God's Deacon

Chapter 282 Cooperation

For these, Bauhinia herself is obviously not very conscious, or she is deliberately unconscious. Regarding the emotion of the guardian lion, Bauhinia just smiled very casually and said, "Where, if I hadn't worshipped the God of Creation, how could I have no body or soul?"

"Genesis God!?" The guardian lion stared at Bauhinia in surprise, and never thought that the woman in front of him would say the three words "Genesis God" so casually. You know, among the four worlds, the creator god, who is the first of the three roots, has always been the strongest existence! He is the absolute emperor respected by all things in the four worlds!

Of course, the heart of the guardian lion is very clear that everything respects not the Creator God, but fears the absolute strength of the Creator God!

In this world, strength is often the truth!

"Yes, it's the God of Creation." Bauhinia nodded, and his expression was calm. "Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that the Creator was afraid that our talented people would take away his position as the Lord of the four worlds, so he made a little trick to deceive us into the spiritual sea to eliminate demons, and then opened the door of dimension and locked us into the chaotic world isolated from the four worlds. . And now, it's time for us to avenge him. She narrated simply, and her tone was extremely calm, not like a party at all. Maybe it's because I've been locked in the chaotic world for too long, so I'm numb.

After listening to this, the shock in Feixue and the guardian lion's eyes was even stronger! Although this man and a lion are not very clear about the specific situation, they have to be surprised as long as they think that the woman in front of them has the strength that even the Creator God is afraid of.

As for Shenlong and Zhong Cheng, they seem very calm because they know the whole story. Zhong Cheng, in particular, felt extremely disgusted. After all, it was for this reason that had nothing to do with him that he crossed to this divine continent and tasted the pain of being regarded as a chess piece.

Bauhinia ignored the surprise of Fei Xue and the guardian lion, and continued to narrate calmly and calmly: "So, in order to achieve the purpose of revenge, I need to use the power of the two. As long as you two agree to cooperate with me, I can help you revive the medical god family and let the guardian Lion regain strength. How about it? Isn't this proposal good? By saying that, Bauhinia had raised his beautiful chin and outlined a confident smile at the corners of his mouth.

Of course, she has self-confident capital. No matter how the guardian Wang Shi feels, at least the face of Feixue has completely revealed her heart. Although this cute appearance, the calculating woman played Zhong Cheng's upright Zhong Cheng, but she was still a little tender in front of Bauhinia.

After all, even the indifferent Yunmo agreed to Bauhinia's proposal and agreed to cooperate with it. I believe it's not a problem to take down Feixue! And as long as Fei Xue agrees, the Guardian Lion will naturally agree.

In this way, there will be another combat power on the Tongshen continent. As long as it continues according to the plan, it is only a matter of time to rush out of the chaotic world.

This scene was seen by Zhong Cheng, and he suddenly felt something in his heart. He couldn't help but feel a tingling pain and sighed secretly: "So, you are using each other, but I'm just a chess piece..." Thinking about it, Zhong Cheng's eyes were a little more lonely. He was betrayed by his lover just now, and now he is bound by the fate of the chess pieces, and his heart is naturally full of depression and pain. At this time, he just wanted to hide in a place where there was no one else, shouted without hesitation, and vent his anger.

Fist is clenched one by one!

Bauhinia's words have been made clear and really moved Fei Xue. However, Fei Xue still failed to make a decision. After all, she still suspects superfluous trust in Bauhinia. Except for knowing that the strength is so strong that the guardian lion has to be moved, Feixue knows nothing about Bauhinia. It was precisely because she knew nothing about the other party that she did not dare to nod and shake her head.

Life is often faced with choices. And sometimes, some choices can't be made by nodding or shaking your head. Fei Xue, who was entangled in his heart, turned his eyes to the guardian lion at this moment. After all, she is just a teenage girl, and she really doesn't know how to answer this deal that determines the future of the family. Therefore, she needs to seek a support at this time.

This reliance naturally cannot be Zhong Cheng.

The guardian lion sensed Fei Xue's eyes and lowered his head slightly and looked at the Bauhinia at his opponent from time to time. Finally, the guardian lion showed a trace of determination, and then said to Feixue, who was looking at her, "Xue, I think this woman's words are credible!"

It does not say why it is credible, because it does not know why it feels credible. It is simply impressed by the momentum of the other party. However, the guardian lion is still very confident about his intuition. In its view, pulling the dragon to the same front is enough to show the credibility of the other party. Moreover, the guardian lion also has a grudge against the Creator God. After all, in its impression, it was the God of Creation who instructed the wild fire cow to attack him!

What a selfish creator! For its supreme throne, it will do whatever it can!

Fei Xue did not doubt the words of the guardian lion. After hearing the other party's reply, she was stunned, and then nodded firmly, turned her eyes to Bauhinia and said, "Okay! As long as you can guarantee what you say, I can promise what you want me to do!"

"Very good, that's good." Bauhinia nodded slightly, and his expression remained unchanged, as if he had already expected it. She whispered a few words, then raised her head, looked at Fei Xue, and said, "In that case, I won't talk much nonsense. Now I'll tell you that you should do this. In order to succeed, I hope that the Guardian Lion can also help. With that, Bauhinia's eyes have turned to the guardian lion, and Fei Xue's eyes are the same.

Under the gaze of the two women, the guardian lion did not think deeply, but nodded directly and said, "Okay, you say."

Bauhinia nodded and did not say anything, but slowly closed his eyes, as if he were settled. At the same time, both Feixue and the Guardian Lion suddenly trembled like electric shock, and then closed their eyes like Bauhinia.

Zhong Cheng didn't feel strange about the strange behavior of the three people. If the guess is good, Bauhinia is instilling what he wants the other party to accomplish into the other party's mind with consciousness! And obviously, Zhong Cheng did not have the right to know about this.

After this lasted for a while, Bauhinia finally opened her eyes, breathed a refreshing sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Okay, that's about it." The laughter was as crisp as a silver bell. Unfortunately, Zhong Cheng can't come up with the idea of Feifei anyway.

Feixue and the guardian lion also opened their eyes one after another. The guardian lion's face only showed a thoughtful look, while Feixue's face showed a trace of uneasiness and worry. She looked at the Bauhinia and her eyes flashed with hesitation.

Bauhinia naturally sensed this strangeness, so before Fei Xue opened her mouth, she said, "Don't worry, there will be no problem. You just need to do it in the way I said. As for the rest, you don't have to worry about it. When I leave, it will be the day for your medical family to revive. In addition, there is nothing you can do but trust me. I know that you hope that the medical god family can become a strong family with the same strength as the other three god families. And you should also know that you can't accomplish this feat alone. So, you need the help of external forces. Isn't it right?"

Bauhinia is like seeing through Feixue's mind. Every word she said, even every word, entered Feixue's heart without any deviation.

However, Fei Xue's face still showed uneasiness, not because she doubted the authenticity of what Bauhinia had just said, but for another reason. This uneasiness was also very natural. Bauhinia noticed it. The depths of her eyes trembled and seemed to think of something, but on her face, she did not say anything, but asked, "It seems that you still think about it!" It doesn't matter, just say it."

Fei Xue hesitated for a while, then bit her silver teeth and finally said, "I'm very strange! Why me?"


"So, why me?" Fei Xue looked a little excited. "Although this is not as difficult as the sky, it is definitely not easy. Do you really think I can complete it? In this case, why did you choose me? If you choose three families, isn't it more likely to succeed?

"Oh, that's it... hehe." Zijing smiled and shook his head and sighed, "You are really not confident in yourself! Since I asked you to do it, it proves that I believe you can complete it, and I believe that the Guardian Lion also thinks so! Is that right?"

The guardian lion nodded slowly, gently glanced at the uneasy Feixue, and said slowly, "Although it is difficult, when Feixue's strength really reaches that level, it should be possible."

The words of the guardian lion are absolutely a comfort to the soul for Feixue at this moment. The fact is that when the guardian lion said this, the uneasiness on the snowy face obviously faded a little.

Bauhinia continued: "As for why I choose to cooperate with you, it's even simpler. One is because you have strength, the second is because you have obsession, and the third is because you have no way out. When I say this, you should understand what it means, right? Or do you really think you can't finish it?

"Is that so?" Feixue's face was a little ugly, especially when she heard that "You have no way out", Feixue's face was obviously a little dark. However, this unhappiness soon disappeared from Feixue's face and became invisible. She sank her head, thought for a while, and said, "Well, I will definitely finish what you ordered. In exchange, don't forget your promise!"

Bauhinia nodded naturally and said, "Don't worry, there is no need to repent at all. By the way, you can't disclose this matter to anyone except your grandfather, including otherwise, you can guess the consequences! Although I am just a consciousness, consciousness does not mean that there is no power. And I think you should not be stupid enough to do such a thing!"

This was extremely conceited, and Fei Xue was unhappy when she heard it. She snorted and replied angrily, "That's needless to say!"

"That's good."