Cheng doesn't want to die yet, so he must win!

Taking a deep breath, Zhong Cheng calmed down, narrowed his eyes, and carefully observed Gongsun Wei in front of him. Then, he turned his eyes and looked at the gate of the underworld 100 meters away behind Gongsun. At this time, the door has almost been opened. This also means that there is not much time for Zhong Cheng to think.

Under the incomparable pressure, Zhong Cheng frowned and his brain rotated rapidly, thinking about how to exert the most powerful power of the only blow. At this moment, his experience as a special forces soldier helped him. Suddenly, Zhong Cheng's mind flashed and thought of an idea that was not safe enough but worth fighting!

If there is a way, you can use it. The current situation no longer allow Zhong Cheng to think more and make more comparisons! After making up his mind, Zhong Cheng glanced fiercely at Gongsun Wei, who still looked relaxed and had the momentum of you to take over. Such a defiant attitude naturally further aroused the anger in Zhong Cheng's heart.

Zhong Cheng sneered and tightened the anti-God sword in his hand. He didn't speak or mock, because he knew that people who showed the ability to speak were usually weak! He will use his own actions to make Gongsun Wei regret that he once despised himself!


Just as the two were holding each other, there were suddenly waves of fierce wind around! Then, the wandering ghosts hissed for no reason as if they had received a call. The wind gusted, dark clouds over the sky, and thick dark clouds covered the bright moon in mid-air. At this moment, everything between heaven and earth fell into darkness!

In the face of these changes, Zhong Cheng was naturally surprised. But Gongsun Wei smiled and had a strong smile on his face. Then, he raised his head and laughed wantonly! Zhong Cheng listened to Gongsun's unexpected laughter and looked at Gongsun's back almost reflexively. As a result, as he expected - the door of the underworld had been completely unfolded!

The quaint door with a faint green light, and the simple pattern on the door shows its age. From afar, it is so grand and magnificent. The chill it exudes is the most violent thing Zhong Cheng has ever felt!

"Hahahaha! It's time, it's time! The anti-God Sword is mine!"

Gongsun Yai laughed and stretched out his right hand. A flame of the same color as the night suddenly appeared on his right hand. "Now the order here is chaotic. If I kill you, the anti-God Sword is mine!"

Although the moonlight was blocked by dark clouds, the sky and the earth have almost been safely dark. But Zhong Cheng can still feel how terrible the black fire in Gongsun's hand contains! If you let the other party do it first, then everything will stop!

Now, Zhong Cheng no longer dares to hesitate. He suddenly raised the anti-God sword in his hand and shouted, "Okay, I'll send you to reincarnation today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhong Cheng did not say much. He injected the power of the dragon's soul into the miracle, and the wind rushed to a position less than three meters ahead at the speed of incomparable ghosts! Because of the dragon soul, Zhong Cheng's body has been covered with a layer of golden dazzling light like the dragon of that day!

At this moment, the power of the sky and the power of the dragon soul are still combined. In the sky, there is already lightning and thunder, and the earth is also trembling with fear!

Due to the shock of heaven and earth, Gongsun Yai did not react immediately. When he realized it, a golden light had forced him. And in the golden light, Zhong Cheng, who is against the heavenly sword, looks like a heavenly man!

However, the demon soul is the demon soul, and the strong is the strong! Seeing Zhong Cheng rush in front of him, Gongsun Xiao laughed fearlessly and shook his right shoulder, ready to hit Zhong Cheng's body with the flame of the same color as the night in his hand. But as soon as his shoulder twisted, Zhong Cheng had already taken the lead!

There is no extra fancy action. Zhong Cheng just raised the anti-God sword high and silently injected the miracle containing the power of the dragon soul into the anti-God sword. Then, the anti-God sword in Zhong Cheng's hand played a soft curve in the air and quickly attacked Gongsun Yai!

The power of the anti-God sword itself is enough to make the sky shake and the sun and moon lose its glory. Now with the power of the dragon soul, you can imagine how powerful it is! Just waved a sword, but the body of the anti-God sword still burst out an unprecedented huge energy and pushed towards Gongsun's body!

What a terrible force this is! Just appeared, the huge cyclone caused by the powerful force has forced the surrounding land to crack, and the trees in the distance are also about to fall! Under such violent power, everything in heaven and earth seems to be torn apart mercilessly!

What an amazing power!

When Gongsun Wei saw clearly the amount of violence this blow had, his eyes became hotter and hotter, and there was a trace of heartfelt ecstasy on the corners of his mouth!

In his opinion, in a while, these two ancient forces will become their own possessions!