
Chapter 171 100-year-old grandma

Run An returned home with Run Xiaoqing in his arms and put it on his bed. He looked at it with concern*, and even his wet clothes would be taken off in the future and boiled water.

Grandma watched Runan take a * from nowhere to his home and watch him do everything for * in a hurry. Although she was curious, she didn't ask any more questions.

After a long time, Run'an boiled water and settled down Run Xiaoqing.

He watched her pale face gradually return to red, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At this time, Haotian had already stopped the rainstorm, and the dark clouds in the sky seemed to have quietly dispersed. The golden sunlight after the rain fell from the clouds and fell on the green rice leaves that had been irrigated by the rain, emitting a little rainbow-like beautiful light.

The people in the dam village cheered enthusiastically, cheering for the sudden rainstorm, and cheering for the rainstorm to save their dying rice ears and sorghum. However, who knows that at this moment, Run'an quietly fell to the ground of the room after calming down his nervous mood.

It is also because of this fall that it has been branded with the acuteness of forgetfulness.



"In this way, in fact, everything is seen in the eyes of the sacrifice?"

In the quiet fields, the night is like a curtain, the stars are shining brightly, and the silver light falls directly between heaven and earth.

Up to the north of Dam Village, the mountains are dark like fierce beasts lurking, and a non-wide yellow mud pond is lying in the fields, but at this moment, there are two horses running side by side.

Lin Yi rode on the wide back of the big dark horse and turned his head to look at Run'an on the quilt of the big brown horse. He opened his mouth leisurely and understood the context of the matter. Hearing Lin Yi's words, Run'an thought for a moment and then replied, "If he had said before when he was in the ancestral hall, then this should be the case, but if he doesn't leave the dam village, maybe the lonely snake will return."

"It is also reasonable to sacrifice to adults like this. Moreover, the snake was willing to hand over * to you at that time, because he was seriously injured himself, so he had no time to take care of Xiaoqing, but what I don't understand is that since the eyes of the snake leaving at the beginning were full of reluctance, and even had countless worries, why is it? Six years have passed and it has never been found again?"

"Does it think Xiaoqing can't survive?"

Lin Yi didn't say this. He rode on the back of the big black horse, then meditated for a moment and whispered softly, "Isn't it that it can't recover from the wound of the green dragon and is dead?"

Run'an did not answer Lin Yi's words. After all, he would not have been suspicious of this unknown matter.

The three horses walked together at night, and the beautiful fireflies flew in the dense fields from time to time. Lin Yi did not look at these fireflies, because he always felt that the origin of the big snake was a little strange, and after Run'an's detailed explanation, he was full of curiosity about the dragon bridge in front of the West Mountain.

When the senior sister first arrived at Daba Village, Lin Yi heard that the other party was ready to leave Xishan in a month. This is a brand-new place and is likely to be the place where he came here.

If there is really a method of recovering bones in the west mountain on the other side of Longqiao, then no matter how dangerous it is, Lin Yi will try it without hesitation. After all, although he feels that it is good to be alive, he doesn't like the cruel fact of the young camel after all.

"Is there still one month left? It seems that I have to take advantage of this time to teach Run Xiaoqing more practices, otherwise when I come back from Xishan, I must leave here."

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at Run Xiaoqing and found that she had already slept in Run'an's arms. His deep eyes were a little difficult to see under the moonlight, just like fog, but at this moment, a softer and bright light flashed in his eyes than the moonlight.

The brightly lit dam village was still quiet and peaceful, and the dim fire rose to the air. Lin Yi and others rode a big dark horse into the village.

The sacrificial adult did not walk the same road with them. He walked through a path on the edge of the field. Compared with this road, the distance of that path will undoubtedly be shorter and similar to a shortcut, and with his steps, he may not have arrived home early.

Lin Yi didn't think about sacrificing adults anymore. He just rode a big dark horse to Run'an's home, because he came down all day today and still had some questions to ask his senior sister.

The three horses passed through the cobblestone streets in the village together. The horses' hoofs were loud, but they did not highlight any urgency and chaos. Lin Yi and Run'an walked into the dilapidated courtyard together, and then tied the good colt under their seats to the beams.

At this time, after Lin Yi walked into the courtyard, he did not find the snow-white horse, so he was curious and silent for a moment, and his eyebrows were slightly locked.

According to common sense, it's getting late at this moment. Even if the senior sister is curious about the dam village, she should be at home in Run'an. You can't go to the west of the village. This is what the senior sister told Lin Yi, and there is only the dry mountain and cave in the south of the village, and there is nothing to do.

It is impossible for senior sister to go to the southern dry mountain with only a big barren platform. After all, there is nothing to stay there. As for the mountains in the north? Lin Yi and Lean just came back from there and never felt the breath of their senior sister.

So, after thinking about it, Lin Yi also put down his scruples. According to his senior sister's cultivation, there are no people or things in this village that can threaten her, so no matter what she is doing outside at this moment, Lin Yi has no reason to worry about it.

Lin Yi and Run'an approached the firewood room together and saw that grandma was cooking at this moment. Grandma's old back was lonely and depressed. At this moment, she was cutting a pot of potatoes in her hand. Grandma's action of cutting potatoes was very slowly, just like the footsteps of sacrificing adults, but sacrificing adults can step by step by inch, but However, she can't, because she really becomes unswratic because of the unforgiving years, and she is not as mysterious as sacrificing adults.

Grandma is a real long-lived old man. She is over 90 years old and is approaching 100 years old, which is enough to be respected by the young generation like Lin Yi. Therefore, Lin Yi looked at grandma busy with housework day and night, and inevitably thought of the grandma in her previous life.

They are also old people of grandma's generation. Even in Lin Yi's mind, if his grandma in her previous life has not died yet, then her age is almost the same as the grandma in front of her, but the only difference is that the grandma in front of her can still cook day and night as she is about to be 100 years old, for an embarrassing family. The court reduced a bit of pressure.

