
Chapter 9 Storage Bag on the Eve of the Final War

The moonlight became blurred, and the sky began to fade. When a touch of fish belly began to rise in the distant sky, the dark night became lighter and lighter, and a new day came back in front of people.

Today is the second day of the big day, and Lin Yi still leaves the bed early as usual. He went to the peach blossom forest at the gate and looked at yesterday's buds, which turned into blooming flowers today.

I don't know how many days and nights he has developed to welcome the morning light. Day and night cycle, four seasons change, and always remain unchanged.

After a whole night of practice, the energy of heaven and earth absorbed in the body is enough to run extremely pure. Although there is no change in the feeling of practice, Lin Yi also knows that practice has to accumulate slowly and cannot be forced. The air outside is much fresher than inside, especially in the New Year, when this clear gas is inhaled into the body, it will look particularly comfortable.

Therefore, Lin Yi can stare at the peach blossom forest in a fresh atmosphere for a long time, looking straight at a peach blossom on a peach tree, until the sky completely turns light blue, until a round of sunrise that is about to spray out on the peak of the East Mountain, until the pink peach blossoms is printed on him. On that beautiful face.

Of course, in addition to watching peach blossoms, he is still waiting for someone.

So, about an hour passed. At this moment, the morning sun is completely separated from the overlap with the top of the mountain, hanging alone in the light blue sky, blooming with its beautiful morning light, which is extremely beautiful.

And on the stream bridge outside the courtyard where Lin Yi lived, he could finally see a tall young man rushing forward from a distance through the cracks in the peach blossom forest. When Lin Yi saw the young man who continued to approach his yard, a smile also appeared on his calm face.

Because the person he had to wait for finally came.

Watching Zili walk into the courtyard door carelessly, Lin Yi greeted the predecessor of Chunguang, and then greeted each other a few words, and the two left the poor house together. Depending on its direction and purpose, it is actually going to the Shimen Hall of Tianqingfeng.

Along the way, the two were dusty and handsome. They met the brothers who passed by and praised each other a few words.

The Shimen Hall of Tianqingfeng is in the middle of the mountain gate. Compared with the northern end of the valley pavilion where the disciples live, it is not too far away. For practitioners, the length of distance will never be very important. For example, the speed of a great practitioner can be comparable to that of a horse, and it is easy to travel thousands of miles a day, and the speed of a master-level practitioner is simply indescribable, which can be described as fast as a car.

After Lin Yi and Zili spent a meal on foot, in front of them, they could suddenly see a huge palace group through the clouds, and the palace group there was undoubtedly the location of the Shimen Hall of Tianqing Peak.

The hall of Tianqing Peak is not as magnificent as the hall on the main peak, because this is only one of the five peaks of Cangming.

Even if the peak owner of Tianqing Peak is held by two elders, the structural refinement of the building is the difference between the sect. Branches can never replace the main vein, and the elders are just elders. Before the elder was promoted to suzerain, his power could not be greater than that of suzerain.

The two walked into the hall, and Feng Yuanzhi and Chang Gu Sheng sat on the main throne in the hall. Compared with Feng Yuanzhi's cold face, Chang Gusheng smiled. From last night to dawn, he had to say that Chang Gusheng was really a strange person. He drank a cup of fragrant tea and blew the heat in the cup, which was quite free.

The Shimen Hall is very large, enough to accommodate dozens of people standing in the hall at the same time. But strangely, there is no mention of carved beams and jade pillars in the hall, and there is no mention of golden glory. Ten huge wooden beams support the hall, and several dragon-shaped wood carvings on the spiral beams and columns are carved on them, which are lifelike, adding a bit of majesty to the atmosphere in the hall.

There are no dragons in this world, but there are countless legends about dragons.



"The disciple paid a visit to the master, uncle." Lin Yi and Zili came to the center of the hall, bowed to the two elders on the throne, and said in unison.

Around them, there are also more than a dozen Tianqing disciples, including men and women.

When the two elders on the throne saw Lin Yi and Zili coming, they waved to them that there was no need to be polite, and then one of them said, "Since everyone is here, let's go!"

"Lin Yi and Zi Li, you two will stay for the time being. I have something to tell you as a teacher."

Hearing that Feng Yuanzhi left the two, the more than a dozen disciples who left were a little unhappy. They were all fresh disciples of Tianqingfeng, but it was undoubtedly much more difficult than Lin Yi and Zili's practice.

So, when more than a dozen people left the hall, one of them whispered:

"It seems that the master has left the two of them this time, and he wants to give him some magic weapon. Hey, it's really not as good as people, and it's not as good as people everywhere!"

"Yes, the master is too biased. At least we also have disciples who have gone through two big games here. Why do the masters only care about the two of them? It's really unfair." Another disciple said.

"Master is like this. He usually only favors those two people, but now Neizong is still favoring these two people. Don't they pay a blind eye to us ordinary disciples? I really don't know what's the point of this practice." A blue-shirted woman pouted with a dissatisfied expression, which attracted many male disciples to nod and agree.

The blue-shirted woman's name is Nalan. The appearance is beautiful and beautiful, and a head of green silk turns into two strands, hanging straight down the white side face, like the salivating waterfall on the cliff.

The tall and delicate nose bridge, a bud-like green pink and red lips gently opened up and down. When she gently spit out the fragrance of Hualan, her jade teeth were slightly exposed, and her seductive eyes were like butterflies flying, making her look really picturesque, like a fairy.

Nalan's cultivation is quite good among teachers, and among ordinary disciples, he is even more advanced disciples.

For example, if there is no dazzling and light of Lin Yi and Zi Li in the division, then she can undoubtedly become the key cultivation of the division. Unfortunately, Tian Qingfeng has Lin Yi and Zi Li, so even if she doesn't want to, she can only be a relatively outstanding ordinary disciple.

"Okay, don't say a few words. You also know the master's protection. If he knows that you are here, he must throw you into the back mountain black hole to practice." The speaker was a resolute and upright young man, and a national face completely betrayed his honesty.

Although the young man looks too honest, it does not mean that he has no leadership skills. After hearing his words, everyone closed their mouths and stopped talking.

This resolute and upright young man is one of the few disciples who have spent two big games among these dozen people. In addition, Nalan also relies on her strong cultivation. If the disciples believe that this resolute and upright young man is because of his strongest cultivation here, their recognition of Nalan is undoubtedly due to her beauty.

Everyone loves beauty, and practitioners are also human beings and have a heart that loves beauty. Therefore, even if many disciples do not agree with Nalan's strength, they will agree with her beauty. So there is humanity:

"Big brother, it's wrong for you to say that. Don't you think the master's approach this time is really too much? I think the truth is just like what Sister Nalan said. The master didn't pay attention to us at all, let alone pay attention to it.

"It's a little too much, but since they are masters, they have a good reason to do so."

The upright big brother always seems so honest, even his words. He is not as loyal as Zoli, because he knows the way of life better. He continued:

"If you can all enter the inner sect, then the future practice will be treated equally by the sect. The master told me that the cultivation of Neizong is not as good as before, because it is a real practice platform. No elder will come to teach you in person, and there is no extra resources and information to assist you. You have to explore everything by yourself. Therefore, the master warned me last night that what I have to do now is not to complain about others, but to strive to get the qualification to enter the inner sect as soon as possible. At the same time, he also told me not to say this in front of you. He said he wanted you to understand it yourself.

"Then why did the eldest brother still say it?" Nalan asked.

The elder brother was silent for a long time and summoned up his courage to say, "Because I feel that since I am your elder brother, it is my duty to tell you the truth, even if I violate the master's instructions. And... I won't lie."


"Brother, you are such a good man." A woman's eyes were full of stars and said delicately, looking at the selfless dedication of the eldest brother.


"Thank you for your teaching. I'll wait to be taught."



Besides, Lin Yi and Zili, when they were left behind by Feng Yuanzhi, they were not surprised to receive special care from the two elders.

All kinds of elixirs in bottles and cans, all kinds of blades, all kinds of solid defensive armor, and all kinds of skills that are enough to make Lin Yi and Zili remember all kinds of collapse.

As long as everything can have a little effect, they have to be stuffed into the storage bag under the pressure of the two elders, and if they can't have a trace of things that can't be connected, they also have to be stuffed into the storage bag.

Until the crowded storage bag was full, and until the clothes that had nothing to do with it had nothing to do with it, Lin Yi felt that the development of things was too serious, so he couldn't help saying:

"Master, we are going to Dabi, not moving!!!"



"You child, you are so ignorant. Don't underestimate this ancient embroidered black robe. If it reaches the reserve period, it will be of great effect. I really don't know how to be blessed." Feng Yuanzhi said in a good way.

Then, he forced Lin Yi to put the black robe in his hand and even a little greasy into the storage bag.

It was not until half an hour later that Lin Yi's storage bag was full, and Zili's storage bag was also full, that the two elders walked out of the hall happily.

As beneficiaries, Lin Yi and Zili left here with their bitter faces and helplessness.

The four walked towards the tense Tianwu wasteland. Today is a certain day in a certain month of a certain year, and it is also likely to be the day of the final battle between Lin Yi and Zi Li.

