God's Deacon

Chapter 203 Hidden Path

After hearing this, Tamuli couldn't help but be slightly stunned and looked sideways: "Your so-called medical god family? Does it refer to the medical god family, one of the three strongest families in this Tongshen continent?

Zhong Cheng nodded and said, "Yes, it's the medical family!" To be honest, if it is expected, the person who just came to save the woman should be the upper class of this medical family. And that man's strength may have reached the level of a surrogate god, which is the most terrible existence in the whole continent!"

"Proxy God? Ha ha, for this soul chasing the moon bow, the medical god family really took great pains!" With that, Tamuli smiled bitterly, shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity! We Intes are not a nation that will admit defeat! Even if we fight to the end, we will never give the treasures left by our ancestors to others!" Tamuri's expression was sad at any time, but his tone was so firm that Zhong Cheng had to believe that the man in front of him did have the courage to lead his clan to fight against the wolf-like army of Jiang.

However, Zhong Cheng doesn't want to watch the man in front of him die in vain! With the strength of the whole Anglo-family to fight against Jiang, which is supported by the Medical God family, there is no need to think about which is stronger or which is weak. After all the people of the Inte fall, the moon bow will still fall into the hands of the invaders. In this case, why don't you expect the soul to chase the moon bow for the lives of the whole clan?

So even now, Zhong Cheng has not given up the idea of persuading the other party.

"City lord, I really don't understand. You know that this is a battle that is unlikely to win, why do you let your people go to the battlefield to die? Even if the soldiers dare to die for the country, what about the elderly and children? What about women? What about these people? Are you going to die?"

Tauli smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "You don't understand. This is a national festival..."

"Absurd!" The angry Zhong Cheng no longer cared about anything and scolded, "Is it worth sacrificing the whole family for such a needy thing as integrity? This time you are just defeated. Will you have to die after the defeat? Victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers, and it is the king to save their lives! The green mountains are left, and there is no need to worry about firewood. As long as you are still there, don't you dare to take back the moon bow with your own ability in the future? But if you die, who will grab the bow back? Who will take revenge?

After listening to Zhong Cheng's fierce words, Tamuli first lowered his head and was silent for a while, and then shook his head and said, "What you said is reasonable, but do you think we have the ability to revenge?" With that, Tamuli looked straight in Zhong Cheng's eyes and was eager to get the other party's answer.

When Ta Muli suddenly asked this question, Zhong Cheng was also slightly stunned, but his reaction was sensitive and immediately said, "Who said no? There is nothing difficult in the world, but there are people with intentions. As long as you are willing to try your best to achieve your goal, who dares to say that there is no day when your dreams come true?

"Hahaha..." Tamuli laughed for a moment, shook his head and sighed, "Mr. Zhong! Do you know that your statement sounds ridiculous and ignorant? You said that as long as we are willing to fight, we will one day take back the moon bow. But do you know that we Intels are born unable to absorb divine sources, which means that we can never become divine adherents. What do you think we, who are not diviners, have the ability to compete with a rich family like the Medical God family? Each of their generations has excellent divine deer and the top strong. But what about us? Nothing!"

This stunned Zhong Cheng and couldn't help but blame himself: "Yes! How can I forget such an important thing?

You should know that the divine continent is a continent that only belongs to the strong. Here, the weak will never get freedom and respect. Moreover, because of the divine origin of the family, it is doomed that those poor-born children will definitely not be the opponents of other families. Because the divine source is the foundation of everything. Only with a powerful divine source can we condense powerful miracles and use powerful divine methods. For the children of the family, even if the divine source is not hereditary, as long as the elders of the family lead the descendants to search in the wild, they can still find a good divine source. In this regard, the poor children of ordinary people will suffer much more. Even if they have strong divinity and talent, if there is no divine source as the foundation, everything will be in vain. This is also the reason why the continuation of a big family is always much more than the rise of a new family on the divine continent.

Looking at Zhong Cheng's speech, Tamuli did not want to take advantage of the victory, but sighed tiredly and said, "Now you know, even if we are alive, it is absolutely impossible to revenge. Instead of living with shame, it is better to die on the battlefield. This is the national spirit of the Intes!"

Zhong Cheng looked at Tamuri's resolute cheek, and his lips moved slightly. Finally, he just sighed helplessly and shook his head.

At this time, in the direction of the gate of the cemetery, the soldier who reported the news at the beginning rushed in again, ran to Tamuli breathlessly, bent down and gasped, "Go back, report, city lord. Elder Yang said that the sacrifice ceremony will last for at least two days..."

Two days? Sure enough!" Tamuli sighed and didn't look surprised. He waved his hand to the soldier and said, "Go to all parts of the city quickly and gather people under 15 years old and over 60 years old, both men and women, here!" In addition, Elder Yang chased the moon bow with his soul and came over together.

"Yes!" The soldier didn't ask much, answered and ran out of the cemetery again.

After he left, Zhong Cheng couldn't help looking at Tamuri doubtfully and asked, "What does the city lord mean?"

"You're right. You can't let my Anglo people die for nothing."

Zhong Cheng nodded and understood what Tamuli meant. At this time, Tamuli suddenly asked, "Are you the owner of the anti-God Sword?"

"What?" Zhong Cheng was shocked and subconsciously asked, "How did you know?"

"There was a vision just now, right? According to the ancient books of our Intel people, the vision just now is closely related to an artifact. This kind of artifact is called the Anti-God Sword, which is also a peerless treasure that our Yingte people are proud of, and is as famous as the moon bow. If nothing happens, this artifact should have been worshipped in my Intite clan like the Moon Chasing Bow. It's just that this anti-God sword was brought into the Central Plains by an ancestor tens of thousands of years ago, and has not returned to our Anglo clan until now.

"You know a lot! However, don't expect to take back this sword!" Zhong Cheng half joked and said half seriously, "You know, this anti-God sword was taught to me by a senior master. So except for that senior, I may hand over this sword to anyone.

Tamuli smiled faintly and shook his head and said, "Don't worry, although this anti-God Sword is from its own British, it no longer belonged to my British tens of thousands of years ago, so I won't take it back so ignorantly."

"I think so, but why did you specifically mention this? Do you have anything to say?"

Tauli nodded and said, "Yes, since I think this anti-God sword is in your hands, you should not despise our British as much as other Central Plains people, right?"

"That's natural. I have never despised the British!" Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "I just don't know what the city owner wants to ask."

Tamuli's face showed a gratified smile and nodded, "Very good, that's all right. Mr. Zhong, I hope you can take my place to protect these young children and old people and escort them to a safe place.

Zhong Cheng frowned and said, "I really want to help you, but in the case of Jiang Jun's siege, I don't have the ability to escape, let alone take others."

Ta Muli smiled and said, "Mr. Zhong, there is no need to worry. There is another way for you to leave."

Zhong Cheng was shocked and asked, "The city owner means that there is a secret road in this city!"

Tauli nodded slightly, looked at the tombstone of the old man Gotar beside him, and said with emotion, "My father had long expected that Jiang Jun would break through the city, so he told me a secret road that could lead to a safe place at the beginning of the war. I guess the reason why Mr. Zhong came back to find my father is probably for this secret!"