World Marriage

Chapter 257 Chapter 258 Scam

Lu Yan came out of the government office and invited several officials to go to Wuwen Building to eat and drink together,

After waiting to comfort everyone, it was nearly two hours after returning home.

When you enter the door, you can smell a fragrance. It's not like the usual lily fragrance, but the orchid fragrance, which is quiet into the lungs and smells very good. Looking at it again, I saw Lin Jinrong leading several maids, sitting by the smoke cage, standing, smiling around the celadon incense burner and trying incense. He was in a good mood and laughed, "Where did you send the new incense?" As he spoke, he leaned over, took the incense chopsticks in Lin Jinrong's hand, and took advantage of it to hold Lin Jinrong's hand.

Seeing this, several maids squeezed their lips and smiled, lowered their heads and scattered. One went to carry his shoes, the other went to prepare hot water, and went to pick up home clothes and pour tea.

Lin Jinrong said, "It was sent by my third brother at noon. It's called Xiao Lanxiang. He said that if you like it, I will send some to you for the teachers and mothers. After saying that, he earned gently, "There is no shape in front of the maids. Go wash your hands and change your clothes. There is a big smell of wine on my body.

"It's hard for him. The fragrance is very good.

" Lu Yan Yiyan put the incense chopsticks, got up, changed his clothes, washed his hands and face, and drank sobering up soup. Fang asked Lin Jinrong, "What's wrong with Widow Sun?"

Lin Jinrong asked Litchi to come over and tell him: "Both mother and son can't read, so they live in my cousin's house. It is the ancestral business of the Sun family. The two and a half mothers live on it. They don't need more money and don't sell it.

I just want to re-repair the house, prepare the goods and reopen it, and the losses between them will also be compensated." That's all right. It should be compensated. Lu Yan heard that the old seven actually used the name of the Lu family to coax the Widow Sun, and couldn't help frowning: "What a big courage." Lin Jinrong asked Litchi to retreat and whispered, "I also think I'm really bold. No one has ever thought about the grocery store there for so many years. Why is it suddenly targeted at this time? I'm surprised. Who dares to use our family's power and name to defraud a widow?

The Lu family is in Pingzhou. I dare not be one of the best, but it is also in the front. There are children of officials. The family is rich, prosperous, and a big race. No one dares to provoke easily. Those who dare to provoke can be ranked. Lu Yan's eyes flowed, and he whispered, "I think it's a little strange. If someone wants to do something, he shouldn't have shown the clue so early. Aren't we afraid that we know the precautions?" Lin Jinrong said, "I don't know about this. Maybe I want to try it. You have to ask the second master to be careful to find out to know. According to the news brought back by Litchi, she felt that the greatest possibility that could lead to the hanging of Widow Sun was that Widow Sun lost the ancestral shop on which she relied on to survive. In resentment, she was asked to say a few more words. For a moment, she couldn't figure it out and went a dead end.

It's too easy to cheat a pair of illiterate orphans and widows, but you just need to buy out the relevant people and coax the deed of compensation documents and homestead sales issued by Lu Yan to cover the fingerprints of the mother and son, which can not only deal with Lu Yan, but also force the death of the granddow Then he tossed around and bribed the relatives of the Sun family to make trouble, which was enough for Lu Yan to drink a pot. This strategy is not complicated, and it takes up a poisonous word. But everything is just her personal imagination, and it has to be verified by Lu Yan.

Lu Yan thought for a moment and said, "No matter who wants to do, good and bad intentions, thanks to Arong, you remind me that it's really not easy for orphans and widows. I will deal with it as soon as possible to save more dreams at night.

Lin Jinrong answered, and Lu Yan stood up and said, "I haven't read a book for the past two days. While it's still early, I'll go to the next door to review it. You go to bed first. Don't wait for me."

Lin Jinrong hurriedly ordered the girls to prepare charcoal pots and other things for him, and asked him to change a pair of thick felt socks and cotton shoes: "It's comfortable when his feet are warm. I will also make the bed for you, and then put a soup woman 1

Go to bed early and don't stay up late. As he spoke, he saw Lu Yan looking down at her, raised his hand and gently stroked her cheek, looking particularly gentle.

Lin Jinrong blinked and pushed him out: "Go quickly, don't delay."

"If it's still early and you haven't fallen asleep, I'll come back to accompany you." Lu Yan walked out happily. He went out.

Lin Jinrong stood silently for a moment and ordered someone to send water to serve her for washing.

There were only two masters and servants in the room. Litchi whispered, "Don't you wait for the second master?" After staying with Lu Yan for a long time, she can also hear some words. Lu Yan's previous words clearly hoped that Lin Jinrong would wait for him, but he said that he had to read hard. He was embarrassed to change his words again. He would definitely come after reading it for a long time.

Lin Jinrong covered his mouth and yawned: "I'm too tired. Now no one cares about the kitchen. It's all in my own. Litchi said nothing more and changed his words: "I heard that Mr. Shui will arrive tomorrow. Everything that should be packed up. Which people is grandma going to take back?" Lin Jinrong said, "Draged by this, the eldest girl makes trouble every day, and the eldest wife is sick. I don't know when she will leave."

Litchi was a little resentful: "Grandma obviously pretended, but this morning she loosened Guixiang's teeth and gasped in a blink of an eye? I heard that when she was pregnant with the two young masters in front of her, she was still in charge of the second wife for nine months. With that, he was a little worried about Lin Jinrong. If Lv's baby had another son, what could Lin Jinrong do?

Lin Jinrong smiled and said, "The child is a big deal. No matter how delicate she is, it's just a matter of these months. What's more, some people don't like to be idle, and they have to find something to do.

Guixiang is Lu Shao's room. Lv's body can't serve Lu Shao. He must be jealous and hateful. In addition, he lost the right to the kitchen because he wanted to be captured. Of course, he would have to make trouble if he was idle, otherwise the day of raising the fetus would be too lonely.

Lin Jinrong went to bed, but Litchi did not dare to rest. He sat outside honestly, listening to Lu Yan's movements with his ears. Guiyuan did not dare to cheat and slippery as before. She went to rest early. Seeing that she didn't sleep, she also brought her son over, accompanied her, and lowered her head to make shoes for Lin Jinrong.

After about half an hour, Lu Yan opened the door and came out, pointing inside: "Your grandma is asleep?" Litchi whispered, "She was too tired to hold on, so I persuaded her to rest. Does the second master have something to tell you?

Lu Yan said, "Change me a thicker hot tea." After saying that, he went back to the study.

Litchi hurriedly sent strong tea in, and whispered, "Grandma reminded the second master that the body and bones are the most important, and don't stay up for a long time." Got it. You ask Mother Gui to give your grandma more soup to take a nap. When I'm not at home, you advise her to eat more, rest more, and don't get tired. Lu Kun drank half a cup of tea in one breath and said in a low voice, "You can go to Widow Sun's house early tomorrow, send her some money and food, and tell her that if anyone else tells her about the shop and compensation, let her take it down and write it down. In case of emergency, you can send a letter to the third master of the Lin family. I will talk to the third master of the Lin family tomorrow. Is this going to set up a trap to get people? Litchi was stunned and looked at Lu Yan. But seeing Lu Yan looking at the beating candlelight, he looked very solemn and solemn, so he whispered, "Yes, I remember it." I don't want to serve here. You all go and have a rest. Lu Yan waved his hand to let the lychee out. If no one is making trouble, that's the best. If someone is making trouble, you have to cut off that restless hand.

After a cold day for several days, the sun finally rose. Except for the escaped custoler who had not been ordered, the compensation was basically negotiated. The two sides chose the appropriate date and handed over the money and documents clearly, even if it was over.

Lu Yun was ill, and Lin Yuzhen was so anxious that she couldn't take care of the kitchen at all. Lv's family was also a little uncomfortable. All the housework fell on Lin Jinrong alone, and he also took care of the patient's diet and asked the doctor for trivial matters. So after lychee ran to Widow Sun twice, he stopped going out and stayed at home to help Lin Jinrong take care of the house.

Mr. Shui arrived as scheduled. Seeing that the twelfth lunar month is coming soon, he will be busier. It's a little better to go home

I'm afraid it won't work to live and go to Pingji Temple. Tao was so anxious that he invited Zhou and Luo to visit Lu Yun together and take the opportunity to explore the wind to see when Lin Jinrong could go back.

And this day is the day to pay the compensation with Widow Sun. On this day, the biggest loss was made. The shop of the Wang family, which had been negotiated for a long time, suddenly turned over. He came to Lu Yan to talk about compensation again, so the matter of Widow Sun's family was handed over to the next steer.

The conditions for compensation have been negotiated for a long time, and the documents have been drawn up for a long time. It is a very simple thing, but both parties sign the pledge and count the money. But on this day, several people were restless.

Lin Jinrong got up early in the morning and paid close attention to the movement on the other side of the second room: Lu Yan went to the banquet of the Wang family. Although he struggled to talk and laugh with others, he was a little absent-minded: Lin Shiquan got up very early and led several powerful custodians to go out together: Fan Master Lu basking in the sun: There are still a few people, more quiet and silent than usual.

At the end of the hour, Lin Jinrong and Lin Yuzhen accompanied Zhou, Luo and Tao out of Mrs. Lu's room and went to Lu Yun's room to visit the doctor. I just sat down in the room. Before the tea was ready, I saw Fangzhu shaking outside the curtain.

Lin Jinrong stood up quietly, walked out of the door slowly, and saw Fangzhu in the porch.

Fangzhu's voice trembled a little: "Grandma, there is really a villain." Before she finished speaking, she saw Pearl coming with a few plates of fruit plates, so she stopped and said with a smile, "Grandma, the old lady wants to keep her uncles to eat. Wang An's family asked, I don't know how the uncles and wives taste?

Lin Jinrong said with a look, "Didn't Zhuangzi just send a few cages of hares and pheasants? The pot I ate last time on the winter solstice was good. It was just the right time to give my uncles and ladies a taste.

Fang Zhu answered and asked what kind of wine he had.

When Lin Jinrong saw Pearl enter the inner room holding the fruit plate, Fang whispered, "Is everything all right?"