
Chapter 112 Warmth and cold under the gauze

Listening to the sound of the piano is to enter the Tao, and to enter the Tao is to welcome each other, as if the two meet a bosom friend, and there is no disagreement and confusion in the rhythm of the music.

The dressing senior sister coldly went to Lin Yi and entered the music road for a moment, and she couldn't help but feel stunned.

There is never a lack of talented and righteous people in the world, so she knows that some people are enough to enter two or more Taoisms, but to her surprise, the outstanding younger brother in front of her is a person of painting and music.

It's really a strange person to say that he is a strange man.

When he was a teenager, he was already hump. Before entering the road, he casually crushed the golden cicada pen shadow, and when he entered the road, he encountered a rare star storm.

These cannot say that his life is too miserable and desolate. It can only be said that he is actually jealous and punished by Haotian. After all, people who can be so against the sky will eventually be tempered by Haotian!

Lin Yi was addicted to the sound of the piano, as if he saw pieces of snow fluttering in winter.

The snow danced and fell on the thick ice lake. The light snowflakes did not lift the lake under the ice, but dyed a clean and flawless snow color. This layer of snow is like a light and thin fog, which can be broken with a finger. However, Lin Yi did not stretch out his index finger to break the fog, because he knew that this was the other party's music, and her music was different from the illusion when she first entered the painting.

Her path is vast white snow, which is cleaner than the world-weariness in her eyes.

The wide world is full of silver-white, and the lake is covered with thick ice. Lin Yi's consciousness floats in the other party's painting path without feeling a trace of coolness from the snow.

He can't see the clear water flowing under the ice, the fish flowing in the lake, and the sun above the sky, but the whole world exudes a confused grayish white.

"Why isn't she in this world?" Lin Yi said lightly.

His consciousness of about human form walked on the ice of the lake evolved by the other party. He looked around and found that it was surrounded by a large area of white and haze. The fog was steaming. There were no hills, no poplar trees, and no boundaries around, as if everything only existed in this narrow space, but it looked Seeing it, it seems so boundless.

Lin Yi kept walking in the white world of the other party. He wanted to get the other party's footprints by his own efforts to find it, but in the end, he had nothing.

The white snowflakes were still falling, and the ice under his feet became thicker and thicker. Lin Yi looked at this vast white in astonishment. For some reason, a strong sadness rose in his heart, and this sadness touched his most desired heart, as if he had clearly seen the other party trapped somewhere in the world, but he was like He couldn't find the existence of the other party, let alone how to rescue him.

"Where the hell are you?" Lin Yi frowned and kept looking around. He accelerated his walking pace, but the ice seemed to have no end, and no matter how hard he walked or ran fast, it always seemed to move on the original point.


Shangguan Yanyu's finger on the pavilion played slightly, and the complete piano sound fell on the last note, and as the notes gradually dissipated, the whole quiet courtyard fell into silent silence again.

After half axiang, a gentle applause sounded; after half axiang, a loud applause sounded; finally, the tsunami-like applause was thundering, and the small courtyard of the shaking Shangguan government was trembling and powerful as a rainbow.

After playing the piano, Shangguan Yan stood up weakly and left the piano position, then staggered down the wooden stairs and came to the small courtyard with the help of Xiaoxi.

The applause in the small courtyard has not been exhausted. Whether it is an old talent and beauty, or an official and eunuch who is no longer young, they feel that the previous song is too beautiful, and the melodious melody is gripping, as if they have felt the most urgent scene in their hearts. And it was the beautiful woman walking on the stone road of the courtyard that made all this: Shangguan Yan!

Shangguan Yan was born with a stubborn disease, which is difficult to cure, which is known to everyone in Liaocheng, and they still remember the hardship and persistence of Shangguan Mode's search for medical treatment everywhere in the past few years.

Even now, what Shangguan Mod has done seems to be vivid, but people know that this beautiful beauty is still incurable. She can play a song for each other with a weak body, and I have to say that she has done the greatest friendship.

So they applauded for this, including respect and blessings.

When the applause sounded, it was the moment when the sound of the piano completely dissipated. At that moment, Lin Yiqing, who closed his eyes and was intoxicated, also woke up. He never found the other party in the white world, but the real sense of existence made him believe that the other party must exist in the white world.

"If she exists in the white world, where can she hide?" Lin Yi locked his eyebrows, asked himself, and couldn't get the answer he wanted.

No one can stand up and analyze for him at this moment, even Shangguan Yan himself, who plays the piano, so he can only put down his doubts for the time being. However, Lin Yi always believed that he must have a chance to enter her music, so as to save her consciousness from it and make it truly enter the road of practice.



"The piano and music are finished, and the pen and ink are on the stage!"

There was a loud song in the courtyard. Everyone woke up from the previous sound of the piano. They looked at the singer, and then saw a subordinate of the Shangguan government carrying pen and ink in the back hall.

Shangguan Maud looked at the people walking into the courtyard with pens and ink with a smile on his face, then smiled, put down the teacup in their hands, stood up and said, "You have listened to the little girl's performance, and you must be looking forward to the talents to show their skills as well as I do now. Now I don'd better expect their younger generation to show their skills!"

When everyone heard the words, they agreed. At this time, only an official suddenly stood up and said, "This talent competition was originally prepared for your own students. Why don't you let your own descendants take the lead in drawing?"

In the face of this sudden voice, the discussion in the field gradually stopped, and even Lin Yi, as a personal student, was inevitably stunned. Hearing this, Shangguan Mode next to him couldn't help looking at the talking official, and the smile on his face suddenly converbed.

Shangguan Mode smiled awkwardly and didn't say much, but he sent Lin Yi an inquiring look.

In fact, he intended to make Lin Yi the last appearance. After all, no one like him who can defeat Lu Xiaokui and become a personal student is more suitable for the finale, and no matter how good the talented and beautiful people in front of him are, they will inevitably look insignificant in front of Lin Yi in the end.

Shangguan Mode thought a lot last night, but he had no choice but to keep up with the change. Things have moved towards his plan.

Lin Yi saw the eyes from Shangguan Mod, and there was no discomfort in his heart. He just nodded slightly to prove that he had no objection.

In fact, Lin Yi himself also wants to be the first to paint, because he doesn't want to stay in the upper government for a long time. As long as he finishes painting, his task at this big banquet will be completely ended, and he can naturally leave as soon as possible.

Although there are people he is extremely eager to contact, and even according to his thoughts and personality as a modern person, he should have come forward to chat up at this moment, this is not a new century or the world that Lin Yi is familiar with, so he deeply knows that he can't come forward this time.

Reason always occupies everything about Lin Yi, because only in this way can he go further and further.

Lin Yi stepped forward and walked away from the coffee table where he was drinking tea. He walked to the center of the courtyard, to the table where the pen and ink had been neatly arranged, and also approached Shangguan Yan, who had already sat quietly next to him.

Shangguan Yan's face was wearing a red veil, just like the costume sister who followed Lin Yi. Lin Yi couldn't see what her face was like, and everyone present couldn't see what her face was like under the red veil, but one person saw Shangguan Yan's beautiful face, and this person had been silent and following Lin Yi. The dress-up sister next to me.

Under the red veil is a beautiful demon face, and the eyes exposed outside the veil are clear to dust. There is no dirt and dirt in the eyes, and there is no trace of dirt and breath.

She is as pure as a snow-white plum, not blooming for dust or withering for the red dust.

The dressed senior sister looked at Shangguan Yan coldly, her eyes without any hatred, but they were full of coldness, as if she was about to freeze the other party.

Shangguan Yanjing sat on the vermilion sandalwood chair, and two small and white hands were gently placed in front of his curved knees. His eyelashes, which were as light as colorful butterflies, were slightly agitated, and his clear eyes like springs looked closely at the teenager who attracted him.

She looked at him quietly, watched him gradually approach the table, looked at the glance he brushed with her, looked at the warm and soft light he brought when he looked back, looked at the calm confidence he turned around and carried the pen hand in hand, looked at the delicate ink lines he left on the white paper, and looked at him did not With the magnificent and bow-like humpback, Shangguan Yan couldn't help but pick up the corners of his lips hidden under the red veil, lifting a crescent-like arc, and then smiled.

The dressed senior sister saw the other party smiling and saw her soft smile, so the coldness in her eyes became stronger and stronger.

so strong that she wanted to kill her with her eyes immediately, so strong that she didn't ask why she did this, and she was enough to kill the other party with her own eyes, because her sister suddenly felt that the existence of the other party had brought her an infinite crisis, so that she did not rely on The sense of security also suddenly lost all defenses.

At this time, Shangguan Yan's Yuguang found the only woman in black who was the same as herself and covered her face with a veil, and found that she looked at herself with cold and light eyes.

However, she did not turn her eyes staring at Lin Yi's painting, but a proud smile appeared on her beautiful face.

