God's Deacon

Chapter 201 The Origin of Daoming

The old man left with Jiang Linyue, but as for the way to leave, it still shocked Zhong Cheng - still went straight through the wall. I don't know what method the old man used to leave the stone room in such a strange way.

After the two passed by, Zhong Cheng has been standing still. For a long time... Until his body could no longer stand it, he suddenly shouted softly, and then sat on the ground and breathed fresh air.

"What the hell is going on with this old man!"

Zhong Cheng looked at the direction of the two disappearing with a confused face. At this time, there was no one around, so the Bauhinia in the Nether Pearl appeared in front of Zhong Cheng and said in her unique soft voice, "Ha ha, that old man is an agent god. It is also human's normal to be so strong!"

"Proxy God?" Zhong Cheng was shocked and looked at Bauhinia with surprise in his eyes. "You mean the strongest man on this Tongshen continent - the surrogate god?"

Bauhinia nodded confidently and said, "That's right! This momentum can't be wrong, the old man must be the agent god! I guess he is most likely the patriarch of the Medical God family, or the highest elder. If you hadn't worn the ring given to you by the money 14 this time, I'm afraid your life would have really been folded in his hands.

Zhong Cheng lowered his head and was silent for a while, and then raised his head and asked, "Do you mean that even if I use psychic scrolls and the power of the dragon soul, I am not his opponent?"

"Of course it's not an opponent!" Bauhinia laughed jokingly and said, "You know, he is a surrogate god and the closest to God!" Turn your hand into the cloud, turn your hand into the rain, just with your little bit, people can kill you in an instant, understand?"

"Ha ha, the strong are the strong. It seems that I still have a long way to go!" After sighing, Zhong Cheng took the anti-God sword in his hand back into the ring. Then he took a deep look at the ring in his hand and suddenly asked with great interest, "I think something is very strange. I don't know if you noticed it?"

Bauhinia nodded and said, "Well, I know what you want to say. The ununiformity of purpose, right?"

"Yes, the purpose is not unified." Zhong Cheng nodded and continued, "I remember that the purpose of Junlang should be to force the people of the Drian tribe to appear. However, the purpose of what Jiang Linyue just said is to chase the moon bow worshipped in Tamu City. They are all members of the medical family. Why do they have different purposes?

Bauhinia stretched out two fingers and smiled and said, "There are two answers: one of them is lying; second, one of them said that the purpose is for himself, and the other is for the family. Personally, I prefer the second answer. Because when I saw Junlang that day, I could deeply feel the obsession in his heart to find the Drian tribe!"

Zhong Cheng also smiled and said, "Ha ha, we thought of it together. Jiang Linyue has been protected by the family since she was a child, so I don't think she will lie about her purpose. Moreover, compared with the Drian tribe that no longer has the anti-God sword, the soul chasing the moon bow in the Intel clan is obviously more **. What a terrible power that can destroy thousands of troops and horses with one arrow! Moreover, with the status of the three god families of the medical god family, it should not be a problem to find a master recognized by the soul chasing the moon bow.

Bauhinia heard it with a slight smile and shook his head and said, "Zhong Cheng! You are too small to look at this vision of the soul chasing the moon bow! It is no exaggeration to say that as long as one person on this divine continent can be recognized by this bow, it is quite surprising! Don't forget that chasing the moon bow is an artifact. Since it is an artifact, of course it is God who can use it. What qualifications do you think ordinary people have to be recognized by him?

"That's true." Zhong Cheng smiled and did not refute. As Bauhinia said, artifacts are artifacts. How can ordinary mortals who use artifacts be qualified to be hit by artifacts?

"Who do you think is the final winner of this war?" Zhong Cheng suddenly asked.

Bauhinia didn't even want to think about it and said directly, "Of course it's Jiang Guo!" They have a family of medical gods*, and victory is just a success.

"Alas!" Zhong Cheng sighed, shook his head and said, "It's really the hometown of the sword god!"

Bauhinia smiled and said lightly, "There is no need to choke your wrists. It is all in the hands of the British people. As long as they are willing to obediently hand over the hope of chasing the moon bow, I don't think the medical family will be difficult for them. Of course, after that, no one expected what Junlang would do.

"Yes!" Zhong Cheng nodded with a slight sigh.

After a speech, both of them fell silent. After the silence, Zhong Cheng suddenly realized that outside the stone room, he did not know when it had become buzzing. Zhong Cheng looked at Bauhinia doubtfully, and Bauhinia just shrugged his shoulders to show that he knew nothing. Zhong Cheng nodded and wanted to ask something, but Bauhinia suddenly said first, "Someone is coming. Be careful and adapt to the changes!" As soon as he finished speaking, Bauhinia turned into a white light and disappeared in front of Zhong Cheng.

Just a moment after Bauhinia left, the iron door of the stone room was suddenly opened, and the middle-aged city owner led the bodyguard to rush into the room. After the city owner came in, his eyes first fell on Zhong Cheng, and then glanced around the stone room. His face suddenly became gloomy. He didn't say much. He went straight to Zhong Cheng, then lowered his business and said angrily, "What about the woman?"

Zhong Cheng pointed around and smiled, "Lord, can you still see it? The people who are with me have left.

"How to get there?" The city owner stared angrily at Zhong Cheng. It was not difficult to see that the city owner was already angry at this time.

Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "You may not believe it. Just now, an old man came and led the woman straight through the stone wall, which scared me."

Hearing this, the city owner in front of him suddenly took a deep breath and adjusted for a long time before asking, "What about you?" Why don't you leave with me?"

Zhong Cheng smiled and spread out his hands and said, "It's not easy to get into the city. I have no reason to leave like this."

The city owner frowned and said in a low voice, "What do you mean?"

Up to now, Zhong Cheng did not intend to hide it, so he said honestly, "To be honest, the city lord, in fact, he is not the messenger of Jiang Guo, but by some means, disguised as the envoy of Jiang Guo. My real purpose is to come into the city.

"Go on." The city owner did not interrupt Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng nodded and continued: "Although I am from the Central Plains, I am not from Jiang. This time, I went north to Tamu City to look for an old man named Gotar. Unexpectedly, Jiang's army besieged the city, and Tamu City was also heavily guarded, so that there was no chance to sneak into the city at all. Therefore, he had to make this bad strategy and pretended to be the messenger of Jiang Guo and sneaked into the city. Please forgive me for the rudeness!" With that, Zhong Cheng bowed.

The city owner was not moved by Zhong Cheng's words, but squinted at Zhong Cheng and asked, "Are you looking for Elder Gotal? That's right! But why should I believe you? Why did you say it now? Wouldn't it be bad if this is just a trick for you to stay in the city?

Zhong Cheng took a deep breath, pondered for a while, and said, "Now I'm sorry. To be honest, it is not clear why he did this. Just now, I just thought that the messenger disguised as a man was very interesting, so I wanted to temporarily pretend to be the messenger and observe her closely. Unexpectedly, she exposed my identity. With that, Zhong Cheng smiled bitterly for a while, and then continued to say, "Yes, there is really no reason for the city owner to believe what I just said. However, as long as I see old Gotal, I believe he will prove it for me.

"That is to say, as long as you meet Elder Gotar, everything will come out, right?" There was a trace of strange sarcasm in the tone of the city owner.

Although he didn't know why the city owner's tone was so strange, Zhong Cheng still nodded and said, "Yes, it should be."

"Okay! Just let you meet old Gotal!" The city owner smiled coldly and turned to the bodyguard behind him and said, "Come on, take him to Elder Gotar!"