God's Deacon

Chapter 189 Eveep

After sneaking into the camp, Zhong Cheng did not dare to be idle and immediately looked for the coach's tent in the camp. How many tents are around him? Normally, it should be difficult to find, but fortunately, Jiang Guo seems to be popular and pompous. There is always a tent that is bigger and more imposing than other tents in a camp. This also made Zhong Cheng just look around and determine the direction to find the direction.

Zhong Cheng walked straight to the largest tent, and no one was seen along the way. It seemed that all the soldiers in the camp had gone to the front line to besiege the city. Although I don't know why the commander of this camp did such an unreasonable thing, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Zhong Cheng.

After walking outside the largest tent, Zhong Cheng was not busy entering, but stopped at the door of the tent, listened carefully to the sound in the tent, and looked at the situation around him. After making sure that there was no one, he walked into the tent.

The interior decoration of this tent is not as gorgeous as Zhong Cheng imagined. There is a machine case in front of the gate, and there are many bamboo slips on the case. There is also a screen behind it. As for the surroundings, there are some weapons, and there are no so-called decorations at all. Judging from the decorations in this tent, Zhong Cheng dares to be sure that the owner of this tent is definitely not a brain-damaged idiot general. On the contrary, from the decoration of this review, Zhong Cheng also vaguely felt that the commander of this camp may be a powerful general who often wins battles.

However, at this time, Zhong Cheng had no time to care about who the general in the camp was. He took a few steps directly to the side of the machine case and bent down to look at the bamboo slips on the machine case. Since the common language on the divine continent is traditional Chinese, Zhong Cheng can almost understand the article written on this bamboo slip. When he was looking at it, the Bauhinia, who had already returned to the Nether Pearl, suddenly reminded him, "Be careful, someone is coming!" Hurry up and hide!"

Bauhinia's words were anxious and did not seem to be fake. Zhong Cheng panicked and immediately looked around. He caught a glimpse of the two-meter-high screen standing behind him, so he dodged and dodged in.

After hiding for nearly a minute, the door of the tent was still quiet without any movement. Zhong Cheng couldn't help but have an ominous foreboding. He scolded Bauhinia angrily and said, "Okay! Don't you know that time is money? He even lied to me that someone was coming, which made me waste a whole minute.

"Ha ha!" Bauhinia's voice came slowly. First, he smiled and then said, "I didn't lie to you!" What I just said was that two people entered the camp from the gate and were walking in this direction. I didn't say it was outside this camp! Who knew that you were so anxious and hid behind the screen without saying a word. You could have left this camp!"

"You..." Zhong Cheng wanted to ask Zijing why he said it now, but on second thought about it, he guessed that most of the woman wanted to punish himself, so he didn't bother to ask the reason and changed his mind directly to vent his anger. But just as he was about to speak, Bauhinia suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Sil! Here we go!"

Zhong Cheng was stunned and just wanted to ask, but he heard a sound from the door of the tent, and then he heard a sound of footsteps. As Bauhinia said, there were really two people coming. Since someone really came, Zhong Cheng had to shut up obediently. And because he was afraid that the other party would notice him, Zhong Cheng deliberately lowered his breath.

When the two came in, one of the calm footsteps walked to the plane and sat down, and the other stood in front of the plane.

The man standing on the plane first smiled and then said, "General Jun, your dear soldier dares to sleep while guarding the camp. What do you think you should do?" This is a female voice. When Zhong Cheng heard this sound, he couldn't help shaking all over. He was very familiar with this sound. It was Aya who used the divine method "Holy Light Shield" to block his dragon's blow that day!

"How can this woman be here? Wait, if he is here, doesn't it mean..." The shock and doubt in Zhong Cheng's heart became bigger and bigger. Just then, the man sitting on the plane also opened his mouth to speak.

"It doesn't matter. The two of them have been surrounded outside the city gate for three days, and it's not a big deal to doze off in this leisure time. Anyway, there will be no enemy attack.

This calm male voice instantly confirmed Zhong Cheng's conjecture. Yes, the man and woman who came in were General Junlang, who almost killed himself that day, and the woman around him like left and right hands, Aya! I didn't expect that I broke into the camp of the God King Junlang casually. This luck is really bad! I'm afraid that these two are both gods and king-level figures. If he finds out, he will not be honored to die!

Decline! I can only say it's bad!

Unfortunately, too many regrets and emotions are useless now. All Zhong Cheng can do is hide his breath as much as possible and pray that these two people will not find themselves.

Fortunately, Junlang seems to have something on his mind now. After sitting down, he immediately slapped the plane in front of him and snorted coldly, "Well, you old man, how dare you fight against me! It's really yours!"

This sentence was so angry that Zhong Cheng couldn't help but be shocked. After all, before that, Junlang in Zhong Cheng's impression has always been an expressionless character. Unexpectedly, this happy and angry Junlang would now burst out of the anger in his heart. No wonder Zhong Cheng would be shocked.

Aya smiled and said softly, "General Jun, you don't have to be so angry, do you? Anyway, the old guy you mentioned is the prime minister of our Jiang country! Their officials are older than you, and it is human beings to refute your proposal in public!"

"Hmm!" The grid in Junlang's fist rang and gritted his teeth and said, "This old guy! Obviously, I don't know anything about fighting, but I have to come to the barracks for guidance! How dare you question my decision? It's really an asshole!"

Aya still maintained an elegant smile. She walked to Junlang's side a few steps ago, leaned over and smiled, "You can't say that!" The old Prime Minister asked me to besiege the city and cut off food, which was indeed a good way! Once the food and fodder in this city are cut off, they will naturally surrender. Isn't this a good way not to die? Moreover, how does he know that you are eager to break the city?

"Old man! I don't know how long it will take to wait like him!" Junlang snorted angrily and stared at the case in front of him. Suddenly, he shouted and punched the case, but with a bang, the case was still smashed.

Junlang stood up from his position, looked at Aya beside him, and suddenly smiled and said, "This old guy dares to disobey my will on the surface, so don't blame me for secretly killing him! Aya, do you think so?

"Alas!" Aya sighed, shook her head, and sighed helplessly, "I know what you mean, General. Do you want me to send the Prime Minister to the underworld?"

Junlang smiled gloomyly and said, "If it were you, there should be no problem. After the old guy dies, I'll see who dares to hinder the plan to attack Tamu City!"

"Hmm..." Aya lowered her head, pondered for a moment, and asked, "The death of the old prime minister is definitely a good thing for your plan, but aren't you afraid that others will doubt you if you kill him at this jumm?"

"Hmm! What are you afraid of? Those who like to doubt don't care about it!" Junlang put his hands on his back and said lightly, "Anyway, as long as you are sharp, they can't even find any evidence!" I can't find any evidence. What do you and I have to worry about? And soon, I won't have to be afraid of anything! Hahaha!" Speaking of pride, Junlang actually laughed carelessly. Aya, who was beside him, also looked at him with a smile.

Junlang smiled for a while, then looked at Aya and asked, "How's it going? It shouldn't be difficult for you not to leave evidence, right?

Aya nodded and smiled, "General Jun, you trust your subordinates so much. Do I dare to leave any evidence? However, there is something that seems to be told, right? With that, Aya turned her eyes and fell into the screen in the tent, and then smiled in the still charming voice: "How long do you want to hide in the screen and eavesdrop? Don't you want to come out and meet?"