
Chapter 127 An arrow in the reed

What I look forward to is always beautiful and infinite; and what I can't forget in my mind will always be particularly profound.

Lin Yi thought about his future, but his eyes looked at the white-dressed senior sister in front of him and couldn't help comparing himself with the other party; but after comparison, he found that he really couldn't compare.

The speed of practice is slower than that of the senior sister, and the cultivation is far worse than that of the other party. In the final analysis, is his understanding not good?

Lin Yi has never been a person who has no confidence in himself, or he is more confident than anyone else, so he meditates in his heart, so he swears secretly.

The lush green leaves of poplar trees are blown away one after another by the summer wind. The green leaves are like a big umbrella to cover the sun. At this moment, a hot fire suddenly rises under the poplar trees.

The fire is gorgeous and golden red, and the thick smoke is boundless.

Runan took two thumb-sized branches, firmly passed through the whole hare's body, and then put the hare on the fire and baked it.

Lin Yi was still silent. He looked up at the blue sky, as if he were intoxicated.

For a long time, a fragrant smell of roasted rabbit suddenly floated under the poplar tree and floated into the nose of my senior sister, and also floated into Lin Yi's contemplative sense of smell.

"Hahaha, add more ingredients!" Luan said to himself with a happy face. He casually opened the package brought here from Gu Wenqing's house, and after rummaging through the package for some time, he took out a bag of ingredients from the package; the ingredients contained pepper and fiery red pepper powder, which looked really well equipped.

Considering the existence of the senior sister in white, Run'an did not sprinkle chili powder on the rabbit meat, but the pepper powder originally had the effect of removing the fishy smell, but he put a lot.

After a long time, the roasted rabbit meat has been roasted golden by the fire, and a layer of oil stains burned by the fire oozed out of the rabbit meat, with a fragrant smell.

Lin Yi, standing under the poplar tree and staring at the sky, smelled this fragrance, so he withdrew his firm eyes. He looked directly at Run'an and looked at the rolling rabbit meat in his hand. Even if he was not hungry at this moment, he always felt as if there was a greedy desire to make him try something fresh.

Maybe it's because he knows that Run'an's barbecue craftsmanship is very good!

The senior sister sitting quietly under the poplar tree did not move, even the eyes exposed outside the veil did not move at all, as if the fragrance could not float through her nose.

She did ask about the taste of rabbit meat, but no one knew it. When her eyes saw the meat of the beast, she would think of the rotten and smelly beast viscera she had eaten in those years and ate the food that would leave a shadow for a lifetime. Therefore, she did not dare to think about the sadness she had suffered in the past. One scene, I dare not think of the tragedy and tragedy I experienced in those years.

But the fact has paid off. For example, if she hadn't laid a solid foundation since she urinated, and if she hadn't put her life and death outside since she urinated, how could she bring her cultivation to the peak four years ago and now?

This is a great achievement, an undeniable achievement. Even when the husband saw that her cultivation had reached the same level and was only half a step away from the five realms, his heart was shocked.

Because only she is a real cultivation genius.



The stream is still calm and waveless, winding and endless, like an extremely long mirror in the middle of the wilderness and reeds, splitting the haze on the earth.

The reeds swaying and swaying in the wind, one wave after another, endless.

The strong wind blew the lush and dense reeds, and also blew the people behind the reeds. More than a dozen masked men in coarse cloth rode on the horse, while the horse stood behind the high reeds.

The people riding on the horse looked sideways and looked at the other side of the smoke rolling shore. Then, a leading man among more than a dozen people suddenly smiled and said, "It seems that we are too early!"

"The second master is really a magic trick. If he hadn't told us that there was another shortcut, maybe we wouldn't have caught up with these three people at this moment!"

"This place is too far from the other side, which is not suitable for bows and arrows to assassinate them. Xiaoqi, let you ride a horse to the downstream to see what they are doing. Remember not to act rashly. Let's go to the upstream mountain pass first and wait for you!" The leading man said.

"Yes, the big head!" Xiaoqi replied.

One person and one horse went away, facing a large area of green drifting reeds.

When everyone saw that Xiaoqi had disappeared into the green ocean-like reeds, they said, "Big head, Xiaoqi has left. Let's go quickly!"

"Hmm!" The big head responded.

"This stream leads directly to the mountains, and there is only one dangerous road at the mountain pass. As long as we arrive at the mountain pass earlier than the three, we can naturally take the lead in setting up an ambush and quietly waiting for the other party to come!"

"This thousand taels of silver is easy to earn!"



The smell of barbecue has been fascinating for a long time. The hare looks golden, but Lin Yi can find that there is no burnt spot on the rabbit meat, and the black spots on it are nothing else, but various seasonings sprinkled in the later stage of Run'an.

Run'an carefully put away the roast rabbit meat and smelled it with his own nose. The very happy face suddenly became a little difficult to look at, and even his thick eyebrows like charcoal strips slowly wrinkled.

Lin Yi looked at him quietly, looking at his face that had become a little bad-looking, and then said, "What's the matter? Is it burnt?"

When Runan heard the words, he shook his head slowly and said nothing.

"Is that too much material?"

Runan shook his head again and still didn't say anything.

"Don't ink, pull down a rabbit leg quickly!" Lin Yi looked at the silence of the other party, still holding the ladle containing water in his right hand, and said in a rather anxious tone.

"I have to eat it." Luan Youyou opened his mouth, and I don't know whether to answer Lin Yi's words or talk to himself.

He picked up his clean dagger and stabbed the roasted golden hare without hesitation. With the sound of pulling and cutting the meat, the hind legs of a fertile hare were cut off by it.

The hare's hind legs are full of flesh, and just after the dagger cut the skin, a burst of steam appeared inside. There was a white heat in the white cooked meat, which was full of fragrant smell. Lin Yi smelled the fragrance that had already opened his appetite, and then reached out to take the rabbit leg handed over by Len An.

He looked carefully at the rabbit leg whose skin had been roasted into golden by fire, and looked at whether the white meat in the rabbit leg was mixed with any blood. After finding that the rabbit leg was completely cooked, he was relieved, but he did not eat it directly and carried it. The rabbit's leg walked towards his sister.

"Sister, eat some rabbit meat. Run'an's craftsmanship is very good. If you eat it once, you will naturally want to eat it for the second time."

When the senior sister heard this, she, who had been indifferent, suddenly turned her head. Her calm eyes did not look at the rabbit legs in Lin Yi's hand, but aimed at Lin Yi's sight.

At this moment, the eyes are intertwined and the eyes are facing each other, but there is no superfluous emotion.

"Aren't you angry?" The senior sister looked at Lin Yi quietly and said softly.

"I'm not the kind of person who can get hate with just a few taunts!" Lin Yi said lightly.

"But you were very angry before!"

"I'm really angry, but I'm not angry now."


"Because I don't think it's necessary to be angry now, and I'm really weak, at least in the eyes of your great practitioner; but you don't have to worry, sooner or later I will catch up with your cultivation and personally reach out to take off your veil!" Lin Yi's face became very serious, and his deep eyes also became particularly firm, and he said slowly.

"Why aren't you angry?" The senior sister continued to ask.

"Do you really want to know why I'm not angry?"


"Where did you come from so many reasons? Since you like to ask so much, why don't you go to see 100,000 whys? Why did you come and ask me?" Lin Yi suddenly became angry again and said fiercely.

"In that case, you can eat this rabbit leg by yourself!" The senior sister suddenly withdrew her eyes, turned her head and said.

"Eat and eat!" Lin Yi ignored the other party and bit the fat on the rabbit's leg. He sat down again, leaned his arched back against the strong poplar pole, chewed the rabbit meat in his mouth and continued, "I'm not angry, because I know I can't beat you now. Since I can't beat you, I'm angry and angry. What's the use?"

"Are you telling the truth now?" A trace of wisdom flashed in the senior sister's eyes and said.

"But your rabbit leg is gone!" Lin Yi did not answer her words and said proudly.

"I didn't intend to eat this!"



A comfortable lunch flowed through the rabbit-flavored meat, but the senior sister never reached out and touched the rabbit meat from the beginning. Lin Yi did not force her to eat it, but he ate more than half of it himself.

Looking at the greasy water ladle in his hand, the water left in the ladle had already been drunk by him and Run'an. Lin Yi stood up, touched his round stomach with his hand, and felt the satisfaction in his stomach. Therefore, he couldn't help moaning, and his voice was very ecstasy, but it was disgusting. Like a senior sister, she frowned slightly and was unhappy, and a contempt and contempt quickly flashed in her eyes.

The roast rabbit meat is very delicious, which makes Lin Yi even want to secretly learn some craftsmanship. After all, after sending Runan home this time, it is likely that it will be difficult for him to meet him again.

"The abdomen is full, and the horse must have had enough rest. When I go to wash the water first, I will go on the road in a while!" After Lin Yi finished speaking, he walked to the stream with a ladle of water.

The stream is still clear, and there is endless yellow sand at the bottom of the stream. Lin Yi bent down, put his water ladle into the water, and then wiped the mouth of the ladle. He gently brushed the stream with both hands, and the stream swept quickly, but when Lin Yi was about to finish washing the water, he found that the stream, which had only slightly swept, suddenly intensified the vibration, and it was an extremely strong vibration.

He was curious about the changes in the stream, so he wanted to look up and see what was going on in the distance, but at this moment, a silver arrow feather suddenly appeared in the clear stream like a mirror.



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