
Chapter 296 Zhong Ming, Jian Xiao

For the shouting of the senior sister, he was naturally a little stunned to see the sword cut at the other party by the stream. He turned his eyes to his elder sister, but unexpectedly, her hands were also quickly imprinted, and the familiar silver light suddenly burst out of her body.

Looking at the elder sister's action, although he was puzzled in his heart, he also realized a sense of crisis. When he turned around and came back, just after a rest time, he found that the opponent next to Yang Shu, who was swept by his sword, had broken free from the shackles at this moment, and the golden bell suspended in the air also issued There was a sound of bells.

With a bang!

The golden bell seems to have been struck by a mysterious force.

The sound is passionate and sacred, melodious and beautiful, spreading gracefully among the wide grass, giving people an illusion of being bathed in the huge Buddha.

A sword heard the sound very clearly, or the bell aimed at him, so his consciousness began to be affected by the bell, and suddenly seemed to be taken to some kind of fantasy. In the fantasy, he saw countless golden bells that were the same as before, and there were golden Buddha lights everywhere. However, there were no Buddhas in the world, so he knew what these Buddha lights represented, and he did not understand what the meaning of these golden lights would have, or even pose any threat to him.

A person stands under countless golden bells, watching these golden bells emit infinite light, and listening to those substantive sounds in his ears, lonely and helpless, and I don't know what to do.

The sword at this moment is a practitioner without any experience!

Standing by the river, his eyes in reality gradually became trance, as if he were about to be intoxicated. Together with his hands holding his own name, he began to slowly relax. He lost the will to fight in an instant and fell into the array of the other party's sound. The senior sister looked at her brother in trouble, and now showed her finger gently. , with two bright silver lights, shot straight at a sword.

Next to the poplar tree, the power of rare runes began to appear, and at the same time, it began to reveal with the mystery of inheriting runes.

The afterglow was in a passive state twice, but at this moment, after breaking free from the bondage, he suddenly felt a huge force attached to him; this is an indescribable force, which comes without warning and is more mysterious than the formation. However, he has no superfluous idea to worry about this force at this time.

Moreover, this force did not hurt himself, but strengthened the original power in his body. The power could not only be attached to him, but also was constantly condensed towards the suspended golden bell. It was because of the sudden appearance of this power that the afterg wind controlled the psychedelic sound in the clock in advance. Up.

He lost the control of the golden bell in an instant, but the means of the rune master have never been understood by ordinary practitioners, so the sudden mistakes are for the afterg wind, but as long as he adapts to this force, the formation will still be newly controlled by him into his own hands.

The sword from the river is overwhelming, like those dark clouds in mid-air.

The afterg saw the attack of the sword and felt the crisp cracking sound in the air in his ear.

A brand-new poplar leaf suddenly appeared in front of him. It looked green and complete, so fixed between countless swordsmanship and the golden bell array. It did not fall down again, nor was blown by the blowing breeze, as if it was absolutely forbidden!

When the two forces converge against each other, there will be a short balance point.

This green poplar leaves happen to fall into this balance point, so it can quietly and completely stagnate at this point, but it will obviously not last too long.

A slight buzzing sounded!

Countless cracks that are hard to see with the naked eye appear on this green poplar leaves!

The aftergung watched the green leaf change, and saw the cracks in its body tear each other. In an instant, the poplar leaves were wiped out into powder by this force that even the great practitioner could not bear, and disappeared in an instant like rain sprinkled on the ground!

The wear out of poplar leaves means that the balance between the two forces dissipate.

At this time, the sword spirit in the sky began to burst out, and countless cutting and destruction forces scattered in mid-air, like countless sharp swords coming out of the afterglow and his big golden clock.

The afterg felt that the sword was scattered, and felt countless sword spirit surging straight from the opposite side. The fighting spirit in his heart was also as fierce as a volcanic eruption. At present, he knotted a rune and showed a fingerprint on the golden bell.

With a roar!

The symbol is imprinted into the bell, and the sound of the bell is like a river coming out of the mountain, coming to the sky, and countless golden light burst out from the bell, shining on the countless swordsmanships pervading in mid-air.

The sword spirit of a sword was illuminated by the golden light, but it was weakened without resistance, and thousands of sword spirit suddenly collapsed; together with his own sword, it was also weakened, and there was a faint trace of fragmentation!

Looking at his golden light destroying the countless swordsmanship of the other party, Yu Feng was very excited, but the battle did not end, so after the golden bell rang, he clenched his fingers and condensed a rune to the suspended golden bell again.

The rune seal is back to the golden bell, and the big bell containing mysterious power is ringing again.

The loud sound spread all over the grass, and the golden light began to emanate in essence!!

Where the golden light passes, everything stops, as if everything is condensed, together with the flowing time. The poplar tree standing on the edge of the aftergwind could not escape the golden light. After a golden light, the leaves were quiet, as if the whole tree had moved into the vacuum world, without wind, air or vitality.

After a while, the golden light dissipated, and the green pieces of the trees shattered.

Countless broken leaf powder fell from the sky, similar to a drizzle dancing alone for poplar trees, impregnating grass leaves. At the same time, the golden light began to disperse from the mouth of the golden bell with infinite power, occupying the whole space in an instant.

The real name of a sword is illuminated by golden light, surrounded and weakened...

The crisp sound sounded between heaven and earth, and the invisible and powerful sword began to break. A sword was on the bank of the stream, and its body was wrapped in the silver light of the senior sister. However, the invisible sword condensed by himself was now worn out by the other party's golden bell array and dissipated in mid-air.

The golden light wore out the sword and gradually calmed down. Yu Feng looked at the man who was in his own fantasy by the river. The fighting spirit in his heart began to make him crazy. Then he gritted his teeth and made a third rune again to the golden bell that began to dim in midair.

This seal formulates the results of war and plans life and death!!



(It's not over today, and there are more in the evening)