
Chapter 28 The Sound of Ghosts in the Dark

The mountain road is getting wider and wider, and even the width inside has reached dozens of meters, like clinging to two mountains.

Zili kept walking behind Lin Yi's back. A day later, the light in the mountain road was extremely bright. Compared with the original darkness, it undoubtedly made him feel like heaven.

A faint sunlight shone in, and Zili aimed his tired pupil at the light silk, which was a little painful, but the smell of seeing the sun again made him very nostalgic. After stopping to walk, the voice also calmed down, and silence returned to the cave. Zi Li wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, and his stomach was already hungry. At this time, there were waves of chattering in my ears. Although the sound was very subtle, it could be heard that it should be some kind of creature, such as birds, such as flying crows, including various unknown birds and so on.

This scream of vitality made Zili smile slightly, as if he had forgotten that he had been walking in the middle of the previous day. He hurriedly walked out behind Lin Yi's back and said to himself, "Lin Yi, we are going to get out of this damn place soon. At that time, we must catch some wild animals and honor the hungry stomach."

People who are full of excitement will be full of fighting spirit. Even if there is a bloody war ahead, since they go forward, they should not look back.

Two hours passed again, Zili's footsteps were getting faster and faster, and a large amount of light appeared in front of him, which was very bright. He clearly saw the hole in front of him, surrounded by green vines and beautiful flowers blooming.

Looking at the vitality of the world that fell into his eyes, full of green, looking at the colorful flowers, competing for beauty and beauty, Zili seemed to have returned to the Cangming sect again. He rushed out of the cave completely, and the sun fell all over his body. He closed his eyes and did not look at the scene in front of him, but enjoyed the gentle sunshine.

As soon as he came out of the darkness, opening his eyes also needed a process of relaxation. The sunshine here was warmer than that on Cangming Mountain. Zili could feel it clearly. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes behind Lin Yi's back.

In front of us is an endless green. The ancient trees are full of vitality, with the tender green of the New Year and the evergreen and dark green that I don't know how long they have lived. Looking at the endless woods, Zi Li is dull.

"A desolate evergreen land? There is no one. What kind of thing is this? Zi Li's eyes were blurred and said angrily.

Previously, I walked for nearly two days with hope and unwilling determination. There was a cocoon on the soles of my feet. Even if I walked with the dead on my back, I could always get a trace of mercy, right? However, the reality is not. Although it is full of beauty, the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the green, no place can be regarded as the blessing of what Zi Li is talking about in his mouth.

"Lin Yi, it's very quiet here. Wouldn't you have a problem if you were buried here?" Zili said leisurely, and I don't know whether his mood is good or bad. He continued, "But if I bury you here, I will have few opportunities to see you in the future. I hope you don't forget me. I will come back to accompany you after I avenge you."

After saying this, Zili walked again behind Lin Yi's back. Then when he walked out, he looked back habitually. However, because of this glance, Zili found that the mountain road behind him was no longer like a mountain road, but like a valley cut by someone's sword, but who could be as shocking as this. The cultivation of moving ground?

shook his head slightly. He felt that his idea was a little absurd, but he didn't know that the valley did not exist. As for why it exists now, the reason is just as he thought, it is because someone's boring sword during cultivation has made him walk hard.

After leaving the mountain road, Zili began to walk into the forest with Lin Yi on his back, but somehow, he always felt that the forest was gloomy, and from time to time there was a strange scream, full of heart-plow.

The big trees in the sky are as high as dozens of meters, with green leaves and dense leaves that can almost block the light and rain. Therefore, in some secret forests, the sunlight in the sky can only fall into the forest through very small gaps. The blurred light looked like shiny spider silk at a glance, with gorgeous brilliance, all over all corners.

Zili's heart is bored and his mind is full of irritability. After all, he has just come out of the mountain road, and now he has to continue to walk in this boundless dense forest. No one will be happy.

He stepped on the withered yellow fallen leaves under his feet, and the trivial sounds kept coming, which was undoubtedly much more complicated than the previous sound of gravel.

When he walked more and more into the forest, he suddenly became directionless. Looking around, Zili found that every ancient tree was extremely similar at every angle. This sudden objective factor surprised him and forced him to distinguish between southeast and northwest, even if he was going back now and return to the dark mountain again. The hole is no longer possible.

"Daw, if I turn around in this virgin forest, I will be trapped alive."

Zi Li cursed angrily, and there was another chirping sound in the forest, as if some psychic birds were mocking him. Zili, who was angry, was particularly unhappy when he heard that there were birds mocking, but he couldn't fly in the air, so he couldn't help those damn birds.

Therefore, he accelerated his speed and shuttled through the forest, regardless of which side was north and which side was south. As he gradually went deep into the dense forest, a dark breath emanated from the forest, which was an intuition he got after changing the demon body, and this sense of crisis made him feel very strong.

In a certain position, there is a magical atmosphere that attracts him and forces him to keep approaching.

He has walked for two hours and has been completely lost in the woods.

The walking time flies especially quickly. Just as Zi Li wanted to ask for that uneasy breath, the sky began to darken again. The sunset was like fire, the blue sky was red, and the golden sunset gradually approached the edge of the West Mountain. A dark blue covered the sky. The forest was originally dark, and after the sunset, it became more and more gloomy.

Until the blurred moonlight covered the earth, the forest became dark, and a trace of moonlight fell from the cracks of the leaves, but compared with the sunlight of the day, it was undoubtedly full of cold, a cold that people can intuitively feel.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey..."

I don't know what the hell is giggling. There are men and women, like waves, wave after wave after wave, constantly penetrating into Zi Li's ears.

Although he could feel that these sounds were not real or even a little ethereal, it was this strange laughter that could only hover in his mind that made him particularly afraid. Zili looked east and west, but nothing could be seen in the dark forest. There was light and moonlight in the dense forest, but this light alone was not enough for him to see things clearly.

The sound of Soso sounded from the side again, making a burst of sound of beasts wiping the forest leaves, and the sound behind Zi Li was the clearest. He deliberately walked and stopped, and the voice behind him was also intermittent, and the rhythm was the same as him, but never interrupted.

He suddenly turned around and suddenly stopped. His two fierce eyes tightly locked behind him.

The voice behind didn't seem to expect Zi Li to make this move, and he staggered away from the forest with a huge fat body.

