
Chapter 5 Invincible Obsession

If the palace of Cang Mingzong is magnificent, then the iconic Tianwuhuangtai is magnificent and magnificent.

Tianwu Wasteland is made up of countless small venues, and the complete venue looks like an extremely large hexagonal square. At the five corners of the square, there are five tower-like large observation platforms, which are undoubtedly used by the elder disciples of each peak to watch the battle.

The observation platform at the corner is unique and exquisite. Standing on it, the sight of the field is the clearest. Obviously, this is the place for the main peak patriarch to watch. No matter who or any disciple, as long as you are on the square viewing platform, you can clearly watch the discipleship in the whole field, and your vision will be clear.

On the observation platform in the west corner, today ushered in a picture that has not appeared in Cangmingzong for ten thousand years. It is still a large-scale observation platform with majesty, and it is still the same as the other four observation platforms, but unlike other observation platforms, there are only three people gathered on its observation platforms. Compared with the crowd and hustle and bustle of other spectators, this place is undoubtedly empty and clear, and such a reverse will be surprising. But it is not surprising if you are familiar with the three people on the stage.

A seemingly majestic old man stroked his white beard with his left hand and his right hand behind his back. His eyes were sharp and he stared at a field in the square from afar.

He stood on the observation platform happily, as if he had integrated into the world. On the side, there is an old man with white temples standing, but his figure looks more and more chubby. Compared with the previous old man, his face looks like a profiteer.

The slightly squinting eyes are always full of greed. Even if the fat old man is still staring at the distance on the stage, the stingy appearance can't be concealed.

The last figure is as straight as loose and burly, the bones on the cheeks spread like the coastline, the bridge of the nose are tall and thick eyebrows and big eyes, plus an upright Chinese character face, and the muscles on its face are more like knives and angular. His head was covered with blue silk on his shoulders and a cyan robe, highlighting his youth and also confirmed his energy and sunshine.

Three people stood side by side, with their eyes condensing on a field.

These are three different eyes, and they seem to have different meanings when they look at each other.

They are Feng Yuanzhi, Chang Gusheng, and Zili as a junior and disciple.

At the same time, there are disciples and elders who pay attention to this site as Yin Yuefeng. After all, there is also Guo Cheng with their lineage in the field.



"Master, can the third brother win this battle?"

A slightly immature teenager opened his mouth and stood in front of him, a middle-aged man and two Yin Yuefeng disciples.

"The teacher does not dare to jump to a conclusion. Judging from the situation at this time, the two people in the field are still in a state of anxiety. Guo Cheng should have only one blow after such a long consumption. As for Lin Yi, Qingfeng's disciple that day, I can't see through it.

"Master, according to his apprentice's opinion, Lin Yi must be very weak at this moment. He can draw with the third brother at most, but if he wants to win from the third brother, his chances are not great."

The middle-aged man took over the words of a handsome young man. His skin was white, rich as jade, and his face was very handsome.

The middle-aged man listened, but suddenly shook his head and said:

"Yuer, you are still too young."

"Master, is what the eldest brother said wrong?" The teenager behind him was puzzled and asked, but saw that his master shook his head slowly. So he continued, "Didn't you say you couldn't see through Lin Yi? I think the eldest brother is right. If Lin Yi had been against me, maybe I would have shot him down the waste platform long ago.

"People with self-confidence is the starting point and beginning of practice, but if there is a lack of calmness in self-confidence, then impulsiveness will turn into atrocity. Yuer, and Yier, both of you have to learn from Guo Cheng, who fought in the field! Although his cultivation talent is not the best, his mind is the most calm disciple in my silver moon peak. If you don't change your arrogation in time, then Guo Cheng will go the farthest in the end.

"Master, I don't understand."

The teenager lowered his head and held his fist to solve the solution. The dissatisfaction in his tone was obvious. His cultivation talent is second only to the second brother who is still fighting in Silver Moon Peak.

When and where there is no way, the arrogance in the femur is inevitably exposed. The teenager is not used to covering up. There are only three words in his self-feeling, "It's unnecessary!"

However, just as he was waiting to see Lin Yi fight in a draw, there was a sound of footsteps from behind him. The teenager looked back at the Prime Minister and a young man came to him in the distance. The young man's skin is dark and his chin is sharp, but his eyes are particularly deep as the sea.

The young man is the second brother of Yin Yuefeng, who has just won the third round. His cultivation talent is to catch up with the pride of heaven, and his cultivation has reached the bone refining period like Lin Yi and Zili.

The second brother, the eldest brother, Guo Cheng, and the young man are outstanding disciples in Yinyuefeng. In the whole Cangmingzong, they are known as the four talents of the silver moon, but in the eyes of some people, the four talents are also like "like firewood".

"Congratulations on your successful entry into the Inner Sect."

The teenager looked happy and bowed to the second brother, but the second brother just nodded slightly and then shifted his eyes to Guo Cheng's venue. After watching for a while, the second brother said with some regret, "It seems that the brother has stopped here."

The teenager couldn't believe it, but he only saw the master's ugly face nodded.



Speaking of Lin Yi, he is raising his sword to welcome Guo Cheng at this moment. The shadow of the Taoist sword is like the wind, and the painful sword spirit continues to disperse. Guo Cheng holds the halberd and retreats step by step, and his face is pale and sweating like rain.

It has been more than half an hour since the two fought. If Guo Chengru, who was in the quenching period, had not been supported by his tenacious patience, he might have been defeated by Lin Yi early.

Of course, compared with his own unyieldingness, Guo Cheng understands that the final success or failure also means that he can't give up. However, he never thought that Lin Yi, who was almost the same as himself in the weapons competition at first, and even had an extremely unfamiliar sword, was still alive and became more and more brave in the war.


Lin Yi jumped up and raised his sword with his right hand to split his opponent. Seeing this, Guo Cheng's face was slightly painful. At high speed, he held the halberd tightly and attacked the sky, blocking Lin Yi's sword.

Suddenly, the sound of a metal collision came from the field, and the weapons of the two rubbed out countless Mars in an instant. The shrugging Mars shines like colorful flowers, and the residual force of the collision between the two makes the surrounding air seem to stop. At the same time, the huge force from the top down directly forced Guo Cheng to stagger back a few steps and finally half kneel down.

Guo Cheng gasped and his pupils were filled with blood, but inadvertently found that a drop of dense blood was flowing out of his hand. The fishy blood gradually flowed, dyed red, and his hands trembled.

The almost black crimson made Guo Cheng's vision begin to become drowsy. Strangely, the unyielding in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"I can't lose, I can't!!!"

He kept warning himself, and Guo Cheng stubbornly persisted. Even if he knew that he was most determined to lose, he was still unyielding.

Lin Yi looked at Guo Cheng's position and found that the other party was already out of breath. Those clear eyes began to be confused. Guo Cheng half knelt on the ground and held the halberd in one hand to keep himself from falling down. He lowered his head instead of admitting defeat, but tired. The green silk of the two wings fell straight down from both sides of his resolute cheeks, and sweat ticked on the slate of the field. He had to keep shaking his head to stay awake.

Guo Cheng was about to lose, and Lin Yi did not push up. Even in his heart, Lin Yi's admiration for him was gradually rising, and even replaced the joy of winning.

"Con admit defeat, you are powerless to fight again."

"I won't give up." Guo Cheng in the distance knew Lin Yi's kindness. He shook his head tiredly and then said, "Let's decide the winner of the last move. Thank you, Brother Lin, for your kindness. You have to be careful when I take action for the last time."

"Why? With your qualifications, even if you leave Cangmingzong, you can't go anywhere in the world. Lin Yi was puzzled. He wanted to persuade Guo Cheng to abandon the war. What he did was worthy of his respect. This is just a big battle, not a life-and-death battle. Moreover, this is Lin Yi's first scene, and he doesn't want any accidents to happen.

"Everyone's choices are different. Needless to say, let's fight!!!" Guo Cheng has always been unwilling to admit defeat, perhaps because of his personality, or he has some unspeakable secrets, but these are no longer important. The important thing is that at this moment, Lin Yi vaguely understands that his will to practice is not as good as Guo Cheng's desire for this victory or defeat.

Isn't it Lin Yi who did enough? So how on earth can it be regarded as practice?

Lin Yi abandoned all the wild thoughts in his heart. He withdrew his sight, and the infinite vision between his eyes condensed into a point, and that point gathered on Guo Cheng.

The next moment, Guo Cheng in the distance had difficulty standing up. He held a halberd, with a blue silk flying, and there were still blood stains of Yin Hong that had not been dried by the wind.

