World Marriage

Chapter 271 Mirror

No one likes hens who can't lay eggs, and daughters-in-law who can't have children are also unhappy.

Lin Jinrong instantly understood where Lin Yuzhen and Tu Shi's dissatisfaction, which had been stopped for a long time, came from at the same time. Even the longan beside her can have that idea because Mr. Shui saw her doctor, let alone other people?

Being able to go back to her mother's house to ask someone to see a doctor and take care of herself, and go to Pingji Temple to ask for children. This is all the benefits and compensation she got after working hard on housework, and it is also the demnation that Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Lu gave her. However, it does not mean that Lin Yuzhen and Tu are eager to wait. What Lin Yuzhen needs most is a child born by the daughter of the Lin family and Lu Yan, which continues the bloodline of the long house and consolidates the status of the long house more and more: and Tu also hopes that Lu Yan can quickly have his own son. Of course, the mood of Similarly, Tu only needs Lu Yan to have a son, and he doesn't care who gave birth to this son.

In this situation, Lin Jinrong has long thought of and prepared, and everything will be costly.

Just like her original anti-marriage behavior, it will later become the thorn in Lu Yan's heart and the weapon of others attacking her. She refuses to give birth to the child who may be miserable, which will also become a reason and weapon for others to deal with her. She thought that under the circumstances that many things had changed, maybe the day of Lu Yan's concubine would come earlier. Others can't wait long.

Lin Jin lowered his head with a smile on his face and quietly ate the mutton brought by Lin Yuzhen. When Lin Yuzhen was going to pick up vegetables for her again, she politely refused because she was taking traditional Chinese medicine and had too many taboos. Lin Yuzhen didn't do anything more, so she let her go.

At the end of the banquet, when Lu Yan and Mr. Lu saluted and said goodbye, I don't know if it was a psychological effect. He always felt that Mr. Lu's eyes had been turning on him and Lin Jinrong, and his eyes were quite melancholy.

Lu Yan put down the book in his hand and looked up at Lin Jinrong, who was combing his hair on the stage. He felt that she was particularly silent tonight and did not have the [excitement] that she should have at the beginning of the plan. The candlelight covered her dark long Lou, quiet eyebrows, and snow-white skin with a layer of light and shadow, which was hazy and so that people could not see clearly.

"Do you think grandpa knows?" Lu Yan walked to the stage, gently hugged her from behind Lin Jinrong, and looked up at him and her in the mirror. Sometimes he felt that he was very close to her. When two people were on a blind date, it was difficult to distinguish between you and me, especially at the moment when Lin Jinrong shouted "Erlang" hoarsely in his ear, he felt that he was so close to her. But sometimes, he feels that he is really far away from her, which is a keen feeling from nature. For example, at this moment, she is close to her, within reach, but out of reach.

"I don't know, but I don't think he can blame you even if he knows. If the second uncle and eldest brother are not greedy and want to harm you, how can they automatically get into the trap? Lin Jinrong also looked up at her and him in the mirror. The two people in the mirror are entangled in hair and breathing, the same person, the same scene, but the mood is completely different. After knowing the past, she always thinks more and more about the past in her spare time. This is not a good phenomenon, but just repeated self-torture. But every time she refused to think about it, she always remembered it all of a sudden. Sometimes even one expression at that time could be clearly remembered.

Lu Yan kissed her in her ear and corrected her seriously: "It's us, not just me." Lin Jinrong curled up the corners of his lips and whispered, "We."

Lu Yan can clearly feel that her voice has changed. In the past year, the husband and wife have been familiar with each other's bodies and reactions. His mouth was a little dry for a while, and his strength on Lin Jinrong's shoulder was stronger, but what he said was still the right thing: "Arong, you plan to be a householder in Is it to open a wool weaving workshop? Lin Jinrong sat still and whispered, "It's still too early. Let's talk about it later." At this moment, except for her, no one will know what the final outcome of this matter is. This is also the benefit of rebirth, and it has been seen again.

Lu Yan stopped talking and bent down to pick up Lin Jinrong and walked towards the bed. Lin Jinrong nestled in his arms and looked at him gently with a smile. Lu Yan's face was a little red, his eyes became deeper and deeper, and his breath was also disordered. Lin Jinrong only looked at his movements with a smile. When he was ready to go and was about to achieve it, Lin Jinrong stood up and was very sorry: "I'm sorry, Erlang, the old gentleman said that I have been using medicine for the past two months. I must not have sex. Why did I forget this just now?"

Lu Yan was stunned for a moment and stared at her for a moment. He suddenly laughed loudly and kept his hand. He lowered his voice and said, "You little bad guy, how dare you coax me." Lin Jinrong bent his feet on him, didn't allow him to approach, and smiled: "If you don't believe it, just come here. Anyway, the body is mine, not yours. It's me who is also the one who is from the trouble, not you. Lu Yan looked at her carefully for a moment and was sure that it was true. He gritted his teeth, turned over and sat up, and said sullenly, "What medicine did he give you? It's so domineering?" Lin Jinrong wrapped the quilt tightly and looked at him leisurely: "The medicine for the disease. If it can't be cured, there will be no children in his life.

Lu Yan saw some undisguised badness in her eyes, so he stopped asking. He sat against the head of the bed for a moment, slowly lay down, lay quietly next to her for a moment, and suddenly got up and said, "I'm going to sleep next door." Lin Jinrong just smiled and asked the girls to go to the charcoal basin to make the bed. When Lu Yan went out of the door, he took the smile on his face and looked at the huā pattern on the top of the tent and thought silently, is it longan this time? This time, the Lu family wants to make it clear to her that she will make the decision. Will she cross the bright road, or is it better to do it secretly like in the past and do it first?

In fact, at that time, she also understood that she and Lu Yan were strangers, and her only son died again. The Lu family considered for their children. It was normal for ordinary people to let Lu Yan take the house or take a concubine. Don't say that she can't refute and can't fight. Even the Lin family is at a Head. But they disdained to give her a little face. They did it first and then informed her. She was unwilling to accept it, either Guiyuan or someone else. Maybe they still think that Guiyuan is the person around her, or she is considerate of her.

How did she live like that? Obviously not angrievance, obviously humiliated, but he was even so cowardly that he didn't dare to shout, so he just took all of them and swallowed them back into his stomach. Pretending not to care, keeping silent, and thinking that he has saved a demnity, how can you know that the forced demity falls into the eyes of others? Isn't it just like Lu Yun's forced smile now?

Lin Jinrong sat up, took out the bunch of keys from the pillow box, and gently rubbed it. The bare brass key was like a small mirror, reflecting a woman with a blurred face. Lin Jinrong looked at the woman, and her eyes gradually became blank.

The next day was a cloudy day. Lin Yuzhen got up early in the morning and was restless. After breakfast, Lu Yan said, "You went to pick up Mr. Shui."

Lu Yan hurriedly answered and didn't mention it.

When Lin Yuzhen saw him go, Fang looked back at Lin Jinrong: "Although you are well-bringing, you are still thin. You'd better eat more. I heard that you are going to take the medicine for two months in a row? What's the matter with your body? Can Mr. Shui tell you in detail?

Lin Yuzhen's expression was very serious, her eyes were cold, and the corners of her lips drooped slightly. It was the harsh face she had not seen for a long time, and it was not perfunctory. Lin Jinrong said, "You have to take the medicine for two months in a row. Mr. Shui said to the second master at that time, saying that he was depressed and overworked, and he would be fine.

"Since you got married, it's really a lot of big things. It's too much work." Lin Yuzhen looked at her without blinking for a moment and said, "You are my niece. I definitely didn't mean to embarrass you. But you have to fight for yourself.

Lin Jinrong lowered his eyes and said, "Yes."

Msang Fang said carefully, "Madam, second grandma, the housewives have come and forth to get the right card." Tell them to come in." Lin Yuzhen answered in a loud voice and looked back at Lin Jinrong: "Since you are going to take care of your body, I will tell your grandparents that it's better to act better than these days when you are not at home. You can help me by side to save you from tiring you."

In fact, Lin Yuzhen has excluded Tu Shi. She really wants to make Lin Jinrong more relaxed, but it is clearer that she wants to take power. Lin Jinrong did not argue with Lin Yuzhen, but only smiled: "Thank you, aunt, for being considerate of me." She dare not say that she has established a firm foothold now. At least not everyone can step on it casually. Anyone can be in charge of the family, and it can't be the Song and Lv family in charge. As for whether Lin Yuzhen's family is good or not, that's not what her little daughter-in-law should worry about. That

Lin Yuzhen saw that she was indisputable, and her attitude was a little better: "I was also in charge of the family in those years, and I didn't let go until I took Erlang to the south of the Yangtze River."

Lin Jinrong sighed gently: "Sometimes I think it's not easy for my aunt."

Lin Yuzhen's eyes suddenly turned red, and she immediately resisted it. She straightened up and said faintly, "I'm fine." Lin Jinrong stopped talking and cheered up to help deal with the family affairs conscientiously.

Lin Yuzhen's attitude towards Lin Jinrong is no longer the same as before. In the past, she felt uncomfortable with everything she said, but now she is willing to listen to two more points. This is exactly why the goodwill of the weak is often not taken seriously, but the goodwill of the strong is easy to be valued.

In recent years, there have been a lot of things to do. When the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are busy, they have almost no leisure time.

It's still Mam Fang to remind: "Mr. Shui is here.,,

Lin Yuzhen let go of the matter in her hand." Ding told Lin Jinrong, "You're busy first. I'll come as soon as I go." Lin Jinrong hurriedly said, "My daughter-in-law should serve..."

Lin Yuzhen waved her hand: "There is Erlang. You are also worried about me when you work here." After saying that, he looked afraid that Lin Jinrong would follow him and hurried away.