
Chapter 31 The Underworld is like a wave

The climate of the burial site is very abnormal, and the surrounding fog is full of fog, so that people can't see what is hidden in the distance.

There is no warmth in spring or cold in the cold winter. Compared with the cold spring in the woods, Zi Li looked at the tombstones lying flat under his feet and around him, and couldn't help but feel cold.

The whole burial site can't see the end at a glance, both because of the fog and because the vast burial site is too big. No matter how Zi Li runs, I always feel that it is wider than that forest.

The sky gradually brightened, but there was no trace of sunlight in the burial ground, and the surrounding trees began to decrease. At a glance, they were all dead trees, as if the vitality here had been eroded by those erratic atmosphere and became a rare death ground for the whole practice world.

This is a battlefield. Countless unknown bodies lie flat under the tombstone, but no one can have a coffin to be buried. This is not like a grave mountain, but a burial place.

Some fragments of blades appeared on the ground one after another, such as the rusty sky axe, such as a half of the big knife, and the tattered robes were sandwiched in the cracks of the tombstone. With those gloomy gases from time to time, they slowly floated, hunted and hunted, making a dark cry, making Zili afraid from the bottom of his heart. Come on.

The mysterious breath that attracted him was getting closer and closer, and the ghost laughter continued to be loud, as if it appeared around Zili. He stopped for the second time because a wet swamp in front of him blocked the way.

The swamp is an extremely terrible land of demons. As long as people step in, they will fall into the quagmire.

The more fiercely you struggle, the deeper you fall into. If you don't struggle, you still fall deeper.

Zeli looked at the bubbling swamp, frowned slightly, and there was no second way for him to move forward. The most important thing was that the swamp looked vast, but the distance that hindered him was not too far. Even if there was still fog on it, he could look through the distance at a glance. , within about dozens of meters.

It is not difficult to pass the width of dozens of meters. With the practitioner's ability, as long as he throws a few wooden stakes on the swamp, and then with the ability to glide when running fast, he can successfully cross the swamp about two or three times.

Zili looked around and found that there were no dead wood branches here except the bones and tombstones. If he couldn't find the floating dead wood stump, he obviously couldn't get through. Therefore, he walked around the edge of the swamp for a long time and finally saw a big tree in the distance.

There are no green leaves on the tree, as if they have withered. There are only thick branches of different lengths on the tree, and there are no birds on it, and there are no creatures in the burial site. The big tree seemed to have died for countless years, but it has been standing still. Zili walked into the root of the tree, hesitated for a moment, and then punched the tree trunk.


The huge fist fell on the tree and made a loud sound like a war drum, which was definitely a very strange and shocking thing. Zili's face changed, and he raised his fist and hit the tree trunk again.

The tree still made a sound of war drums, while the big tree trembled the branches that had expanded out on the tree, and there was no sign of breaking. Although the power of the two punches was not enough to completely break the big tree, Zi Li knew that the power of these two punches had reached thousands of catties. What does the power of thousands of pounds mean? It meant enough to shock a strong bull, but in the face of the dead tree, these two punches only tickled it and made it tremble slightly, which made Zili's inner emotions suddenly angry.

"I still don't believe that even a dead tree can be folded and punched me again!" Zi Li shouted, and his huge fist smashed out again. This time, his combat strength reached the level of his best.


The deafening sound sounded like a tide, and then spread around like ripples. At the same time, the silent burial ground began to sound continuously, and the sound of war drums slowly penetrated into Zili's ears.

The sound penetrated his weak eardrums and made his mind suddenly dizzy.

This sound was very confused, as if he heard the sound of fighting on the battlefield, crying, begging for mercy, and the sound of substantial killing in his mind. Even as long as he closed his eyes, he could see the bloody scene on the battlefield, full of cold blood, cruelty, full of the suffering of losers, and full of victory. The arrogance of the person seems to be vivid and empathetic.


After a wave of shaking, the bark began to crack, and striking cracks spread like spider silk all over the tree. Zili shook his head in a daze, and then woke up from the previous sound of the drums.

Looking at the cracked bark, Zili stretched out his index finger and subconsciously pulled out his ears. Although it was not earwax, the dizzy aftershocks really made him uncomfortable. After a long time, the aftershocks dispersed, and he looked at the dead wood when he regained consciousness. The dead wood was not broken, and the bark was cracked to the extreme. Zili reached out and pulled off a piece of bark and found that the trees inside were as black as ink and full of death.

Zili was stunned, and then flicked the tree trunk with his fingers. There was a cold feeling from the trunk, which was as hard as iron.

"What kind of tree is this? It's so hard. No wonder I still stand still with three punches." Zili looked at the big dark tree trunk, muttered to himself, frowned and thought silently.

Since it is impossible to break it with a fist, it is only possible to cut it with a blade. Therefore, Zi Li took out a huge axe from the storage bag and raised his hand to cut it to the root of the tree. However, at this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew in the distance and attacked him and stopped him from cutting down the tree.


The strong wind did not blow the tree, but lifted Zili's robe and long hair. This sudden strange wind is obviously not a natural phenomenon, and there is a stench in the wind, like the smell of rotting corpses, which makes Zili's heart nauseous, but Fortunately, it has not reached the extent that he spit out the mountain pork he swallowed yesterday. .

He turned around and looked at the end of the strong wind. There was a misty cloud, followed by a heavy shadow, as if a big wave was coming, which immediately shocked him.

Tightening the huge axe in his hand, Zi kept approaching his large shadow from a distance, and his heart was desperate.

The fog gradually dissipated and the wind gradually stopped.

Hundreds of dark shadows appeared in Zi Li's vision, all wearing black robes. He couldn't see the faces under the black robes, but these figure-like inexplictible things held a bent sickle in their hands, and the sickle was rusty, which was obviously a long time away. These shadows looked like harvesters and were approaching in the direction of Zili. When they approached, the black-robed brigade began to stop.

The leading figure in the black robe quietly glanced at Zili in the distance and waved the sickle in his hand down, as if giving an order, which immediately made the black robe figures in the rear continue to shrug and quickly run towards Zili.

"It turned out that you were the dead people who took my brother's body, and today I will slaughter you." Zili finally recognized these things and shouted at the rushing black robe figure. He continued, "You dirty puppets, why don't you hand over my brother's body, otherwise my son will let you live forever and never see the sun today!"

Like the figure chased by Zili late last night, they ignored the threat of Zili, and there was no vitality in them at all, so they would not answer.

There are only clear actions and killing, just like a killing machine.

Of course, puppets will not speak and be moved, let alone wisdom, otherwise they will not be dead.

Zili was naturally furious when he saw that the other party was coming like a wave. At present, he held a huge axe and went up, and he was about to be intertwined with those puppets.

The war is on the verge of breaking out.

