
Chapter 195 Out of the Mountain

Going out from the dense and green forest, Lin Yi stood side by side with his senior sister.

Lin Yi**'s big dark horse is galloping, and the speed is flashing away; as for the snow-white horse under the senior sister's seat, it will not be much weaker than the big dark horse.

The strong ancient trees quickly flashed under the horse's hoof, and the pool bathed by the senior sister became farther and farther away. They did not look back. They stepped forward like two hopeers sailing to the future.

"Sister, you said that it has been more than two months since we came out of Liaocheng. Should you also leave Liaocheng?"

In the face of Lin Yi's sudden question, the senior sister whose silver hair was brushed on her face was still a little playful and charming. Her pure eyes stared at the front, like the blue sky shining on the top of the forest, and her white dress made her extremely holy, and her jade body was exquisite and convex.

The senior sister turned the beautiful face covered with white gauze and hid the corners of the lips of the white gauze. She meditated for a long time, and began to recall the woman who had taught herself how to face the vicissitudes of the world and told her life story very carefully.

After a long time, the senior sister reflected from her memory and replied, "Maybe my husband should have left Liaocheng earlier. After all, he can't tolerate her being hurt at all."

"She?" Lin Yi's face was puzzled and whispered to himself. He carried the reins of his horse, and the green silk was blown up by the strong wind blowing in front of him. Then he turned his head and took a serious look at the silver-haired senior sister on the white horse, and then asked doubtfully, "I don't know who she is referring to?"

"She is the person you care about the most."

The senior sister spoke lightly and her eyes remained calm.

"Sir can be the enemy of the whole world or against Haotian, but the person he can't allow to make mistakes by the world and Haotian is her."

Lin Yi was a little shocked when he heard this, and then asked softly, "Is she your husband's lover?"

When the senior sister heard this, she thought about it for a moment and said uncertainly, "You can also think so, but they are not."

"Oh, so that's it."

After Lin Yi nodded, he began to be silent.



In the dam village.

On a hill closer to the east, three brand-new cemeteries appeared a month ago.

The three new tombs were built on the hill that had already been cleaned up. In the first tomb, a erected tombstone was carved with several big blood-red characters, which read: the tomb of Brother Run.

On the head of the second tomb, there is still a brand-new tombstone, which is also carved with a few blood-red characters, writing: "Lin Yi's tomb."

As for the last grave, the tombstone also exists, but it is a wordless tablet, wordless and unwritten, and no one is carved.

As early as a month ago, the news of Brother Run's death spread throughout the dam village, so a mortuary was held in the village. They held a funeral for the young man and felt sorry for his departure. For Lin Yi and his sister, they had already been designated as dead by the people in the village for a month after entering Dongshan.

Runan does not believe that Lin Yi and the two will easily disappear and die. After all, only he knows that the other party is a mysterious practitioner, and the practitioner is a mysterious existence, at least for Run An.

"Sister, we are finally going out. This forest is really big." Lin Yi held the reins in his hand and sighed. He took the proud big black horse and walked among the trees, looking comfortable. He then said, "Yes, how did the senior sister come here alone?"

In the messy woods of Dongshan, Lin Yi and his senior sister have come to the outer area from the forest. They all got off their horses. After all, at this moment, the bushes are already low and full of green vines, which is not suitable for them to travel too high.

