
Chapter 22 Premeditation

The reason why the eagle is a big eagle is that it is really big, like a temporary dark cloud due to the rainstorm.

It flapped its wings gently in the air, as if it could continue to stay in mid-air without falling, but Nalan found that even with the gentle rhythm of the eagle, the wind stirred under the dozens of meters of wings became wild, as if it could blow mountains and rivers, making her afraid to guess that if it was angry, it would How serious and powerful it is.

The big eagle's eyes are very small. Compared with its huge body, there is only one small black spot. It looked at the square in front of it, where the breath fluctuated greatly. It stared at the square unmoved, and the people on its back were also unmoved.

One person and one eagle remained in mid-air, with the same calm eyes and the same indifferent face. The elder in the square who was injured and sent out the carrier pigeon stroked his chest with one hand and stood up to worship the middle-aged man without saying anything.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly when he saw the elder's visit. He always stood on the big eagle with his hands on his side. He looked like a fairy, without any sense of cultivation, but it was frightening.

The corners of the white robe floated, the robe danced with the wind, and his long black hair was simply tied, which looked simple, but he couldn't find any flaws on his middle-aged face. The flaw here undoubtedly means that there is no trace of time left on his face, just like his face looks a little majestic, but more stable and calm as a mountain. The man's eyes were like a torch, deep and full of wisdom. His tall and thick nose stood on his face, evenly separating his indifferent face.

"The patriarch is here in person, and you can't stop as soon as possible." After a long time, the elder outside the field saw that there was a lot of fighting inside and said loudly.

It seems that the word suzerain was particularly harsh. Four elders were removed from the field. The suzerain glanced at the four people and found that there were some red blood stains hanging on the corners of their mouths, which made him gently lock his eyebrows. The four people saw the wisdom in the eyes of the suzerain and knew that they were unhappy because of their defeat. They lowered their heads in shame, bowed to the man on the eagle, and dared not say anything.


A deafening voice suddenly sounded, and a burst of smoke and dust came to their faces. The four elders hurriedly turned around and flew back to avoid, as if the sound could make them afraid. However, when they retreated, the old body of the spirit son of heaven was extremely embarrassed and smashed the position where they had stood before.

With a bang.

Blood kept spitting out from Tianlingzi's mouth, dyeing a handful of goatee on his chin. He looked at the circle viciously, and his staggering body kept shaking. Soon, two figures appeared in his vision at the same time. Feng Yuanzhi and Chang Gusheng were still full of blood and murder, and there was a flame of anger in their eyes, as if they were going to ignite the white hair of Tianlingzi.

As soon as the two appeared, they ignored the suzerain on the back of the eagle. They looked at the messy spirit son and rushed up again.

"Tianlingzi, you have nowhere to escape today!!!" Feng Yuanzhi shouted.

Lin Yi's death hit him too hard. Did the inheritor of his life die like this? As a master, he didn't even have a chance to stop it. His inner breath made him angry.

Chang Gusheng, although he has been quarreling with Feng Yuanzhi for most of his life, since the two old man has been living together with Tianqingfeng for decades and countless years, it is enough to see that the relationship between the two is extraordinary. What's more, although he didn't say anything about Lin Yi, his nephew, he still liked him very much. At this point, Chang Gusheng knows that Feng Yuanzhi has the same view as himself. Whether it is Zili or Lin Yi, this is their most important successor and the hope of Tianqingfeng.

Now, Feng Yuanzhi's inheritor has passed away, and a beloved disciple who had infinite glory has passed away and died in front of him, making him lose hope in an instant. As the culprit who killed Lin Yi, Feng Yuanzhi must kill Lu Xiaoyu so that he can feel at ease.

On the contrary, Tianlingzi can only fight for Lu Xiaoyu not to be killed. In the case of one battle, Feng Yuanzhi really can't have any upper hand. However, coupled with frequent Gusheng, it will be a matter of time before Lingzi's defeat that day.

A long time passed, until the night hit as usual, the glow redder than the flame faded, and a dark blue began to turn black.

The war on the waste stage was still chaotic. Five elders and a young female disciple with different degrees of injury stood around. There was a big eagle in the sky. The eagle always incited the wings to prevent it from falling. The suzerain stood on the back of the big eagle and looked coldly at the duel below.

No one knows why he just watched their life-and-death war without stopping it. Even if it was just a short word of persuasion, the elders knew that no one dared to disobey his orders, but all this was like subverting the story of the past and becoming extremely ridiculous.



When the night completely fell, the darkness made the steep cliff look more fantasy and blurred.

The clouds began to become a gorgeous barrier at night, moving erraticly, like a long white gauze wrapped around the half cliff, and the silver moonlight shone on the whole dark earth.

There are shadows of trees on the road paved with bluestone slabs, and several shadows are constantly flashing. The diffuse demonic spirit makes the air of heaven and earth thinner. There are several immobile bodies lying on the ground, and I don't know whether they are dead or really can't move.


Unlike the dexterous wind sound, this is the collision between the two figures. Several vague figures cast a dark shadow in the moonlight and keep moving. Looking at the previous shadow struggle, it seemed that this was the friction between the two palms, with a continuous trend of retreating. One of them had blood from the corners of his mouth and his hand bones collapsed on the spot. Obviously, he was seriously injured and could not fight again.

The young man with a broken arm looked at each other in pain and was stunned. Zili's body, which is full of demonic spirit, has become particularly hard. He can force his strength with hostility, regardless of how big his fist is, and he doesn't care whether his fist is as tough as a sandbag.

Looking at the young man whose hand bones were broken by himself, Zili suddenly laughed. His fighting power in the evening was really strong, as if it was urged by the nature of the demon. Of course, Lu Xiaoyu and Chao Ge, who are in the distance at this moment, are staring at him. Their faces are different, and they both have a lot of injuries. Compared with their embarrassment, Zili has no significant blood on his body except for his messy black hair.

Lu Xiaoyu was seriously injured. He looked at Zili's eyes with obvious fear, while Xiang Ge's face was silent. He seemed to be thinking about something with his eyebrows.

"It's time for you to solve these cannon fodder." Zi Li's hoarse voice was more demonic in the dark. Instead of looking at the two, he looked at the flat bodies behind him and said coldly.

Hearing Zi Li's words, Lu Xiaoyu, who was full of resentment, could not calm down. He looked straight at the black burly figure but did not dare to fight again. He didn't know why Zili's strength under the demon body became so strong. For example, his cultivation was much higher than him that he could not see clearly, and Zili obviously would not Talk to him.

"How long can you stop him?" Chaoge, who had been silent, suddenly opened his mouth next to Lu Xiaoyu. He turned his head to look at Lu Xiaoyu and then said, "I need time, and you can find a way to get away."

Lu Xiaoyu frowned gently, with countless questions and curiosity in his eyes, and did not seem to understand Chao Ge's words. So, Chao Ge had to say again, "You lead him away. I need the body under his feet." After saying that, he inadvertently glanced at Lin Yi, who died with his eyes closed, and a sinister cold light flashed in his eyes that no one could detect.

No one can guess what he was thinking, such as Lu Xiaoyu's fear and timidity at this moment. He also doesn't know whether Chao Ge's words are credible. In case of an accident, he is likely to die. Lu Xiaoyu will not be so stupid to gamble with others.

"What do you want for that body? Now it's the demon facing us. Only he is the biggest threat to our life. You won't be stupid enough to grab the body and go back!" Lu Xiaoyu said fiercely.

Although he said so, he thought that 100,000 people were unwilling to fight alone. After all, Zili is too terrible now.

One palm can break a thousand pounds of stone, one punch can kill the lives of ordinary disciples, and the cold body behind it is a terrible manifestation of Zili's strength. All the ordinary disciples brought on the main peak are dead, but the disciple with broken hand bones is still behind. He shakes his body. Even if it is dark now, he can see how pale his face is through the moonlight.

He trembled with fear and dared not take another step forward. Lu Xiaoyu turned his head and looked at him, but couldn't help sweating coldly, making the disciple more and more nervous, and kept retreating.

"Only the body that controls his feet, the demons will not kill us, otherwise we will burn everything. With his nature, he will definitely not look at his brother's body." He said indifferently.

"How are you sure that he will take care of the body? He is a demon now, in case he goes crazy..." Before Lu Xiaoyu finished speaking, Chaoge shouted angrily, "No, otherwise we will all die!!"

Although Lu Xiaoyu still doesn't believe Chaoge's words, and although he is still afraid, what Chaoge said is not completely unreasonable. Perhaps this is their last gambling opportunity. After all, in the previous battle, so many of them could not compete with each other. On the contrary, they were already defeated soldiers. Seeing that only he and Chao Ge could fight, Lu Xiaoyu did not count him in it at all.

"How much time do you want?" Lu Xiaoyu was silent for a long time and said slowly.

"Ten breaths." Chao Ge affirmed.

"Okay, according to you, I will try to fight with him, but you must get the body." Lu Xiaoyu's heart was still full of tension, and the ten-hour time seemed to be short. He knew that if he was a little careless during the battle, he was likely to fall under the other party's demonic giant fist.

He thought of countless ways to escape back to the main peak, but it was unrealistic. After all, it was impossible for him to become a ghost blue spirit at this moment. Without the magical speed of the ghost blue spirit, Lu Xiaoyu did not dare to escape.

Zi's cultivation is much higher than him, so he can only pin his hopes on his usual dog-biting object. He believes that Chao Ge must have a selfish intention, but he also doesn't think he is a fool, so he won't let the other party take too much advantage.

