
Chapter 290 Shadow

After saying the word north, Junwen turned around and walked north from the countryside outside the city. He held a fishing rod in his right hand and the wooden bucket loaded with small red fish in his left hand.

People looked at the fiery city full of nostalgia, and her reluctant eyes couldn't help but flash with tears, as if there was a continuous autumn rain in her clean and beautiful eyes at this moment, and in this autumn rain, there was also a moving autumn fog.

Autumn fog is vast, heartbreaking, confused and heartbreaking.

The person's footsteps are so gentle that she walks without a slight sound. She looks careful after Jun asked, as if even the night has been deeper for her, waiting for her to be lonely and lonely.

So, the two walked so quietly and leisurely in front and back. They walked in the noisy countryside outside the city and in the dark night. It was not until after walking for a long time that the two began to slowly approach the north of the city.

In the north of the city, the lights are dim and sparse.

Compared with the city and the southeast, the atmosphere here is slightly quiet, and there is only a wilderness outside the north of the city, with vast mountains, and not many people will walk back and forth; there is no passage to the north, and there is no city road to connect, as if as long as you drive north, except for the array of Fawei There is no longer any way to go outside the dam village.

Junwen's walking pace with people is not very fast, but it will never be slow, so when they walked from the west to the outside of the city and then completely walked to the north gate, more than ten days had already passed.

The man was still dressed in a coarse cloth robe and wrapped in a special turban on his head, but his face was no longer covered by coarse cloth. She and Junwen walked to the north of the city, and the two looked at the night outside the city together. The former did not know what to move, and the latter had no intention of turning into the city.

At this time, a string of compact footsteps suddenly sounded in the gate.

The footsteps were very tight and stable, and with the sound, a hurried young man came out of the city. The young man looked empty-handed and had nothing in his hand, but his face was a little rigorous and ugly. He went straight to the black wilderness without any vigilance.

Junwen stood on the edge of the city gate, so he was not felt by the youth, and even the fans were not felt by the youth.

This young man is naturally the young master of the Five elements: Yu Feng.

After Yu Feng left the Lu Mansion, his whole body looked a little gloomy. For the murderers who killed the five elders of this sect, he had no reason not to find them, and now he has been confirmed by Lu Changyun in Liaocheng, so he can't wait to travel overnight to find the murderer as soon as possible.

The night was silent, and the pace of the aftergwind walking became faster and faster. Even in the whole night, there was no noise mixed with it except for his footsteps. However, what Yufeng did not know was that it was because he left in a hurry, which laid a good foundation for the next story.

Standing next to the city gate, Junwen looked at Yu Feng walking far away. He saw the other party's figure in the dark night, but his face was expressionless, and he had never wanted to get up and chase him.

For the king, although he doesn't know the name of the other party and where he is from, he is extremely familiar with the other party's fighting style. Moreover, he has clearly seen the other party's face and knows that this is a difficult big practitioner, a powerful young rune master, and the people around him know the appearance of the afterg.

Maybe it's just a profile picture, and people can probably recognize it immediately. After all, her things were robbed by the other party, and even her people were almost robbed by her.

She watched the young man leave slowly, and came to Junwen and said hurriedly, "Brother Jun, it was he who took my things. Let's catch up with him."

Jun asked Xiyi's eyes, but his eyes looked extremely calm and said slowly, "I know it's him, but it's too early to catch up now. Besides, if he only walks north, we will meet him sooner or later, so you don't have to worry about it."

When people heard the words, they couldn't resist the eagerness of what they had used their lives to maintain. They asked, "Why should we wait? Why don't we catch up with him at this good time? Moreover, it's night at this moment. He must not think that someone will follow him, and it's not much for us to get back things. Double the effort?"

Junwen turned his head and looked at her, looked at her beautiful and somewhat pale and pale bloody cheeks. He hesitated for a moment and said, "It's naturally easy to catch up with him, but it's too difficult to keep him. If you rely on my strength, I'm afraid I can defeat him, but I can't kill him, let alone grab his things. Come on, and the most important thing is that I have no grudge against him. How can I kill him casually?

People are different from Junwen. She has experienced the tragic reality of life and death. She knows that there is not so much kindness and simplicity in the world, otherwise she would not have had that bloody dream, dreaming that those people in black killed their closest people, and then burned the whole house with a pile of fire.

Her heart is full of hatred, and at the same time, she is also very anxious. What was robbed is the only token left to her by others. Without this thing, she is not even sure whether the other party will remember her, and whether the other party will sit in the pavilion as before, and then talk about some small past.

Therefore, he couldn't help pondering for a moment, and then said angrily, "What should I do? I can't watch him steal my things so casually, can I?"

Jun's eyes were calm and he stared at her quietly, as if it could smooth the waves in her heart. He said, "What belongs to you will eventually return to your hands. You don't have to care about passing by in front of you."

Speaking of this, suddenly there was a faint night wind blowing between the two.

The night wind came without warning, and the only place it blew was Junwen and the position where the person stood. Junwen felt the abnormality of the night wind, but people did not feel it. For people, a gust of wind is a gust of wind, and there will be nothing worth thinking about.

She is mortal, and the life of mortals should be very peaceful.

The night wind is a little cool, and brushing her face can only make her sober a little, that's all.

Your eyes turned slightly and felt the breeze blowing. He vaguely understood something in his heart. Then he looked at the people and continued to say, "Let's go and follow him with the most ordinary footsteps. I don't think it will take long to catch up with him, but I can't guarantee that he will hand over what you want."

The delicate face said angrily, "That's not what I want, that's basically what I want!"

Junwen slowly walked towards the black night. There was only a wide wilderness in the night, but in this quiet night, four people are constantly walking north.

The front man is the young master of the Five elements sect: Yu Feng.

The last person is the person who is one meter away from Junwen, and among the two people in the middle, one is Junwen and the other is Uncle Gu, whom few people know.

Lufu asked Uncle Gu to come out of the mountain.

