
Chapter 121 But the strength is not as good as others

At the end of the ancient street is a wall, but at this moment the wall collapsed. The thick wall fell under the finger of the dressed senior sister and fell in front of two fast-speed horses.

After the collapse, only left a thin layer of dust and fog, and as the previous two black and white figures quickly shuttled by, the fierce wind caused the only remaining dust fog of the wall to be quickly blown away, and finally fell to the ground.

The dust fell to the ground, the loud sound retreated, and there was a thick layer of dust on the bluestone board of the ancient street.

The dust grains are like those delicate sand washed by the waves next to the beach. Although they are a little pungent and annoying, they look very beautiful.

"Sister, admit it!"

In a grass full of weeds, the big dark horse stopped leisurely. While someone on its back was talking hypocritically and proudly, it couldn't help bowing its head and eating the tender grass on the grass.

Lin Yi sat on horseback and ignored the greedy dark horse, because at this moment, he was already full of glory and smiling. His hands still bowed respectfully to the dressed senior sister beside him, but his deep eyes could not hide the proud look after the victory, as if he were more proud than the previous big dark horse.

"Hmm!" The dressed senior sister snorted heavily, turned her head and ignored it. Her pretty face hidden under the black veil was expressionless.

Her eyes exposed to the black veil are still indifferent, just like layers of thick ice condensed on the surface of the water in winter. Even if the bright sunshine shines in her eyes at this moment, the sun still seems to be unable to melt her special cold. That's the coldness from her heart, and it's also her innate personality. No one knows how lonely her childhood was, and no one knows that her childhood contains so much cruelty and ruthlessness.

"It's nothing to beat me by sitting down a good horse. That only shows that your dark horse is fast and extraordinary. If you have the ability, you can beat me in person!" The costume senior sister suddenly turned her head and said in a beautiful voice, obviously with a trace of unwillingness and anger in her tone.

"In fact, I have everything, but I don't have the ability. How can I dare to compare with my senior sister? Sister, don't make fun of me!" Although Lin Yi still smiled faintly, he refused to say it with shameless words.

He recalled the other party's strong cultivation of breaking the wall with one finger, and the other party almost killed Tang Guoliang, who was the peak of the reserve period with only one look, so the fear in his heart began to emerge.

The senior sister will not kill him, because she can't find a reason to kill him, but if the senior sister wants to kill him, I'm afraid it's enough to point out the previous finger. Unfortunately, the senior sister can't do this, not only because the other party is her younger brother, but also because he is also a student of Mr. Chang Wei, and the senior sister has no intention to kill him.

Lin Yi didn't know what was thinking in his sister's heart. He just asked for the other party's words, and his beautiful face was full of smiles, turning into a touch of calmer than the still lake, and in this faint calm, there was also a trace of extremely severe fear.

After a while, Lin Yi's face on horseback suddenly changed, and a feeling of incomparable fear arose from his heart, and when he thought about those things in his heart, he felt that the other party was really too terrible!

"Does she want to provoke me with her words, and then make me accept the challenge under the condition of lost sanity, so as to resist desperately in the battle? If so, I'm afraid I can't die before I can react, right? Lin Yi had a trace of self-deprecation in his heart and did not speak again.

"Are you afraid that I will kill you?" The senior sister looked at Lin Yi, who fell into silence, and asked softly.

"Before I answer you, my senior sister should not kill me!" Lin Yi replied seriously.

"You responded to me. Will I kill you?" The senior sister said lightly.

"I said that my way is to cut off all the filth in the world. If you feel that you are really dirty one day, I don't mind killing you at that time. As for today, you'd better think more about how to speed up your practice!"

The white horse, the man in black, gradually left and drove to the original street.

The strong hooves of the white horse stepped on the green grass and made a soft sound. Lin Yi saw the other party's back gradually fade away, and he didn't know any feelings in his heart.

"So, she won't kill me?" Lin Yi said doubt, and his face was countless relaxed.

He gently kicked the dark horse with his legs, and the dark horse was indifferent. Lin Yi looked down and found that the other party was very satisfied with the food. Therefore, he was just about to curse, but when he thought of what he had promised it before, he couldn't help but stop his temper and sighed helplessly.

"Hey, how can a greedy horse like you live in the pasture for such a long time?"



Senior sister returned to Moyan Painting Workshop, but Lin Yi did not go back.

After the dressed senior sister left on a white horse, he got off the horse, and then he found a grassland that had never been eaten by a big black horse. He lay quietly and looked at the pale blue sky.

The reason why the sky is blue is because the sky is boundless; the reason why the heart is wide is that it is frank enough.

In Lin Yi's heart, he still keeps thinking about the previous words of her sister and the meaning of her words.

From beginning to end, the fact that the senior sister told him was ultimately his weak cultivation, and because his cultivation was still weak, Lin Yi began to feel very uncomfortable and extremely aggrieved.

What should I do if I feel uncomfortable? Naturally, it is hard practice!

"If he has such a strong cultivation as his senior sister, what can Lu Xiaoyu be?" Lin Yi looked at the blue sky and said to himself.

In fact, it is enough to walk on earth with his cultivation, not to mention that people in the world are practitioners everywhere?

Fortunately, Lin Yi has never felt complacent and proud because of breaking through the bow knot. There are too many people stronger than him in the world, and he knows better that his fate cannot be limited to the world. After all, he still has a deep blood to revenge.

Strength is the road he will take in the future, and down-to-earth is the only way for him to walk on the road!

When Lin Yi sat up from lying flat, when he woke up from his mind full of meditation, he looked around blankly and found that the sky was already full of dim yellow.

The yellow color is old, old and has an aftertaste, and the aftertaste is the aftertaste of the past.

A faint red glow dispersed from the sky. Lin Yi was surprised to find that the big dark horse was still eating grass at this moment. It ate with relish. It ate intensively and looked particularly serious.

Therefore, Lin Yi stood up from the grass, stepped lazily on the soft grass, and smiled helplessly.

He gradually walked towards the big dark horse and walked beside it. He couldn't help brushing his dark and bright horse mane and laughing and scolding, "I've been eating it since afternoon. Even if you can still hold these tender grass in your stomach, won't your mouth be tired?"

When the big dark horse heard the words, it immediately stopped eating grass. It looked up at its owner, roared excitedly, and then moved its four feet and ran around Lin Yi.

"Okay, I know you run very fast, but can you not always be so proud? Besides, your partner has already gone back. Do our masters and servants still have to sit in this barren grassland? Let's go back and have a good night's rest. According to your character, we will continue to be tired from tomorrow!"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the big dark horse listened obediently, and then it gently approached him and rubbed Lin Yi's arm with its dark head, as if it was acting coquettishly and became very interesting!

"Go!" Lin Yiyue got on the back of a fast horse and read it in his mouth. The big dark horse was very humane and went to the Laocheng City, which had already ignited red candles.

Returning from the 41st lane of the ancient street to the 13th lane, the time it took for the big dark horse to run was only a meal. Lin Yi gently pulled the rein with his right hand and drove left into the entrance of the alley.

In the Moyan painting workshop, the candlelight has lit up. Lin Yi pulled the big dark horse into the gate of the painting workshop and then came to the small courtyard. In the small courtyard of the painting workshop, the white horse had already fought there obediently, chewing the grass prepared for him, and his face was happy.

Seeing this, Lin Yi let go of the rein in his hand and let the big dark horse walk over by himself, and he himself went straight into the painting workshop.

Mr. still sits on the painting table, holding an old book in his hand and reading it again, full of thinking. There was a red candlelight burning next to the painting table, and the candlelight gently swayed and flashed. Lin Yi walked forward gently, knowing that the other party could actually see the words in the book without candlelight.

However, since the candlelight has been lit, there is naturally a point.

The dressed senior sister sat coldly next to her husband, holding a brand-new cloth in her white right hand, and holding a weak and sharp dagger on her left hand. The dagger was illuminated by the golden candlelight, and the light happened to flash through Lin Yi's eyes, so his eyes began to hurt.

A deep sea flashed by a murderous golden light, as if the sea was suddenly split in half by this golden light. Lin Yi's footsteps immediately stopped, and his heart seemed to see the dazzling golden light against the sky.

The golden light was full of sacredness, but ruthlessly cut off his superfluous imagination and thoughts, so then a cold sweat appeared in front of his broad forehead.

The senior sister looked at him coldly and turned her head to shake her head gently. So the dagger held in her left hand turned slightly, withdrew the golden light reflected in Lin Yi's eyes, and wrapped the cloth in her right hand in the golden dagger.

The golden light convered and went away, and the quiet Lin Yi repeated the light.

