God's Deacon

Chapter 261 Finale 6

With the stop of the roar, the beam of light rising into the sky suddenly dispersed, soaring like a meteor in the sky. The strong red light stimulated Zhong Cheng's eyes, forcing him to close his eyes at this moment, and his face also showed panic. Because with the soaring of the red light, Zhong Cheng** sensed that there was an extremely terrible monster in the red light! That's a monster that Zhong Cheng, who even holds an anti-God sword, has to be afraid!

Compared with Zhong Cheng, the Bauhinia beside him was much calmer. Not only did he still keep a smile, but he was not affected at all after the red light soaring. He still watched the sudden change in the center of the lake, with a trace of interest in his eyes and smiled: "Oh? So that's what it looks like! It looks really awesome!" Having said that, it is not difficult to see from the tone of Bauhinia's words that Bauhinia does not seem to pay attention to the complete Zhong Cheng at all. It is no wonder that with her strength as a god, even the strongest person like Genesis has seen it. A monster is really like her magic eye.

Unfortunately, Bauhinia has no body, and even if it has strong strength, it can't be used. In the final analysis, in the current state of Bauhinia, it is estimated that the only place where strength can be displayed is the underworld!

When it comes to the underworld, a man's face will quietly appear in Zhong Cheng's mind - handsome appearance, cold expression, arrogant personality, yes, this man is the death, burial abundance!

It was a man in a black robe, a man with empty eyes and no focus. There is a domineering and unspeakable domineering spirit on the man's body! And this domineering man almost killed Zhong Cheng when he saw Zhong Cheng for the first time! If it hadn't been for being dissuaded by his beloved Bauhinia, the man who was called Death would not have let Zhong Cheng go, and Zhong Cheng was not even qualified to stand here now!

For this matter, Zhong Cheng has always been unforgettable, and it can even be said that it is difficult to let go! He hates, he hates! However, the object of her hatred and disgust is not Bufeng, but herself! The weak and powerless self who can only hide behind women to survive!

If he had the strength of Pluto at that time, would Bufeng still not take himself seriously? Will it still be so invincible?

No! The Jedi won't!

Only when he heard the angry look of the word Pluto from Funeral Feng, Zhong Cheng knew that his domineering spirit was gone! Because he is facing a higher level of domineering than himself - the spirit of the king! Even if death is buried abundantly, I'm afraid I have to be ashamed of myself!

That's right! This is the importance of strength! If you want to survive in this alien world of the law of the jungle, strength is the most solid foundation! Without strength, there is no need to talk about everything! On the basis of nothing strength, all power and financial resources are nothing! Because this is a world that advocates personal heroism. A person's strength is often related to the fate of a family, a country, and even the whole continent!

After finally understanding this essence, Zhong Cheng chose to become stronger. He hoped to stand on the top of the world, but at least no one could control his thoughts casually. However, this is an unreachable dream for Zhong Cheng! Because of their desire to become stronger, in the final analysis, it is just a trap designed by Pluto and others to release them from the chaotic world where there is no space or time.

Therefore, I am still just a chess piece. And the worst thing is that you can't do without becoming a chess piece!

In an instant, too many pictures and sentences flashed in Zhong Cheng's mind. When he reacted, the soaring red light had dissipated, and the surrounding space once again restored the situation - the space under the bright moon was shrouded in a faint red light.

However, the space has also changed a lot. That is, a giant monster about 40 meters high has appeared on the calm lake!

This giant monster is dark red and looks extremely strange. It looks like a silent mountain. There is a huge dark cyan eyeball at the front of the top, staring at Zhong Cheng and Aruna on the shore. It's so cold! Looking at the body of this monster, it actually wriggling with countless disgusting tentacles, which is really disgusting!

In addition, the most disgusting thing for Zhong Cheng is undoubtedly the stench emitted from this monster's body! This is a stench mixed with blood, which not only stimulates Zhong Cheng's nasal cavity, but also stimulates Zhong Cheng's nerves! He frowned deeply and showed a look of disgust.

"What the hell is this!" Zhong Cheng stared at the giant-like existence in front of him, bit his lip and said in disgust. Now Zhong Cheng is more disgusted than afraid. Strangely, the monster in front of us is definitely that kind of lethal monster! However, Zhong Cheng's heart is not full of fear, but disgust, a deep disgust from the heart!

I don't know why, after seeing this monster, a very unpleasant feeling suddenly rose in Zhong Cheng's heart, as if he had seen something extremely disgusting. This feeling is definitely not only because of the appearance of this monster, but also a deeper reason! Yes, it must be!

Thinking of this, Zhong Cheng gave up launching an immediate attack, but stood still, observing the actions of the monster while thinking about what caused the feeling just now. Obviously, the existence of the monster in front of him itself carries a deep sense of discord, and this inexplicable sense of discord makes Zhong Cheng's heart messy and an inexplicable disgust suddenly rise.

However, similar to this sense of no reason, if you haven't experienced a vicissitudes, you won't be so easy to know the reason. So now Zhong Cheng has unconsciously fallen into meditation, and it seems to be that kind of endless meditation...

"Hey, don't you think this monster is strange?" A familiar and gentle voice suddenly sounded from Zhong Cheng's side. Zhong Cheng turned in that direction and saw Bauhinia staring at the monster in front of him with interest, with a meaningful smile on the corners of his mouth.

As for the complete monster, it has been standing quietly since its appearance. Although the tentacles all over the body are wriggling irregularly, it looks very calm and has no intention of attacking at all.

After noticing Zhong Cheng's sight, Bauhinia turned his head and smiled at him and said, "What? Is there anything strange on my face?

Zhong Cheng stared at the beautiful cheek in front of him, shook his head decisively and said, "No, of course not. I just want to know what you just said. What does it mean that this monster is strange in appearance?

"Well, this ugly appearance is really weird." Bauhinia smiled, nodded gently, then shook his head slowly and said lightly, "But you and I both know that the really strange thing is not just the appearance, right? Don't you feel very uncomfortable?" With that, Bauhinia seemed to think of something and smiled, "Oh, by the way, my so-called discomfort is not this stench, but another feeling. A feeling that you don't have all the experience, but it can make you feel very uncomfortable. Right?

Zhong Cheng stared at the unpredictable woman in front of him, and his eyes were full of surprise. Then he lowered his head and fell silent. After such a short silence, Zhong Cheng raised his head again, with a complex look in his eyes. He nodded slowly and said, "Yes, there is indeed a feeling that makes me very uncomfortable here. Although I don't know what it feels like, it's very uncomfortable!" When he said that, Zhong Cheng's hand had been placed in his heart.

Seeing Zhong Cheng's frank appearance, Bauhinia smiled again. Unlike the previous smile, it did not mean a joking smile, but a smile of approval. Bauhinia smiled and nodded and said, "That's good. This proves that you haven't lost your nature."

"Lost nature? What do you mean? Zhong Cheng didn't understand the meaning of Bauhinia.

Bauhinia smiled and stretched out the slender jade and pointed to the complete monster in the center of the lake and said, "Do you know? This monster is indeed the complete body of the monster. Because this monster gathers almost all the negative feelings of human beings. That's why he is so ugly, so powerful and disgusting! Because among these negative feelings, there are always one or two feelings that they have or are, and people who have such feelings are usually divided into two kinds.

Bauhinia paused and pointed to Zhong Cheng and said, "One kind of person like you who has not lost his heart and will instinctively resist. The other is people who have forgotten this sense of guilt. There is no such thing as good and evil. Good will not touch them, and evil will not make them angry. Do you understand?"

When Bauhinia spoke, Zhong Cheng rarely lowered his head and never said a word, quietly listening to Bauhinia's words. After Bauhinia's words, Zhong Cheng still lowered his head and was silent, as if thinking about something.

This thought did not last long. Zhong Cheng raised his head and looked at Bauhinia, with a trace of doubt and pain in his eyes. "That is to say, are there many people on the Tongshen continent who have lost their nature even if they do not become monsters?"

Bauhinia sighed sadly and nodded slowly. For the first time, there was a trace of helplessness in his eyes and sighed, "Look at it now, yes!" Because the whole continent is full of death and desire, there is nothing we can do. In this world of the law of the jungle, if it is not strong, it means being bound and even death. In order to survive and gain freedom, people have to make themselves stronger in various ways. While becoming stronger, human nature is also lost. Because there is no nature in the law of the law of the jungle! When a person can kill another person without hesitation, his nature has been lost!"

"Really?" Zhong Cheng listened with a bitter smile on his face and sighed, "So, don't I have a tendency to develop in that direction? Because I have been forcing myself to become stronger! Maybe one day, for the sake of my own selfish desires, I will become murderous! At that time, you said, what should I do? Zhong Cheng suddenly fixed his eyes on Bauhinia, and his eyes were burning, almost like he was going to see through Bauhinia.

However, Bauhinia was not shaken by Zhong Cheng's burning eyes, but just raised his head slightly and said lightly, "There is nothing you can do about being in this world. Don't worry, no one can blame you..."

"Colding, if it's just someone else's scolding, that's better."

Zhong Cheng sighed again, and then gently closed his eyes. After standing quietly for a few seconds, his eyes suddenly opened, resolutely, and returned to the dark eyes again.

Raise the slightly glowing anti-God sword in his hand and point it directly at the monster!