
Chapter 276 Three Dreams

In a piece of grass in the east, there is a green.

The endless deep green grass is very green, the leaves of the sparse trees on the side are very green, and even the lakes that are calm in the forest are very green. They are green without a trace of dirt. They are green as if they want to dye the blue sky, and there is no green everywhere.

is such a green monotonous world, somewhere on the grass, but there is a person lying flat, a very simple person.

People are mortals, but they are not ordinary people.

The man was wearing simple coarse cloth clothes, and the waterfall-like cloth on his head was also wrapped in coarse cloth. He looked extremely simple and simple, and because his face was also covered with a piece of coarse cloth, people could not see what kind of person he was. What was going to do lying flat on the grass at this moment.

People have been lying on this grass for a long time and have been lying on this grass at night since the day before yesterday. During this period, they have not moved, as if they had died for a long time.

The man is not dead. He is very tired, so he lies in the grass and rests.

Before, people walked a lot. He ran here from far away and walked exhausted and worked very hard, but he was a mortal, so no matter how he walked west, he could not walk out of this vast east.

He walked here and came to this green grass field. The soft grass made him feel comfortable. He couldn't help falling down tiredly, and then began to sleep greedily in this grass field. He put down the hard work before, and the soles of his feet, which were swollen because of the road began to recover. He The weak body was released in his sleep, but he did not relax at all.

People are very alert. Whenever there is a sound from the grass, no matter how heavy he sleeps, he will wake up and check it very carefully until he finds that there is no one around him.

One sleep is two days and two nights.

Today is the morning of the third day. The weather is faintly fresh, and then people still do not get up from the grass. What is curious is that there is nothing in people's arms, but there is something wrapped in coarse cloth. Except for himself, no one knows what this thing is. He held it desperately, as if it were more important than his life.

So, the morning sun fell from above his head, and the soft light began to warm him. He felt the sunshine. He knew that this was another day, so he wanted to wake up from his closed sleep and then follow his way.

However, he couldn't get up. He was too tired. The continuous journey made him feel as if he had been beaten by countless wooden sticks. The wooden sticks seemed to have disrupted the bones of his whole body, making him collapse in this soft grass and making him feel that he was about to die of powerlessness.

People don't want to die!

No one in the world wants to die!

But he really seems to be waiting to die, and he can't even move his body.

Therefore, people began to dream in the only clear consciousness. He dreamed of a white world, which was a place full of ice and snow, a boundless thick ice, like an endless mirror. He saw a mass of white light floating under the ice, but no matter how the white light floated, It's always impossible to escape from this ice.

The white ice layer is a cage.

Just to trap this white light mass.

The light mass could not escape from this vast cage. The ice layer sealed its way tightly like a spell. People began to be afraid and timid. He felt more and more that he was the light mass, so he woke up at the next moment. The white dream changed into endless crimson, but this bright red color did not give people any comfort, but made him more afraid and helpless.

Countless red is like rain falling from the sky, and there are a lot of people under this red rain.

People slept in the rain, but in this sleep, black figures suddenly fell from the sky. These black figures held sharp swords and sharp weapons. They ruthlessly scratched the sharp weapons on the necks of these sleeping people, and then made the sleeping people fall asleep forever, so that their blood gathered into the red rain. Medium.

Blood kept flowing from the figures, and people looked worriedly at these black figures to do whatever they wanted. He could not stop these figures from hunting people until they killed all the sleeping people, until they killed all the awakened people.

The man fell into a painful struggle. He knew every dead person. He witnessed a reluctant middle-aged man rush out of the red rain, and then the middle-aged man began to fall into a short-term negotiation with these dark shadows. The negotiations were very short, as if the black figures could not know the result, so they wanted to kill. This middle-aged man died.

The middle-aged man was very desperate, and then began to rack his brains to drag these people forward, but he couldn't delay these people.

A blood-stained sword stabbed out of the red rain, like splitting the falling rain, and then stabbed into the middle-aged man's chest without hindrance.

The middle-aged man couldn't move. He looked at the sword penetrating his chest, and heard the sound of the sword piercing his body extremely clearly in his ear. The sound also seemed particularly crisp, crisp like an angry calligrapher tearing a leaf of half of his work that he was not satisfied with.

After a moment, the crisp voice gradually stopped, and the work was supported by the calligrapher.

But this is all the last fantasy of the middle-aged man; the sword only stayed in the middle-aged man's body for a moment, and then couldn't wait to pull it out of his body. The middle-aged man was so eager for the sword to stay in his body for another moment, but he couldn't let the sword stay.

Another crisp sound, and the sword was ruthlessly pulled out!

The black figure opposite held the blood-stained sword he pulled out, and his face hidden under the black veil was expressionless. He looked at the blood gushing out of the middle-aged man's chest, but ** his eyes outside the black veil flashed with excitement and madness, looking extremely bloodthirsty and indifference.

Middle-aged people feel pain in their chest.

It's very painful and heartbreaking.

He can clearly feel that his blood flows out of his body like a river. He can also feel that he will die immediately after the blood overflows, but he is not afraid that he will die. At this point, he has already put his life and death aside.

It's just that he is full of unwillingness.

He was unwilling to block the pace of these people in black, so he pressed his chest with his own hand. He wanted to maintain the blood flow from his body through his hand, so that he could continue his living life, so that he could stop it with immortality. Those people moved forward, but in the next moment, a cold light suddenly appeared in the red rain completely cut off his will.

The cold light is a filiatory light emitted by a sharp weapon.

The light quickly passed through the red rain, passed in front of the unwilling eyes of the middle-aged man, and then cut open the middle-aged man's contracted neck. The neck was cut off, and the middle-aged head fell to the ground. Spring-like blood gushed out of his body. The blood stained red with the dark red rain, and then fell down with his unwilling body. In this bleak pool of blood.

When people saw this, his consciousness suddenly began to suffer. He kept shouting in the crimson rain, but he couldn't make any sound. He could only watch the killing continue. He could only watch the black figures continue to rush into the rain, and then start with his body. Follow along.

The man saw the black figure killing all the people he knew. He saw a young man running away from panic. The man did not escape for himself, but to cover another person from escaping. But people could not see who was sent away under the cover of the man, as if his figure had been covered by clouds and fog, and shortly after their panic fled, the man suddenly closed the stone door that isolated the two.

The person who was covered and sent away disappeared behind the stone door.

The whole crimson rain curtain world also began to break, and people suddenly felt that their consciousness was very painful.

He suddenly struggled painfully from his sleep. He seemed to open his closed eyes and was still a sunny world. The light kept falling on his tired body, but at this moment, the light seemed to give him a little strength to his tired body and gave him a little strength in a trance.

People stand up from the grass, but he still feels that it's just a sleep. He can't be sure whether he sees reality or not. The previous two dreams are nightmares, terrible nightmares, nightmares that can't be erased all his life.

The sunlight falling from the sky was a little dazzling. It took a long time before he opened his eyes. He looked around blankly. Everything was still green, and at this time, a cool wind blew in the air. The wind blew through the human face and blew the coarse cloth wrapped around his whole body. The coarse cloth did not flutter like light gauze, so people still looked extremely calm.

People like this kind of breeze very much, as if the cool wind had blown away all his troubles. He wanted to untie the coarse cloth on his face that had been blocked for a long time. He felt that he should breathe fresh air and continue to walk west.

But at this moment, a dry smoke came from the wind on his side.

The smoke had a strong burning smell, which was the smell of burning dry firewood. When people heard the smell, his face hidden under the thick cloth suddenly turned pale. He turned around and looked at the places where the smoke was fluttering and saw a man wearing a hat making fire to cook food.

People looked at the figure in shock, but did not see the other party's face.

He tightened the thing that was also wrapped in coarse cloth in his hand and wanted to escape from behind the man immediately, but somehow he did not escape. He looked curiously at the man in a bamboo hat in front of him, watching him skillfully making fire and cooking, watching him deal with everything in an orderly manner, and watching him slow Slowly turned his head.

The man in a hat saw the person standing up, so he smiled and then began to pack up attentively.

