
Chapter 17 Paranormal

Looking at someone's breath is rising, an extremely pure blue blooming from his eyes, like two dazzling blue lights bursting out, and even the blue demon girl seems to have lost its luster at this moment. Nalan, who was in the corner of the wasteland, saw two beams of blue light bursting, and her incredible beautiful eyes also began to move to Lu Xiaoyu. His appearance was almost evil. She felt that she was no longer as dazzling as a blue rose, because the blue in the sky was covered by someone.

Blue, as Lin Yi's favorite color in his lifetime, now makes him feel an infinite crisis, and it is so close.

A few wisps of blue silk slowly grew between the long black hair, accompanied by the side of the cheeks and fell straight to the ear. The blade-like eyebrows were still slightly tilted up. In Lu Xiaoyu's blue pupils, Lin Yi suddenly found that the other party was no longer a person at all, but a jackal tiger and a leopard completely different from the practitioner. Not only is it full of fierceness, but also some desperate to exert the ultimate power.

A touch of light and shadow appeared behind Lu Xiaoyu, like a round of moonlight diluted in the daytime. At the same time, a glittering pattern lit up in front of Lu Xiaoyu's forehead, with an extremely mysterious ancient atmosphere in the light, as if some mysterious power was sealed in the pattern.

Lin Yi's vision gradually turned into seriousness. Compared with what he didn't know before, he can now be said to be clear.

The other party's performance was obviously catalyzed by his anger to a certain limit. Unfortunately, he was afraid that he would not escape bad luck at this limit, so Lin Yi began to regret that he had angered the other party before, and he did not get any benefits. As for the trap that he thought was important, it was still heavy now. Not important.

Whether it is right or wrong, it is impossible for him to exchange a few short words for Lu Xiaoyu's anger. Moreover, he has taken Yuejie Dan, and even if he does not die, he has a nine-layer chance to be exhausted.

In the case of death, the person who is about to die must consider how to die in exchange for some price. Lin Yi, who was brought to the elixir to the bow knot, said that he really did not want to die at this moment, because it was a shame for him and a disgrace to the loser. The most important thing is that Lin Yi found that the cultivation of the bow knot period is really strong. At least in contrast, when he was in the bone refining period, the bow knot was very powerful, and insurmountable.

He misses his strength in the bowing period. Even if his cultivation will completely dissipate from him soon, isn't his dream to become a powerful practitioner in the future?

What kind of realm is it to raise your hand over the mountain and step on the sea?

Compared with the two trivial stupid dreams he once had, his practice in this life is really much better.

Once I still wanted to walk around the world, holding a wooden ladle in my left hand, holding a scripture in my right hand, and reading the bitter poem I created with words: "I would like to shaved into a monk and wear a thick cloth to hang an inch. Take the ladle and hold the water as a drink, and raise the bowl to make a living. Lin Yi thought simply that he could taste all the bitterness of the world and be a bitter monk who had experienced joy, anger and sorrow.

For good, before he became an ascetic monk, he came to this inexplicable world. In this magical world, Lin Yi did not find anything about Buddhism at all. Except for thousands of ordinary people in the grassroots world, except for the prominent aristocrats in Kyoto, the world is only Practitioners above ten thousand people under one person.

With only the rein, wearing cold heavy armor, stepping on the horse wilderness, looking at other countries with cold eyes, leading countless non-commissioned soldiers to fight on the battlefield as a general, and finally harvested a victorious battle and cutting off the head of the enemy general. This is what Lin Yi came to this world. The original dream. However, the dream is always unfortunately broken by a enrollment of Cang Mingzong.

When Lin Yi began to enter the world of practice and opened up the first bone joint in his body, he clearly remembered that he raised a thousand pounds of boulder with his not thick arms at that moment. The excitement at that moment was no less than picking up 10,000 taels of gold, and in that dream-like day, he was still very clearly sealed. In my memory.

From a modern educator to this inexplicable world of practice, Lin Yi felt that he had changed a lot. In addition to his indomitable tenacity and the habit of getting up early every day, he felt that life had changed, his worldview had changed, his situation had changed, and his vision had changed. Of course, he believes that the most changed is the dream in his heart, because ascetic monks and horse riders are really unable to fight together.

Now, the dream is about to be broken, and he has come through the ups and downs again, but his life is always full of setbacks, let alone the end.

Lu Xiaoyu's whole body turned blue, his black hair was gone, and his face was full of blue. If his body hadn't still been like a normal person, if his ears hadn't grown as long as an elf clan, Lin Yi would have even absurdly thought that he was filming a ready-made American 3D movie Avatar without any stunts.

Looking at Lu Xiaoyu, who looks like a reduced version of Avatar in front of him, his face lost all his handsomeness, his face was ferocious, and his blue eyes did not bring him any Icelandic beauty. This really turned himself into a monster.

Compared with his angry appearance, Lin Yi felt that he was a hundred times ugly now. Of course, Lin Yi didn't want to tell Lu Xiaoyu about this, because he was angry enough.


A wild cry in the mountains suddenly came from Lu Xiaoyu's mouth. He shook his head as if he was looking for something. He was not too surprised by the people who looked behind him. Even if it was just a glance, the cold light in his blue eyes could make people cold, and cold sweat couldn't help wet a large area behind him.

There was a lot of noise outside the venue, and everyone looked at him in surprise. They didn't expect that he would even turn his voice into an orc and couldn't even speak human words. Lin Yi was also shocked, because the other party's current appearance is really too strange, strange like a rare variety of blue, which is beyond the normal cultivation method of practitioners that is not recognized by people.

If everyone present can explain this phenomenon that happened to Lu Xiaoyu at this time, then no one can really know except for some elders who have been far away for many years.

Zili looked at Lu Xiaoyu, and he couldn't help but start to feel a little strange. At this moment, Lu Xiaoyu believes that there is only one conclusion, that is, Lu Xiaoyu is not a human at all, but a wild beast full of blood. However, when Zili began to despise Lu Xiaoyu, he inevitably began to worry about Lin Yi's safety, because only Lin Yi was the person he wanted to care about.

"No matter what you become and how ugly you become, I won't have you." Lin Yi looked at the blue Lu Xiaoyu in the distance and said seriously.

Tragedy always exists all the time, just like no one knows that although Lu Xiaoyu has become this face, he can still understand what others are saying, so when Lin Yi thought that he could not understand people's words, he took the wrong step. Lin Yi guessed the wrong idea, and he should not say ugly words to Lu Xiaoyu in front of him. When Lin Yi finished saying that sentence, the blue Lu Xiaoyu on the opposite side jumped directly without saying a word.

The blue shadow's speed was appalling, and it was just a flash. Lu Xiaoyu approached Lin Yi's body in an instant. As the murderous intention of the pavement approached him, Lin Yi found that the cultivation of the bow knot period was suddenly a little weak, and in front of the barbarians, the cultivation of the bow knot period was really a little weak, no It makes sense.

a click.

There was a sound of bone cracking from nowhere on his body. Lin Yi frowned, but before he could find out, another click on his body came out again. He stood in the distance without any movement. He didn't want to move, but he didn't have a chance to move at all.


Chest, knees, collarbone, ribs, wrists, the hardest elbows, broken one by one.

The pain on his body made Lin Yi sweat. When Lan Ying took away the unique murderous intention from him, Lin Yi finally had a short time to release the pain. Unfortunately, his body has become extremely cruel. Lin Yi found that except for his intact spine, all the other bones that could support his body were broken.

His knees were like poplar tree with cut off the roots, and his arms were like branches hanging with only a layer of bark. His body completely lost its fulcrum and balance. With all the weightlessness in his body, his whole body slowly fell to the field like a strong poplar.

His body splashed with smoke and dust, and his mouth ate a lot of dirt and dust. Lin Yi's appearance at this time was desolate and could not tell how tragic it was.

Compared with the declining situation when eating dirt and dust, compared with the dirty image when he was covered with dirt, Lin Yi felt that this was Haotian's tolerance for him. What really made him feel helpless and pale was the pain of broken bones. He couldn't stand up. He sweated like rain, and he didn't dare to tremble any more. He was afraid of the blue shadow looking at the play in the distance. For the first time, he had such a strong sense of revenge in his heart, because he was really unwilling.

He knew that Lu Xiaoyu had been staring at himself and his body, which was no longer threatening. Zili in the distance roared, and he was sad that he wanted to come to rescue him, but he was held by Feng Yuanzhi next to him.

Zi looked at Feng Yuanzhi puzzledly. Although he knew that his uncle must have made sense to do this, but he couldn't wait any longer. He was afraid that the blue shadow would make Lin Yi fatal.

"If you go, Lin Yi will die. If you don't go, he will still have a glimmer of life." Feng Yuanzhi looked at the blue shadow in the distance and said painfully.

"Master, you should save Lin Yi quickly. His whole body is broken." Zi Li said anxiously.

"I will save him, but not now. If I take action at this time, it will be equivalent to forcibly stopping the big comparison. This is a violation of the rules."

"If Lin Yi really dies, that rule is useless." Zi Li's eyes were as anxious as a tiger. He really forgot that the person in front of him was still his uncle. Fortunately, Feng Yuanzhi immediately reminded him of his position, and he said angrily:

"Don't panic. How can you save him if you act so recklessly? And you are going at this moment. Can you still be faster than the strange monk of the ghost and blue spirit to save Lin Yi in front of him?"

Although Zi Li was still anxious when he heard the words, he finally calmed down and admitted his mistake and said, "It's the disciple who was reckless!"

Feng Yuanzhi was silent for a while. After looking at him, he let go of the other party's hand, and then looked at the square.

