
Chapter 278 can't keep you, only let you go

You asked to scoop up the stream, watched the little red fish in the stream enter the barrel by itself, and then stood up and said to people, "Because it is my fish."

People are surprised, but they still don't mean to wash their faces.

He grabbed the corners of his clothes with some embarrassment and looked at the stream with some embarrassment. His two footsteps seemed to be fixed on the grass.

Jun asked him that he didn't intend to wash his face, so he said, "Are you afraid that you will become a woman after washing it?"

When people heard this, they were suddenly shocked. The two eyes that had been trusted were suddenly alert. He looked at the man holding the wooden barrel in horror and his face without any malice, but as if he saw the ugliest face in the world. He asked, "How do you know that I'm a woman, and what have you done to me?"

Jun Wen replied seriously, "I only know that you are a woman, but I didn't do anything to you. If you don't want to wash your face, you can not.

"Let's continue on our way!"

The man was not talking. He took a few steps forward to the stream, and then slowly squatted down. He saw the face reflected in the water, which was a little dirty, a little haggard, a little thin and sick, but no matter how ugly it was, this was his own face.

He made his beauty look like a man. In order to live and escape, he had to disguise himself. He deceived everyone in the world, but he could not deceive a powerful practitioner who once gave him strength.

He is a woman.

So he is no longer him, but her.

The man looked at himself in the water and slowly stretched out the white show hand. The show hand gently reached into the cold and clear water, but felt a trace of coolness of water.

She gently scooped up the water with both hands, and then hit the water on her pretty face. Her face was very white, with a trace of illness. She has been infected with a stubborn disease since she was a child, and the person who rescued her now doesn't know where she will die in a stubborn disease. Even if she believed it before, but now she doesn't believe it.

It took a short time to wash her face. When she stood up from the stream again and came to Junwen's side, she was already very clean. Junwen took a look at her clean face. This was the first time he saw her face, and he found that the other party was very beautiful and beautiful.

The human eyes were pure and quietly asked, "Now tell me what your name is!"

Junwen turned his head and walked away without looking back and said, "Junwen."

The man raised the lotus step and followed and said, "It's a beautiful name."



From the beginning of the two, time is also slowly passing. They walked through the grassland, through the woods, through the lake, and walked to a city.

This is a strange city. There are many people in the city. People are vaguely and busy, making everything look orderly and ordinary.

Jun asked if he took someone into a restaurant, and then asked someone to order a table of food.

The former does not raise chopsticks to eat, while the latter is particularly satisfied.

Junwen drank the tea distributed by the restaurant, looked at the passers-by at the door, and then saw a beautiful young man approaching the restaurant; the young man approached the restaurant and looked back at Junwen. The two looked at each other, but there was no spark.

The young man wore a gorgeous brocade robe, but he didn't look like a worldly person. He called his daughter red, and then sat on the left table of Junwen.

Jun Wen looked at the young man drinking alone, and then withdrew his eyes.

The young man looked at Jun and asked to drink tea, and then moved his eyes.

The young man shifted his eyes to the man who was buried himself in eating, and then saw the thing wrapped in coarse cloth. The thing was placed on the table where Jun Wen was sitting, as if he could take it as long as the young man stretched out his hand at will. However, the young man drank wine but did not reach out to get it. He knew what this thing was, and he also knew himself I can't get this thing now.

Even if it is close. But it's like two generations apart.

So, the young man drank a catty of his daughter's red in a moment.

He sighed extremely comfortably, then left a got of silver on the table and left quietly. Everything was as sparse as ordinary customers. Jun asked when he came, watched him leave, and then looked at the person who was about to eat, and said calmly, "Are you full?"

The man wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth with a close-fitting handkerchief and said seriously, "I'm full, but the food here is not as delicious as you cook, and you can see these pig's feet, although they are braised, but they have obviously not been stewed for a long time, so their flesh and flesh is so hard to chew; and this plate of lobster , it obviously has a fishy smell, but the store doesn't know how to press it with sour vinegar, which is really shocking..."

"Now that we are full, let's go!"

Junwen stood up and prevented the person in front of him from continuing to talk. He also left a bank of silver on the table, and then left the table and chair without forgetting to say, "Take your things!"

The man picked up the things on the corner of the table and followed Jun to walk out of the restaurant.

What is in her arms is the most important thing for people. Even if she doesn't need to warn her, she will take it firmly. After all, this thing is related to many things and is very important to her.

The two walked out of the restaurant and walked out of the city along the street. The city was not big, so it took a long time for them to walk out of the gate and came outside the gate.

Outside the city, there is a dry mountain in the distance. The trees on the dead mountain are rarer than the forests they have visited before, and the dry mountain has no green color. It is only star-like emerald green. In addition, it is the black and brown of the mountain, which looks like it is covered with a layer of ashes.

This is a dead mountain and a mountain after the fire.

All the trees were burned in the fire, leaving only a few tall trees with a trace of vitality. Their branches grew a little green leaves. Even if their branches looked dark and full of coke, you knew that since they were not dead, they would not die again.

The people behind them still followed Junwen closely. Junwen looked at her, and then the two walked forward. They walked into the dry mountain and walked on the hill road of the dry mountain. The two slightly thin figures gradually disappeared from the black and brown color.

There are not many dead trees around, and there are less than dozens of dead mountains. Junwen walked into the dead mountain with people. The former felt that the dead mountain was unusual, while the latter still held what was in his arms and didn't know what to do.

At this time, a fog floated on the dry mountain.

The fog is like the remnants of a flame of gas, with a choking smell and wants the two of them to come directly. Jun asked to feel these fogs, and his kind face has not changed. However, he is not afraid of these fogs, but the person holding the things in his arms is very afraid. She coughed violently, as if she is going to be These fogs aroused their own stubborn diseases.

The road ahead became more and more psychedelic, and both of them seemed to be lost in the dry mountains.

From the outside world, there is no fog in the dry mountain, but the two figures suddenly disappeared on the dry mountain.

Junwen was in the fog. As a gas period, he was extremely sharp. He knew that it was not a sudden cloud. He also knew that these smokes were the smoke of the previous dry mountains and fires. He had the peak cultivation of the air period, and the sword that was obsessed with kendo did not defeat him, so he faced this kind of love in front of him. Besides, he was not panicked.

He still kept walking forward, ignoring the thicker and thicker smoke around him. People wanted to follow him, but she couldn't open it, couldn't breathe, and she couldn't keep up with his footsteps.

She watched the person in front of her disappear. She coughed uncontrollably, but her heart was panicked.

She wanted to reach out to grab the other party's hand. She stretched out her hand and grabbed the other party's completely. At this time, it seemed that the other party also felt her meaning, so a big hand with an incomparable sense of security grabbed her hand. People felt the strength brought by this big hand, so she even stopped coughing, and the smoke in front of her began to slowly fade away from her eyes. Then she wanted to see Junwen holding her hand with hope.

The big hand kept holding himself and did not let go of himself. People looked at the man who held his hand.

He has a rare handsome appearance, but he doesn't wear a hat. He still has a sense of integrity, but he looks at himself blank at this moment, and stares at what he is holding in his other hand, with a trace of greed in his eyes.

People looked curiously at the person who held his hand.

She shook her hand to get rid of the other party's hand. She couldn't get rid of it, and there was no trace of trembling. The other party's hand was like a pliers, clamping her show hand.

The man was frightened to look at the man who suddenly held her hand and said, "What do you want to do? Let go of me!"

The young man's beautiful face drew a smile. He looked at the extremely white man in front of him and said, "I only wanted what was in your arms, but you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I think such a beautiful person should have a good place in the future. Would you like to come with me?"

Faced with the person who said such words as soon as they met, her people were even more frightened. She said to him angrily, "You apprentice, let me go quickly. I already have someone to follow!"

The young man didn't seem to expect the other party to say so, so his smiling face gradually restrained, and then he slowly loosened his hand.

The man's hand was released, and she was very happy but not happy. She looked at the other party's heartfelt and gloomy face and became more and more confused about what kind of person the other party was, but at this moment, the young man hesitated for a moment and said, "Give it to me, and I'll let you go."

The man tightened the things in his hand and asked, "What do you want me to go?"

The young man said with a little regret, "I can't keep you, but let you go!"

"But you can go. The things in your arms can't go. Let me let you go is the biggest concession. Give her!"

"Why can you be so confident in your own formation? Why do you embarrass my friends in front of me? Why do you take what obviously doesn't belong to you?"

