
Chapter 207 It's better to drink a bowl of tea

These seemingly incredible signs of two things collided from the road, and lifted the carriage with the horse with one hand from the young man carrying a wooden sword. In fact, these seemingly incredible signs happened in an instant.

The loud noise shook the spacious street, and the eunuch who was thrown to the door of the mansion suddenly turned pale, so he saw the huge vermilion door panel inlaid with wooden pieces of the carriage slowly opening, and two family-like people probing out of the Zhumen.

The family looked around for a week and found that the front of their gate was already messy, a pile of scattered carriage parts fell to the ground, and two scattered wooden wheels were also leaning on the marble steps.

After a while, the wife of the owner of the house and others walked out of the gate one after another. They looked in a hurry. After seeing the pile of garbage in front of the door, they couldn't help cursing angrily and said, "What's going on? What's going on? What's the short-sighted thing that brought the carriage to my door? Go to the street and check it out."

Being scolded by the head of the family, the familymen bowed their heads and sweated coldly. They did not dare to disobey the high-ranking official, so they went to the street to check.

Before the family members found anything, there was a violent tremor from the willow trees in front of the wall next to them, which shocked the families who looked around, and just after these tremblings, a painful hiss also spread one after another.

Hearing this, the familymen turned their heads and looked at the shaking willow tree, but at this glance, they were stunned to see a huge dark horse's buttocks, and what's more ridiculous was that the long tail growing on the flattery was shaking leisurely at this moment, which seemed to be extremely enjoyable.

In the face of a strong willow tree with flattery, even people in the world can't help laughing, so the family members in this house naturally can't help laughing, so they went to report to their head of the family and said, "My lord, we have found a strange thing."

The owner who was angry did not find the smile in their hearts. They were very good at covering up, but at the moment of his displeasure, no joke would have any effect. Therefore, the owner continued to look coldly and asked coldly, "Come on, what have you found?"

When the family heard this, they did not dare to neglect at all. They immediately replied, "Lord, there is a horse hanging on an old willow tree in front of the wall of my house!"

Hearing this news, both the angry owner and the noble lady who has been up and downs will become extremely shocked and surprised, so they look at each other and find that they are full of curiosity, then move down the steps and walk along their walls.

The old willow tree with a horse is actually not far from the door, but if they don't walk out of those few steps, the strong wall will block the view and make it impossible to see the truth.

A group of people moved from the red gate to the spacious street. Their eyes could be seen farther and clearer on the street, so some people saw the two men standing calmly in the distance, and some people focused their eyes on the horse hanging on the old willow tree.

The horse is naturally a good horse, otherwise it can't be as fast as before. However, no matter how good the horse is, if it is firmly clamped by a thick tree branch in its chest and faces a tightening emergency, it will eventually escape the tragic end of suffocation.

People in the house saw that the horse was shaking its tail violently, so they knew that the situation of the horse was very dangerous at this moment, but since the anxious but smiling landlord did not say anything to save the horse, the keepers in the rear did not dare to act rashly.

At this time, in the teahouse opposite the house, an old man was impatiently probing out of Manchester United. As early as the previous loud noise, the old man had actually woken up. It was a thunderous shock, and the sound was shocking. How was it not enough to wake him up from a sleepy state?

The old man's face was full of anger, which was anger after being awakened from sleep, so he looked at the group of people opposite, and there was impatience and irritability in his heart, so he wanted to break through the curse and scold those that made a sound. However, after the old man turned his head, he also found the two people standing quietly on the street. .

A middle-aged man, his clothes and hair were messy, and he looked quite embarrassed, but no one in the audience dared to say that he was embarrassed, because he was Lu Changyun, the owner of the three families in Liaocheng, and he had enough ability to make everyone shut up.

Lu Changyun was silent and his face was cold. Whether it was his hair or the dark beard, he was quite messy at this moment. He was not thrown away by the young man with a wooden sword, or he escaped from the carriage at the moment when the carriage was about to fall, and then fell in front of the young man and stopped him. Young people go on their way.

The young man with the wooden sword stopped. He did not continue to walk forward. A pair of Danfeng's eyes were really calm and calm.

He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who blocked his way. He did not speak, did not move, and did not show anything, as if he were a dead wood, standing quietly in the middle of the road, motionless.

Lu Changyun looked at him indifferently, thinking that the person in front of him was so terrible. Even if his horse could not hit him, he was casually lifted by the horse and carriage by the other party. Even in the end, he was almost thrown away like his groom, and in the end, he was extremely likely to die.

Therefore, Lu Changyun was very afraid of the person in front of him. He was so afraid of how to open his mouth and didn't know whether he should let him go.

For the young man, the reason why he stopped and was silent was actually not too much. He just felt that since the person in front of him stopped him, the other party would definitely say something to him. Of course, if the other party could rush up and fight with him, it must be what he most wanted to see. .

However, as time went by, the young man still did not feel the other party's movements. He just looked at the other party quietly, and then found that the other party also looked at himself seriously and had no intention of doing anything at all.

So, time has passed for a long time again, and noon is coming. The old man is still looking at the two figures at the door, his eyebrows are locked, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

The old man pondered for a long time, and his pale temples kept rushing, as if he was not used to the scene in front of him, so when the sun was getting hotter and hotter, he couldn't help saying, "You two stand so dry, and you two are not afraid of the sun above your head?"

"In my opinion, instead of standing so blindly, you might as well come to the coffin to drink a bowl of tea!"

