
Chapter 201 A Difference

From the dark night to the dawn, from the sky to the blue sky, from the Liaocheng Wangfu to the Lujiafu, the time and road seem to be long, but time is faster and crowded; but in every moment, in fact, time has left a lot of important things, and the road is also printed by people's footprints after walking. There are clear traces.

The person who should find finds something, but the person who doesn't understand can't find it.

The next morning, the sky was still slightly bright, but on the streets of Liaocheng at this moment, the big black dogs began to keep barking, as if they were aroused by the anger of the hurried figure.

The figure was a little anxious, and his footsteps were a little hasty, but he did not ride a horse. He walked quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he walked far from the back door of the prince's mansion to the deep alley. Seeing that he was about to turn the street and disappear, the people in the city did not care about his past, and no one noticed that he was going. Where.

After a long time, the brightness of the sky became clearer, and the figure from the prince's mansion gradually began to become clearer. He walked through several streets in Liaocheng, and then walked into the Lu Mansion, which was also one of the three masters of Laocheng City. The family members of Lu Mansion saw his arrival and looked at the sky that Chenxi was exposed at this moment, and couldn't help locking his eyebrows and being a little curious.

So, a family member standing in front of the gate stopped the bodyguard in the prince's house and asked, "The general came to my Lu mansion early in the morning. I don't know what's going on?"

In the face of the inquiry of the Lu family, the guards in the prince's mansion did not hesitate much. He replied, "I would have been ordered by the prince to invite the owner of the Lu family to our palace. The prince said that he had something important to discuss with the owner of the Lu family."

When the Lu family heard the words, they nodded and said, "So it is. The general asked the little man to wait in the house first, and I will ask the maid in the house to call the master."

"It's so good, sir."

"I dare not, the general's words are heavy, and the villain can't stand it!"



After half a sound, a middle-aged man with a beard came from the courtyard. He wore a simple robe and looked simple and simple. Lu Changyun walked into the living room of Lu's house in a few steps. After seeing the person sitting on it, he immediately said with a smile, "It turned out that the general came."

When the prince's bodyguard saw Lu Changyun coming, he immediately stood up from his seat. He looked at the seemingly rough-faced middle-aged man in front of him. Although he felt that the other party was really noble and unattainable, he clearly knew that the other party's identity was comparable to his master, so the bodyguard immediately hugged his fist and said respectfully. "The last general has met the owner of the Lu family!"

Seeing this, Lu Changyun still smiled. He stepped forward to hold the bodyguard who wanted to be courteous, and quickly said, "The general doesn't need to be polite. Please take your seat."

The bodyguard sat down calmly, and Lu Changyun took a sip of the tea on the coffee table, and then continued to ask with a smile, "I don't know what the prince has to explain when the general got up this time?"

Hearing this, the bodyguard shook his head and replied, "The prince did not order the last general to do anything, but the prince asked the last general to tell the owner of the Lu family that you must go to the palace today. He said that there are some things to discuss with you face to face."

Hearing this, Lu Changyun couldn't help thinking about the meaning of the other party's words, but he couldn't think of what the other party meant, so he restrained the smile on his face and said lightly, "Well, Lu will go to the royal palace with the general later. The general will use tea in the living room first. I Go to the backyard and come back later, and then we will go to the royal palace together.

"Okay, the general is waiting for the Lord of the Lu family here!"

Lu Changyun nodded, stepped up and left the living room, and walked quickly to the backyard.

The backyard of the Lu family is still the style of the big family, but unlike the royal family, although the Lu family looks very prosperous and precious, it lacks a kind of majesty that people are afraid of. This is like whether it is a palace or a royal palace, they will be resplendent, carved beams and columns, and people will be carved. The elephant of dragon and phoenix admired for it.

The Lu family does not have these most respected dragon and phoenix elephants in the secular world, nor is it as powerful as the rainbow in the royal family, and it is established as a king in the world. In the backyard of the Lu family, a pool of clear pool lies horizontally, red silver carp in the pool, a few delicate green lotus leaves are slightly swept in the pool, and beautiful pink lotus flowers are in full bloom.

Lu Changyun walked vigorously and walked into the backyard in a few steps and went straight to the study in the house.



In the study of Lufu, a young man sat in front of the carved window. He held a precious sheep and looked at the yellow rice paper on the table calmly and attentively. He looked at the yellow paper for a long time, and then looked up at the beautiful scenery outside the window for a long time.

So, the silver carp in the pool suddenly poured bubbles, and the bubbles rose to the surface of the pool and were broken by the clear water falling from the rockery.

was a broken sound, and even the broken sound had been covered by the clear stream, but the young man in front of the carved window in the study heard the broken sound of the bubble extremely clearly. He seemed to be awake in an instant, so he withdrew his focused eyes and began to carefully move the sheep pen in his hand.

The tip of the sheep's pen is stained with thick ink, and the ink moves with the young man's hand, leaving a gentle line mark on the yellow paper. The young man controls the power on his wrist extremely carefully, so that the sheep's pen looks as if he can walk. Its pen tip is soft and delicate, and the ink on it is even more It exudes a unique fragrance of books.

The young man is very infatuated with this taste, so it is written that he is going to be obsessed with the past. Because of the young man's obsession, soft ink marks continue to appear on the yellowed rice paper; these ink marks are very beautiful and restrained, as if they are more delicate than women's embroidery, and each stroke is restrained. They all looked so flawless, as if they were natural.

I have to say that the handwriting written by young people is very beautiful.

Although he is not as domineering as the font of the emperor of the empire, revealing a king's spirit from the words, his restrained and elegant spirit is also outstanding. If the king writes like a strong man, then the young man writes like a yellow daughter as 18 years.

One is strong and domineering, and the other is shy and delicate.

The young man was intoxicated with calligraphy, and the sheep in his hand kept moving. His eyebrows were beautiful, but he could not hide the seriousness and rigor of writing at this moment, so a trace of sweat began to appear on his forehead, and his right hand holding the sheep's pen had begun to tremble slightly, and just as he was about to grit his teeth to finish writing yellow paper. At that time, a sudden voice outside the hospital destroyed all its attention, which had persisted for a long time.

