
Chapter 285 Prison

A sword can't stop it. What blocks it is the wooden sword floating in the air.

The wooden sword revolves around the dazzling silver light all over the sky. The silver light explodes from the sky like a moonlight, and then floats into countless rays of light floating in the air, like a wave rushing towards the imprisoned Lin Yi and the big dark horse.

There is no rain in the sky at this moment, but Lin Yi faintly seems to hear the sound of the rainstorm cutting through the airflow.

He opened his mouth and said to the fleeing sword, "Brother, don't go. What on earth can't you stop? Why do I feel scared? You have to save me!"

A sword rode the big brown horse and ran a long way until he completely escaped from the range wrapped by the wooden sword. He held the reins of the horse and stopped the footsteps of the big brown horse, then turned the horse's head and turned around. His face was still full of embarrasment at Lin Yi, who was riding on the back of the big black horse, and replied loudly, "Little brother I can't stop my sword."

"Sword? That wooden sword?"

Lin Yi was confused, but he understood the other party's meaning in an instant, and because he understood the other party's meaning, he was really afraid to move at this moment; he knew which leaves were still staring at him like prisoners. If he moved at all, endless grass leaves would quickly penetrate his body, so, He didn't dare to move or even breathe, but the sound of the broken wind in his ear kept approaching.

The whistling sound, accompanied by the blowing wind, formed a sound of crying and howling in his heart.

He was quite tearful and said, "Brother, will I be killed by your sword!"

A sword saw the countless silver swords behind him and wanted him to rush away. Looking at the wooden sword that controlled all the silver arrows, he must say, "Don't worry, little brother, they can't kill you!"

"Can't kill me? Then it will definitely split me all over the body?"

"No, they will only trap you, and then I can't unlock this cage made of wooden sword!"

"Senior sister, she just needs to make trouble. Is she trying to turn me into a puppet?

Hearing the words, she thought silently for a moment, and suddenly raised her head and said seriously, "The elder sister just doesn't want you to go to Liaocheng. She doesn't mean to restrict the freedom of the younger brother. It must be reasonable for her to do so."

"Why, I'm going to die? That's bullshit!"



For Lin Yi's swearing, if it were him, he would not be much better, so he did not feel any anger and displeasure for the senior sister. He knew that his little brother was not easy at this time, especially when the other party could not turn his head and felt such a terrible sword.

His spirit is in the stage of collapse.

It's as shaky as a table that has lost a single corner.

After a long time, the endless sword spirit kept shrouding from afar, just like the vast brilliance when the sun moved away from the dark clouds. Lin Yi sat on the back of a big black horse, and cold sweat began to emerge from his forehead.

He felt this huge sword.

The sword is like a lake coming out against the sky, and the lake water rushes to his big dark horse. The big black horse could not move its body, as if it were petrified at this moment. However, when the endless sword came, its limbs quickly bent like a broken bone and fell to the ground with Lin Yi on its back.

One person and one horse fell to the ground together at this moment.

Countless green leaves passed quickly over Lin Yi's head, as fast as lightning flashing through the dark clouds.

The grass leaves lost Lin Yi's guidance and rushed away like ten thousand swords on the battlefield. An unfortunate dragonfly flew through the air. Two coincidental grasses cut off its thin and transparent wings. The dragonfly with broken wings landed in the air, and the falling body was still struggling vaguely, but at the same time of landing, the grass leaves followed. Unfortunately, it crossed its twisted body.

The grass leaves have never been stained with blood. Until she got out of the control of her sister, she did not hurt a single creature.

The dragonfly cut by grass leaves disintegrates and splits.

Four broken transparent thin wings and two cut bodies fell to the green grass with the endless uncontrolled grass leaves.

The body of the dragonfly fell on the grass, lifting two tender green leaves and shaking gently.

Countless grass leaves fell from mid-air, without making the original grass leaves greener.

The broken wings finally fell to the ground, and everything seemed to have never shaken, vaguely quiet as before.



Taking off the threat of grass leaves, Lin Yi, who lay on the big dark horse, breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart, but then breathed another breath.

song relief is because the grass leaves will no longer cut his body like a sharp knife, and no longer want to cut his ears into two as before, so he was glad that the fall of the big dark horse had freed him from the lock of crisis, but after his relief, he suddenly realized that there was a huge sword behind him. Come by yourself.

That's why. He didn't wait for himself to relax, but took a rough breath.

This breath made his chest stuffy, like the feeling of holding his breath to death. However, Lin Yi was really calm, so calm that he was still in the mood to see what was going on with the huge sword behind him.

Without the control of the grass leaves, he regained his freedom.

He can stand up and escape from the sadness of the big dark horse. He can use his own strength to fight against the spirit of heaven and earth. The power controlled by his senior sister has been gradually weakened. He can feel that he is enough to escape from the constraints around him with the cultivation of the reserve period.

But can he escape?

An unknown problem is gradually turned into reality by countless swords in the sky.

Lin Yi slowly turned his head, and his deep eyes seemed to reflect the blue of the sky and the endless silver light. He saw an illusory sword pour down from a distance like rain, and he felt the power of bondage on these swords.

So, he slowly stood up from the grass.

Take off the back of the big dark horse and stand up.

The green silk on the head is swept by the strong wind, just like endless water grass floating under the washing of the sea.

His deep eyes looked directly at the sword in the sky, and his slightly thin figure became extremely tall at this moment. Looking at a silver sword inserted into his body and two close swords piercing his eyes, Lin Yi's eyes began to become weak.

His vision became more and more blurred, leaving only a silver world.

There is no glorious world except silver.

Lin Yi's vision began to become vague but ignorant. He could not see the green grass in front of him. He could not see a sword brother staring at him in the distance. His body was still invulnerable by thousands of swords, as if it had been interspersed with thousands of holes, as if by these silver The sword was inserted into a living sieve.

Countless swords can't come down from the sky, but none of them has never been inserted into Lin Yi's body.

More and more swords make Lin Yi seem to be fixed between heaven and earth, turning it into an unperceived body.

The last silver sword flew down through the space and kept flying to the seemingly dull Lin Yi. He seemed to have lost his soul, so he let the sword shine straight into his forehead. The sword brought a shining light in front of his forehead, and with the world all over the sky at this moment. Don't get angry on Lin Yi.

He has no perception at all, and he doesn't know how many swords he contains.

A sword looked at the figure that had already become a sculpture, and the wooden sword in the sky without any luster flew towards him. He reached out and took the wooden sword and put it lightly on his back. Then he felt that all the crises at this moment had disappeared on the grass, and then slowly took the ** big brown horse to his little teacher. Brother, ride.



A sword walks very slowly, and his big brown horse walks very slowly.

I don't know whether the big brown horse was affected by the previous weather or a sword on its back. One horse approached from the distant grass, but before they approached, the big dark horse that fell into the quagmire suddenly stood up.

The big dark horse saw that his master did not move, so he rubbed his dark head against the other party. However, Lin Yi still showed no sign of waking up. It walked around Lin Yijing's pine-like body twice and found that the other party did not respond at all.

At this moment, the big black horse hissed.

Not towards his own owner, nor to the sword and big brown horse that keeps approaching him.

The place it is facing is the snow-white horse that is fast coming in the distance, and the beautiful shadow on the back of the snow-white horse.

The sound of horseshoes spread from the grass, and the sound was rapid and compact. The beautiful senior sister rode on the back of the snow-white horse. She held the horse's rein, and her galloping clothes fluttered. At the same time, her seemingly snow-like white hair flew in the wind.

A sword is getting closer and closer to Lin Yi, the senior sister is getting closer to Lin Yi, and the senior sister and a sword getting closer and closer.

The three horses are close to each other.

When the big dark horse saw the arrival of the senior sister, it rubbed her legs with great obediently. The senior sister's beautiful eyes looked at it softly and looked at its arrogant prayer expression, and couldn't help but be very funny.

It's funny, but it doesn't laugh.

She turned her head and looked at the sword, which was still a little afraid, and said with a smile, "Brother, thank you for your sword, which made me control his progress."

He bowed his hand with a sword and bowed a punch and replied honestly, "They are all senior sisters with profound cultivation and have nothing to do with their younger brothers."

Hearing this, the senior sister turned her head and took a look at the still green tree on the grass. She looked at its umbrella-like dense leaves, took a breath and continued, "Transfer the little brother to that tree. Let's wait for the gentleman to come back under the tree and then go to the city!"

A sword did not mean to refuse her, and he did not dare to refuse, but he didn't want to hide some words in his heart, so he reached out and raised his little brother's body to the back of the big brown horse like a kitten, to the front of his seat, and then gently raised his feet. Kicking the abdomen of the big brown horse, he followed the footsteps of the senior sister and the big black horse to the bottom of the big tree.

came to the bottom of the tree, and slowly settled Lin Yi's body with a sword, and then frowned emotionally. He said, "Sister, I told the younger brother why you prevented your younger brother from entering Liaocheng."

