
Chapter 154 When the moon is full, people are like demons

Lin Yi, who heard Run'an's words behind him, was suddenly frustrated. In his heart, he secretly said that Run'an was really amazing. In one sentence, he witnessed the bitterness that had suffered for six years.

Ren An said the fact that Run Xiaoqing spit out from the mouth of the big snake, so Lin Yi's pale face was paler, and there was no trace of blood that there was no sign of life, and his deep eyes were almost gloomy.

At this time, Run'an next to him continued, "There will always be a day when things will come to light. I also know that white paper can't cover the fire. If Miss wants to kill my daughter, she will kill me first."

Run'an's voice was extremely weak, but Lin Yi and his senior sister heard a resolute meaning from it, and his whole body looked more like a terminal illness, and it was difficult for his cold body to stand up from the ground.

However, such a weak person did not know where he got a bright power after saying this, so he stood up from the ground and stood in front of his senior sister, regardless of the threat and coldness of life and death of the other party. He knew that his daughter was colder, so he was fearless.

The senior sister looked at him calmly, watched him stand in front of her fearlessly, and listened to the other party force herself not to kill the evil little girl with her own life and death, so she couldn't help sneering. She turned her head and looked at the small courtyard that had already been covered by the sun. Looking at the three horses in the yard lazily basking in the gentle sunshine in the morning, she replied coldly, "Do you think I dare not kill you?"

"Senior sister naturally dares to kill him, but would you rather kill good people by mistake to remove the so-called filth in your heart?"

Lin Yi did not dare to stop the output of the spirit of heaven and earth in his hand. He opened his mouth with difficulty. He stared at his senior sister closely.

When the senior sister heard this, her indifferent eyes turned slightly and then said, "When did I say I wanted to kill her?"

In the face of this sudden sentence, Lin Yi's heart was an inexplicable proof, and Le'an, who was preparing to die in the rear, couldn't help but become confused and unbelievable.

"According to your sister's temperament, you heard that the other party spit out from the mouth of the big snake. Shouldn't you kill her?"

"Do you want me to kill her so much?"

"Of course not. I'm just surprised that the senior sister has changed her character. How good would it be if the senior sister had always been so kind and approachable?"

"Stop talking nonsense. If you don't sell some strength to stop her cold from climbing, she won't be able to come back."

Senior sister glanced at the leap Xiaoqing, who was already wrapped in ice, frowned gently, and said softly.

Lin Yi heard his sister's words and knew that the other party's words were true. He has been constantly inputting the spirit of heaven and earth since the early morning. However, he still has not suppressed the cold of the other party well, and even the air of heaven and earth in his body began to dry up, and the other party has never been any lightness and comfortable. Come down.

Lun Xiaoqing fainted at the end of the curtain, and her thin body curled in the thick quilt. On her surface, there was a thick layer of ice, which was difficult to remove, just like the orange morning sun that kept shooting in from the mud window could not melt, as if it was impossible.

"Lean, is it like this every time she gets sick?"

Lin Yi was powerless to ask that the air of heaven and earth in his body had passed away, and it was impossible to persist for a long time. When Run'an heard this, he saw the endless weakness on the other party's face, so he was a little uncertain and said, "She was just chilly a year ago. I don't know when she became so cold. I really don't know that in me How did she spend the three months she left?

"Xiaoqing's life is suffering. A few months after you left inexplicably, she would lock herself in the room whenever she fell ill. She tied her ankles firmly with ropes, and then hid herself on the bed, still wrapped in this thick quilt. I watched her suffer from outside the window, but there was nothing I could give No help at all."

I don't know when Run Xiaoqing's grandma has walked in from the door. Her voice is calm but full of love and helplessness. Run Xiaoqing is the daughter of Runan, but isn't she the good granddaughter she likes very much? However, in the face of her granddaughter's chronic disease since childhood, her age and powerlessness are full of powerlessness.

Grandma leaned into an old body, with a basin of hot and painful warm water in her hand. She walked slowly like a snail crawling, but her unbearable body still brought a pot of warm water for her granddaughter who had already been covered by ice and frost.

"I'll do it!"

The weak Runan took over the basin and placed it on a broken wooden chair.

Grandma saw her granddaughter's experience at this moment, watched her petite body wrapped in ice, and a drop of turbid old tears couldn't help flowing from the corners of her eyes. She couldn't bear to see her granddaughter suffer this suffering, so she had no choice but to sigh and leave, and said that Haotian was unkind.

Run'an put a handkerchief in warm water, then washed it a little and picked it up again. Instead of twirling the warm water on the handkerchief, he took it directly to wipe Run Xiaoqing's cheek.

He didn't wipe Run Xiaoqing's cheek, because the thick ice blocked the contact between the two, so the warm water just sprinkled on the thick ice to melt the cold ice.

A layer of ice that seems thin and transparent like crystal is fragile, but at this moment it blocks the communication and care between people.

Run'an looked at Run Xiaoqing anxiously and kept spilling the warm water in the basin on the cold ice, but the warm water did not seem to melt a trace of ice, and in a moment, the temperature of the warm water instantly turned into ice water and quietly turned into ice.

"Run'an, that's enough. Stop it." Lin Yi saw that the warm water turned into thick ice and knew the reason for the matter. He continued, "The ordinary warm water can't stop the ice on her body from condensing. The more you keep sprinkling water, the thicker the ice on her body. It's not worth the loss!"

When Run'an heard the words, although he was anxious, he still knew that there was nothing wrong with the other party's words, so he pushed away the basin of warm water without tears and said fiercely, "Why did Haotian do this to her!!"

"She gets sick in the middle of every month?"

The senior sister beside her was as cold as ice and suddenly said doubt.

Her temperament is as cold as snow lotus, and her white dress sets off her purity and holiness. It is the representative of Juechen and world-weariness, as high as if she is the supreme of Tianshan, but if she wants to compare with Run Xiaoqing at this time, the coldness in her eyes will also be a little difficult to compare.

When Run'an heard his sister's question, the pain in his heart was like a knife. He took a deep breath to keep calm for himself, but he still couldn't control his despair and expression, so he shook his voice and said, "Yes, every time the moon rises to the sky, she will be as crazy as a beast. It was like losing her mind completely, and at that time, she was at the most serious illness.

"If she can't live tonight, she won't even have a ten-year-old life."

If Run'an's first words are amazing, then the words of the senior sister at this moment are as amazing. Lin Yi heard his sister's words and couldn't help sighing in his heart. He stopped the qi of heaven and earth in his body and then output, so after a moment, the sleeping leap Xiaoqing rose like a tide, and the ice layer intensified again.

He can no longer stop Run Xiaoqing's ice cold from worsening, because the air of heaven and earth in his body is almost dry up, which is like a pool of lake water being cited to irrigate the paddy field, thus becoming a large water tank with few left, and the big water tank becomes less and less after drinking by a cow.

The spirit of heaven and earth in Lin Yi's body is not as magnificent as that of the lake, because he only has the cultivation of the bow knot period. The bow knot period is very powerful in the world and unattainable in front of mortals. However, in the face of such incurable diseases such as Leap Xiaoqing, he can't turn the tide, so he can only leave a little air of heaven and earth as his own tone. Use it regularly, otherwise even he himself will be frozen by the cold.

Lin Yi's body was very weak, and even his breathing became a little short. His deep eyes looked directly at Run Xiaoqing on the kang and asked, "Is there really nothing I can do?"

"You have been irrigating her with the air of heaven and earth, and you should know the situation better than anyone else. Even if you squander the air of heaven and earth without reservation, it only slightly inhibits the cold air in her body. Although my cultivation is higher than you, I only have more air of heaven and earth left in my body than you, so what can I do? Do you want to help her?"

"Senior sister is a person who is about to set foot in the five realms. If you don't have a certain way to treat it, how dare to step into the demon cave before you practice, and why can you survive so intact for so many years?"

"How do you know I'm intact?"

When the senior sister heard that the other party doubted herself, her tone suddenly became stiff and cold. Her clean eyes turned to look at Lin Yi, and then seemed to think of the past, and then continued extremely harshly, "Don't say such absolute words before you know others. Not everyone in the world can I survived in the demon cave, but I can only say that I am lucky, not by any remedy!"

"I will take care of her affairs, but it's useless. If you want to save her, you can quickly restore your spirit of heaven and earth. If you don't have enough energy of heaven and earth, you can only watch her die when the moon is full."

When Lin Yi heard the words, he was suddenly angry with a sense of guilt. It was not long before he met his senior sister, but he felt the anger on the other party for the first time, so he nodded and whispered, "Thank you for reminding me that I was impulsive, and I immediately restored the spirit of heaven and earth in my body."

When the senior sister heard the words, she didn't speak any more, and then walked out of the room.

