
Chapter 294 Sword Bell

The senior sister took Lin Yi out of the battle circle, which was not unexpected by the sword that was condensing a huge sword. For the young man who was condensing the array, the sword knew that the other party's cultivation was similar to her own, so as long as she took action, the master sister did not have to be mixed in this battle.

Under the poplar tree, the speed of waving with his hands has slowly dropped. His slender five fingers constantly control the qi output of heaven and earth in his body, and stabilize the floating runes in the air through the palm of his hand, so that these floating runes can gradually gather together, and finally form an extremely solid golden clock. .

The golden bell slowly rotated in the air, driving the surrounding atmosphere of heaven and earth to condense. The senior sister took Lin Yi's body to the distance and then gently put it on the grass. Regardless of how angry the seventh brother's consciousness was, she looked at the afterglow under the poplar tree.

The clock is bright and golden, and the atmosphere of heaven and earth is extremely strong.

I have to say that Yu Feng is indeed an outstanding young charmer.

With his current cultivation and experience, he can practice the use of array to achieve such an achievement. Even the senior sister who can break the array has a little appreciation in his heart. Moreover, there are many practitioners in the world, but the existence of runes is very rare, not to mention that Yu Feng can become such a powerful rune master at such a young age.

Most importantly, he can already fight through the formation!

Feeling that the breath under the poplar tree became stronger and more severe, the sword with his back to the aftergwind did not show any tension. He held the wooden sword in his right hand, and the water light wrapped in the outer layer of the wooden sword was already blue, from which there were bursts of strong sword spirit constantly emanating from the sword body.

The sword gathered on the bank of the stream, like a hurricane surging on the surface of the water. A sword slowly waved in the air with a wooden sword in his right hand. The sword quickly dispersed like a low tide, and in an unexpected way shrouded the calm and clear stream. The sword gas covered the surface of the stream, and the clear water in the stream suddenly shook violently, as if it were burned to boiling water by fire. Countless ripples and drops of water suddenly moved, shaking the sound of crisp splashes in the stream.

The sword spirit permeated across the stream and sprinkled into the reeds on the other side like a drizzle.

There are countless seemingly soft swordsmanships, with the swaying of the reeds in the reeds, so the yellow reeds began to be cut off. They fell from the originally strong branches and gently fell on the wide land.

Large reeds were cut off by the pervasive sword spirit in the hand of a sword. The originally yellow and dense reed on the other side seemed to have been deliberately trimmed, and wherever the sword spirit passes, no reed can survive in this sword spirit, as if the sword spirit emitted by a sword can cut off countless The reed.

Of course, the sword spirit can cut off these ordinary reeds, which is taken for granted!

Even if he were a person standing before this sword spirit, he must have been stopped and beheaded under the sword spirit, and there is absolutely no vitality to live. Therefore, after the sword spirit of a sword spread for a long time, countless reeds on the other side couldn't help falling. Even under the gaze of a sword, an empty place appeared in the center of the reeds.

It is not true that this place is empty.

Compared with the dense reeds on both sides, this place does look much more empty, but the fundamental reason why this place is empty can be seen at a glance is that it has been cleaned up, and even the time can be seen from the weeds on the ground.

Who on earth cleaned up the reeds here?

The person who knows the answer in the world has actually died, but there are still two people who know, that is, Lin Yi, who was bound by a sword on the grass, and the senior sister who bound Lin Yi.

Before leaving Liaocheng, Lin Yi and his senior sister came here with Run'an. At that time, Lin Yi was fraying water by the stream, but unexpectedly, Xiaoqi, a blood wolf gang on the other side, had been lurking for a long time and shot the damn arrow at him. Of course, Xiaoqi's arrow did not hurt Lin Yi, not even his fur, and what was more tragic was that this arrow finally took Xiaoqi's life, causing him to die tragically under his own sharp arrow.

Xiaoqi died in the reeds, and the body had been cleaned up by the blood wolf who searched at that time, so at this moment, he did not see any white bones in the land, but even so, he saw white flowers that were about to wither in this blood-stained land.

That's the flower growing in the blood, but unfortunately it's not blood red.

They are all white flowers, and they must be beautiful at the moment of prosperity, but they will obviously wither and scatter into a remnants in a long time.

A sword looked at these flowers calmly, and the sword spirit controlled on the right hand did not hurt them. Although their vitality was not as strong as those reeds before they were cut off, as a sword idiot still did not have the strange tendency to destroy flowers.

With a loud sound!

The sudden sound sounded like a surge of water, but the fact is not that the water is beating, because at this moment, the scattered sword spirit began to gradually recover from the trend of diffusion.

A sword stood on the bank of the stream and vaguely held the wooden sword in his right hand. He suddenly restrained the sword spirit, as if to condense all the sword spirit covering the heaven and earth. The senior sister felt this change and turned her eyes to the brother by the stream. She saw that the wooden sword in the other party's hand had already been horizontal, which was quite obvious. The power of the king to come to the world.

Countless swords gathered together with the sword seal waved in the hand of a sword, with the spirit of heaven and earth over the grass field is also constantly converging to it. A sword is full of solemn eyes, and the two phoenix eyes emit two fierce breaths, cold light, as if at this time, its straight body has become a sword at this moment.

The sharpest and straight sword in the world!!

Feeling that the spirit of heaven and earth on the grass field suddenly changed direction, and the afterglow wind that was gathering the array naturally changed his face. He turned his head to look at the man standing by the stream and looked at his back as if he had seen the most terrible sharp sword in the world, and his heart could not help becoming more and more surprised.

Before, the pupil of the white-haired woman raised the blood line, making the afterglow feel that the other party was not simple, and he could not feel the other party's cultivation, so the vest would feel that the other party was extremely human. Now, the man by the stream also exudes such a strong sense of sword, and he is even stronger than himself. The cultivation can't help but make the afterg wind that has been praised by the stars a little stunned and confused.

Yufeng's cultivation is in the Qi period, and he is the most outstanding Fu master of the young generation in the Five elements sect.

In addition to the elders and suzerains, there is no exception to a better rune. He is the most powerful person in the younger generation of the whole Five elements sect, but he has not entered the gas situation for a long time, and he not only knows that he is not as good as a sword obsessed with kendo.

He never believes that the genius of time is as rampant as cabbage in the field, but he did meet two today, and between geniuses, some people often can't wait to prove themselves.

Yu Feng really wants to prove himself.

He has been practicing arrays since he was a child, and he does not practice swordsmanship like a sword. However, his failure to practice swordsmanship does not mean that there is no unique way of fighting. He has learned the precious arrays in the Five elements sect, which are the strange existence and inheritance of the whole practice world, which are very precious!

Because the array is difficult to depict and the rune master is difficult to cultivate, the sword and the senior sister will not have the slightest regard for the young man in front of them. They all know the strength and mystery of the rune master, and they will never allow themselves to be careless!

At this time, a sword by the stream suddenly turned around, and with an extremely powerful sword spirit came straight to the afterglow.

Yu Feng saw that the other party was the first to fight, and the pride that had been hidden for a long time also began to trend his reason. As a young master, he had never experienced the battle of life and death since he was a child, but today he met an opponent who was almost the same as his cultivation and would never want to miss a good opportunity, so in the next moment, he was in Yang The afterglow next to the tree suddenly turned cold, and with its slender hands directly crossed the two fingerprints in the air, controlling the big bell condensed from runes all over the sky to take off directly from mid-air and cover the cold-faced afterg himself.

Jin Zhong did not completely cover Yu Feng's body, but suspended it on the periphery of Yu Feng's body, which seemed to completely protect him from being hurt by a sword.

Seeing Yu Feng do this, the red lips under the white veil couldn't help laughing, because no one knows the power of the sword better than her. She is very confident in her brother. She knows that the other party can achieve the unity of people and swords when the Dragon Bridge. Now, the other party has learned it after an epiphany. I realized a new sword meaning, which is naturally more powerful than when I came in the dam village.

A sword that permeated the heaven and earth chopped down from mid-air, bringing up countless breath of heaven and earth that were sucked together. The huge sword body virtual shadow seemed to split open the invisible space and airflow, and hit directly to the golden bell.

The afterg next to the poplar tree is in the clock, and the whole upper body seems to be covered by the golden bell. The senior sister and the sword can't see his expression in the golden bell, but he can clearly see the people outside the clock, the trees, and the sword that was cut quickly.

The sword is a virtual sword, all of which are condensed by the strong spirit of heaven and earth. Yu Feng looked at this huge sword, but there was an unprecedented sense of urgency in his heart. He felt that the other party's sword could not be taken over by ordinary practitioners. Even if he had the most mysterious golden bell array in the sect, he did not have full confidence to say no. It will be broken by the other party.

Yu Feng's hands continue to output the qi of heaven and earth in his body to control and maintain the existence of the array. The speed of his output of heaven and earth is getting faster, so that the golden bell suspended outside his body also rotates faster and faster, as if in the next moment, the golden bell becomes a pole A spinning top.

The sword in mid-air attacked the top next to the poplar tree. The two had not really touched it, but the grass leaves and poplar leaves between the whole grass field have already been crushed into countless pieces by two terrible breaths!

Between the sky, broken leaves are falling, like countless drizzle!



(Today, the number of words is a little more, and Lao Nian will say a few words briefly. According to the common sense recommended by the text on the home page, I should break out this week instead of one update every day. However, during this period of time, Lao Nian really can't break out, and even the time to eat and brush his teeth. Only in the evening I have time to go to the market to write a book. Point, so one update a day is also helpless, but Lao Nian is not an unkind person. Although there is only one update a day, the quality of this article can be guaranteed, so everyone can rest assured to read it. Finally, Lao Nian had no choice but to ask everyone for a red ticket and collect it by the way. The newcomer is not a new book, and it is not as good as Yes, everyone remember to support more! Thank you!! Try to take time to break out on weekends...)