God's Deacon

Chapter 228 The Battle of the Holy Daughter

"Ha...ha... When you get here, it should be okay, right?" Zhong Cheng gasped and looked back at the disgusting vines in mid-air. All these vines are forbidden there, and it seems that they can't continue to extend.

Arona's eyes also fell on the vine. After looking carefully, she nodded and said, "Those vines are constantly twisting in the air, but there is no sign of going down. They should not be able to come down. But I think we'd better go down first!"

Zhong Cheng nodded, dragged his chin to the edge, looked down, took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "I hope we can leave here quickly. But for me, it seems a little difficult to jump from here!"

Arona smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I'll let this stone rock come down again."

"Go down again?" Zhong Cheng looked at Aruna doubtfully and said, "Isn't it too much for you to use such witchcraft?"

"Of course, the consumption is very large, but don't forget, Mr. Zhong, I haven't taken any action since the beginning! It's you protecting me." This sounded relatively ambiguous, but when Aruna said these words, her face was as usual and did not show the shyness of the little girl at all.

Since the people who speak are not shy, Zhong Cheng has no reason to be embarrassed. He nodded and said, "Since you have said so, I won't persuade you. Please cast a spell and let us get out of this damn place as soon as possible.

Arona hummed, drew another character in the palm of her hand with her bitten thumb, then closed her eyes to read a few formulas, drank, slapped the land under her feet, and shouted, "Falling!"

With Aluna's exit, the raised stone rock under their feet began to make a loud noise, and then the rock fell straight down. The speed is neither fast nor slow, which can make Zhong Cheng and the two people standing on the stone rock just stand firm.


The huge rock fell back to the surface, and Zhong Cheng and the two of them were farther away from several vines in the air.

Looking at the vine in mid-air from afar, Zhong Cheng exhaled comfortably and smiled, "Finally far away! If you get close to that thing, even if you don't get killed by it, you have to be scared to death by it! Do you say that?"

"Ha ha," Aruna nodded with a smile and joked, "Not only will you be scared to death, but you will also stink to death!"

"Well, that's true. The smell is really unforgettable." Zhong Cheng also made a joke. Then, Zhong Cheng suddenly asked, "But speaking of which, patriarch, what is the witchcraft you use? I think this witchcraft is not only amazing, but also uses a unique power. It should not be a miracle.

As if she had expected that Zhong Cheng would ask herself about witchcraft, she smiled calmly and said, "Well, to be honest, the power used in witchcraft is indeed not a miracle, but a unique power called magic. And the effect of witchcraft is quite strange, just like what you saw, Mr. Zhong.

"Oh, it turns out that this power is called mana! What a coincidence!" As soon as he heard that the power used in witchcraft was a mana, Zhong Cheng couldn't help smiling. Of course, the reason why he smiles is that he is extremely familiar with the name of power! In the world where Zhong Cheng once lived, mana is generally the power needed to perform Taoism. I didn't expect to hear it here. It's really a coincidence.

Arona didn't know why Zhong Cheng suddenly laughed. She couldn't help looking at Zhong Cheng suspiciously and asked, "Mr. Zhong, why do you laugh? Is it because this mana sounds strange?

"No, this name sounds very comfortable, nothing strange. It's just that I suddenly thought of a funny joke, so I couldn't help laughing. Duoduo was rude. After saying that, Zhong Cheng arched his hand and apologized as if he were the other party. Wang Ruiyi hasn't thought about telling her about Taoism. If she says it, it will be another trouble to explain it. And Zhong Cheng hates trouble.

With Arona's eyesight, how could she not see that Zhong Cheng was deliberately fooling himself? Fortunately, she is not a woman who likes to ask questions. When she saw that Zhong Cheng didn't want to say it, she didn't plan to force it.

Zhong Cheng didn't want the conversation between himself to end like this, so he coughed softly and continued to ask, "Py patriarch, can you tell me the origin of this witchcraft?" Why have I never heard of such power on the Tongshen Continent?

Aruna smiled and answered as a matter of course, "Of course, there are usually only two powers circulating on the Continent of God, one is magic and the other magic. For the less famous partial practice of witchcraft, I am the only one who can do it in this world.

The method of partial door? I can't see it!" Zhong Cheng shouted doubtfully, looked at Aruna's face and said, "The two witchcrafts you have just performed are by no means ordinary! I think that if this witchcraft is cultivated to the point of magic, it should be as powerful as magic and magic! How can such a strong power be just a method of partiality?

After hearing this, Aruna couldn't help laughing. As she covered her mouth, she smiled and said, "Mr. Zhong is joking. I'm very happy that you can say that about witchcraft, but Mr. Zhong seems to misunderstand what I mean. My so-called partial door method does not refer to the power that witchcraft can exert, but refers to the way of cultivation. It is very partial, and it doesn't seem that most people learn at all. Ha ha, to be honest, even a small number of people can learn witchcraft.

"Oh? Will there be such a thing? Isn't the practice of witchcraft extremely difficult? When Zhong Cheng asked this, his eyes were full of curiosity. If Zhong Cheng only asked casually at the beginning, Zhong Cheng is undoubtedly already interested now.

Arona was amused by Zhong Cheng's interested appearance. She shook her head and explained, "It's not how difficult this witchcraft is, but the threshold for this witchcraft is extremely high. Because people who practice witchcraft must have the blood of the saint of the Drian tribe. Simply put, only the descendants of the saint can learn witchcraft.

After hearing this explanation, Wang Ruiyi couldn't help exclaiming, staring at Arona opposite him, and asked incredulously, "The descendants of the saint! What, can a saint have children?

Arona was a little confused by Zhong Cheng's grammar. She nodded and said, "Of course, the saint is also a woman. Why can't she have children?"

"That's not what I mean!" Zhong Cheng waved his hand and said, "I mean, can the saint get married?"

"Of course, why can't the saint get married? The saint is also a woman!" Aruna still answered Zhong Cheng's question casually. Looking at that, she didn't know what Wang Ruiyi meant.

"No, no, alas!" Zhong Cheng waved his hand again and sighed. After thinking for a while, he decided not to fall down with the other party, and then shook his head and said, "That's all. It's not important. Let's not delve into it!"

"Oh..." Aruna answered first, then felt bad, shook her head again and said, "No, no, take advantage of this time, Mr. Zhong, let's make it clear. To tell the truth, Mr. Zhong, I really don't understand what you mean. Why do you say that a saint can't have children?

"This... alas! Wait, I'll organize the language." Zhong Cheng never thought that a grand and confident young patriarch like Arona would be serious in this regard, and he couldn't help sighing and helpless. He knew that if he didn't make it clear today, Aruna would not let herself go. Therefore, Zhong Cheng had to lower his head and organize his own language.

"Let me say so." After organizing the language, Zhong Cheng looked up at Arona, who was standing opposite him and looking at him curiously, and said, "In our place, the saint means a holy woman. So saints can't get married. Because once the saint gets married, she will marry a wife, which will not be holy.

Hearing this, Aruna's face was even more puzzled, and she frowned and said, "Strange! Why is it that the saint is not holy when she marries a wife after marriage? Doesn't the so-called holiness refer to our hearts? As long as the heart is still holy, it doesn't matter if the saint is married!"

"This..." Zhong Chengyu was stuffed, because he really couldn't find anything to refute Aruna. Aruna is right. The so-called holiness should refer to the heart, which has nothing to do with the body.

To give a simple example, if a kind woman is ** one day, is she not kind? Is her heart impure? This statement is obviously unfair. As long as there is a little conscience, the person who hates it at this time should be the strong invader!

Since there was no way to refute, Zhong Cheng simply did not refute and nodded directly and agreed, "Hmm! Chief, I have to say that your statement is correct. It is superficial for us and other laymen. I also think that there is nothing wrong with the marriage of a saint. As you said, whether the saint is holy or not has nothing to do with whether the saint is, as long as the heart is holy. However, secular people always pay attention to it. I can't tell how to pay attention to the law. If there is a chance, you can go to the Central Plains by yourself.

Ajuna's expression looked a little frustrated and sighed, "Is this the definition of a saint in the Central Plains? Alas! According to this statement, doesn't the saint even have the freedom to pursue love?

"There is not only no freedom to pursue love! There is not even freedom to contact men!"

Zhong Cheng roared in his heart, but his face was quite calm and said, "In a word, this is the situation in the Central Plains. I still say that, patriarch, if you have time, you can go and have a look by yourself.

"Do you want to have a look by yourself?" Aruna muttered, glanced at her white hair, and shook her head with a wry smile, "Forget it, I'm afraid that people like me will be white-eyed by the Central Plains when they go to the Central Plains!"

Zhong Cheng smiled and waved his hand and said, "That's not true! Not all Central Plains people hate the British! If you don't believe it, let me be your guide and take you to the Central Plains. In fact, Zhong Cheng was not familiar with the Continent, but because Aruna's expression was so lonely that a strong desire for protection suddenly gushed out in Zhong Cheng's heart, which made him say such a sentence.