World Marriage

Chapter 316 Story

Such a good thing suddenly fell from the sky. It was not easy for people to believe that they listened to Lin Jinrong's words. Not only Jin Gu, but also Xia Ye and Douer beside them were also shocked.

Douer has never heard Lin Jinrong mention it before, and she doesn't know when she made such a grand wish, and she doesn't know where this girl got her eye, so she opened her mouth and made such a big promise.

Jin Gu has seen a lot of people going from south to north, and the world is cold and a lot. Although there are many good people in the world, I always feel that there is something strange and inappropriate about the big pie falling from the sky. At that moment, he smiled and just said, "Thank you for your kindness. The little woman didn't do anything and didn't dare to take advantage of it. I just want to die safely like this. The hut is right in front of you, so I won't go in with you. After saying that, he stepped back a few steps, but his expression was a little alienated and defensive.

Lin Jinrong saw it so earnestly that she couldn't help smiling bitterly. This is not enough if she wants to hurry. She did it too suddenly. Aunt Jin is just an orphan girl, and she is naturally afraid of any conspiracy in it. If it were herself, I'm afraid she would be very careful. But she couldn't do anything. Time was too tight to completely convince Jin Gu. At the moment, she didn't dare to say more and just went into the hut.

When she came out, Aunt Jin was still waiting beside her honestly: "Little lady, please follow me and get water in front of me."

Lin Jinrong stopped mentioning what happened just now, asked Jin Gu about some trivial things, and first asked how far it would take to walk from the Jiang Temple to the dock. He also asked how many families there were in the nearby village, and how many young and middle-aged people were there? How to make a living? How many people are like Jingu?

Although Jin Gu was a little wary of her, she couldn't see that there was something wrong with her. What's more, she just heard from Cherry that Lu Yan was a Jinke Jinshi, so she wanted to work in Beijing. She didn't hide her family's name. She thought that she had no money or appearance, and there was nothing

Lin Jinrong remembered in his heart... He swam around the yard again. Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, he asked Cherry to call Lu Yan back to the hotel. He turned his head and pulled Jin Gu aside and whispered, "I have encountered a lot of things over the years. I always want good to repay evil, and there is nothing wrong to Helping living people is the most practical. If you don't believe it, you can ask about the second grandmother of the Pingzhou Lu family. I really want to help my sister. If my sister has a need... For example, if she talks about a good family, but she wears makeup or something, just ask someone to bring a letter by the dock. As he spoke, he handed over the money he had prepared for a long time.

Jin Gu only felt that the person in front of her was really strange, as if there were many unspeakable secrets, but she didn't look like a bad person... nor was she an abnormal person. So he secretly guessed, did he do something wrong and wanted to be relieved? He didn't dare to take her money, but said earnestly, "If the little lady has the intention to respect God and Buddha, there are many ways... It doesn't have to be like this."

Lin Jinrong looked at her look and knew that she was crooked, so he had to say, "I have said to this point. If my sister still refuses to accept it, I can't force it. I will ask my sister to take the money and put incense in front of the Jiang God for me every day, and give some melons and

Then Jin Gu said, "If the little lady can trust me... Naturally, it's incumbene."

Lin Jinrong hurriedly said, "I can believe it. Thirty yuan in it... Ten of them are regarded as my sister's hard work, not to mention to tell the temple.

"It's supposed to worship Jiang Shen... I don't want to..." Jin Gu also wanted to refuse. Lin Jinrong had already left, so she thought to himself that since Lin Jinrong was so sincere, she would worship Jiang Shen for Lin Jinrong's good life, so she stopped chasing and pushing.

Lin Jinrong walked to Lu Yan, who had been waiting for a long time, and whispered, "Let's go."

Lu Yan frowned slightly and looked at her. He really didn't understand what she was doing. But because this is not the time to study carefully, I don't ask too much.

The sky was full of clouds, and the river breeze sent cool. Lin Jinrong pointed to the front and said, "Minxing, the scenery over there looks good. I want to go and have a walk. Can you?"

Lu Yan originally wanted her to relax more, and then said, "Let's go."

One step, two steps, three steps, each step was like walking in the heart. Lin Jinrong squeezed his lips, followed the dead road he had walked in his previous life, slowly walked to a dark boulder by the river, stood still, stroked the boulder, and whispered, "This stone looks good, like a crouching cow."

Everyone circled around and praised one after another, "It's true. The second grandmother has a unique vision. I waited for a while before I could see the meaning.

She has seen this stone countless times and has sat on it. Of course, she has long been able to figure out what it looks like. What's more, lychee died here at the beginning. Lin Jinrong smiled dryly and took his hand back from the stone. The stone was still warm after being exposed to the sun during the day, and a thin layer of sweat soon came out of the hand, leaving a wet fingerprint.

Looking at the wet fingerprint, the original situation and the blood splashed from the lychee appeared in front of Lin Jinrong again. She felt a little trembling. She looked curious and inquisitive about Shang Lu's eyes. She could no longer maintain a light look. She simply walked around the stone and said loudly, "The river is Look.

Before Lu Yan agreed and reacted, she had quickly stepped forward. The reeds more than one person's height could not be seen, and they were blown up and downs by the wind. The yellow river hit the beach back and forth, brushing out a pile of dirty foam. A small river crab ran quickly on the sand with two pliers, leaving a messy trace, and was soon washed away by the river.

Lin Jinrong stood on the beach, looked at the vast river with wide eyes wide, and let the river soak her embroidered shoes. That year, she had no way out and ran from this place towards the river. Obviously, she was dead, obviously unwilling, obviously resentful, but it seemed to be redemption.

Lin Jinrong suddenly burst into tears. The kind of step by step to death, from the soles of the feet to the body, from the skin to the skin to the heart, grief, indignation, despair, helplessness, after many years of separation, it hit her like a tide. She held her clothes tightly and felt that she couldn't breathe.

"Arong, what's wrong with you?" Lu Yan was afraid that something would happen to her. He quickly caught up with her and stayed close. Only then did he see that her appearance was abnormal. He couldn't help but be nervous and worried. He didn't believe in Buddhism and Taoism, and he was afraid that she had collided.

Lin Jinrong stood in the twilight and looked at the river quietly. Half of her face was illuminated by the sunset, and the other half was hidden by the twilight. There were tears in her eyes and she looked sad. Hearing him greet her, she looked back at him with dark eyes.

No need for her to say anything, no need for her to do anything. Lu Yan has already felt her state of mind. He felt very scared and uncomfortable, but he was very worried. He stepped forward and firmly held her shoulder: "What's wrong with you? Why are you crying? Tell me about it."

"Minxing, looking at this scene, I suddenly remembered a story. I was very sympathetic to the woman in it, and I couldn't help sighing." Lin Jinrong winked at him, and two drops of bean-sized tears fell, reflecting the afterglow of the sunset glow, cold and sad.

"What story is worth doing for you? Stories, stories, nine times out of ten, are made up, either appalling or earning your tears. It scared me like this. I thought what's wrong with you. Lu Yan frowned and wiped away her tears. "Why are you crying? Don't cry."

Lin Jinrong held his hand tightly and frantically wanted to tell him the stories that were buried in the depths of her heart, which had been desolate and grassy, but now burst out: "This story is true, not made up. It is about a woman who married and had a child. She thought she would be happy for the rest of her life, but because of her sinister heart, she was framed. She first lost her husband's trust and joy, and then lost her beloved son's life. I thought I would be lonely for a lifetime, but I was suddenly disturbed by bandits. The whole mother-in-law's family left her there alone and didn't care. Only a loyal servant helped her escape, and she was a little foot... It's so pitiful.

Lu Yan frowned and said, "How can there be such a family? It's okay if you can't distinguish the tricks of treacherous people. How can you treat a weak woman so ruthlessly?

A gust of river wind blew, which blurred Lin Jinrong's tears, and the tide washed back and forth. Soon soaked her skirt and Lu Yan's robe. She still looked directly into his eyes with a smile and said, "At that point, the woman thought she was dying, but she heard her husband calling her again. Her husband led her to escape, fled to the riverside, placed her in a house, left her money, and entrusted her to take care of her. Yanming went to find her parents first, and soon came back to pick her up and left by boat together. The woman kept waiting and waited. After waiting for a few days and nights, the fugitives came and went, Husband. At this time, a branch relative came and said that her husband had taken his parents-in-law to another road and abandoned her. She paused and whispered, "Who do you think she should trust? Did her husband really coax her into abandoning her?

She is really too strange today. Lu Yan was restless and uncertain, but she still said patiently, "Of course she should believe her husband. If her husband really wants to coax her and abandon her, it's enough to ignore her life and death. How can it be unnecessary to take her such a long way, entrusting her to take care of her and pay? This clan is either wrong or has bad intentions.

"I think so too. There are too many misunderstandings and injuries between them, but they are not bad guys or villains. Lin Jinrong said slowly, "That woman didn't believe it either. She chose to stay there and wait for her husband. But in the end, she didn't wait until a bandit went there, killed her loyal servant, and forced her to jump into the river and kill herself. She took a gentle breath and pointed to the river and said, "I don't know why I just came here and suddenly remembered this story, and I felt that this woman was so pitiful. I couldn't help bursting into tears. You said that since her husband didn't want to abandon her and leave her alone, where did he go?

It will be updated as usual today. Thank you for your rewards, pink, genuine subscriptions and recommended tickets. Keep begging. To be continued