World Marriage

Chapter 405 Dream (Pink)

While the peasant woman motioned the man to make wine and catch chicken, she smiled and said, "The prince wants to stir-fry beans. Do you want to feed the horse?"

The man glanced at her coldly and threw out a lot of money. The brand-new copper coin rolled from the stone table to the ground and grunted far away. This is what it means not to talk too much. The peasant woman smiled and picked up the money one by one and put it in her arms. She said, "Wait, sit down in the room. It's too late. It's cold."

Without saying a word, the servant looked at him worriedly and ordered, "Clean up a clean room."

The peasant woman ordered the children who shrank their heads and shrank their heads: "The dog cleans the house, and the big girl helps me light the fire..."

The sky is dark, as black as splashing ink. The two celadon fuel-saving lamps are only the size of broad beans, which adds a little darkness to the old room that already looks yellow and dark. The prince kept drinking. The servant's face was as black as iron. He was obviously very unhappy, but he didn't say a word. He was diligent and took good care of the man. The prince only looked at the vegetable bowl, and he immediately picked up the vegetables.

The peasant woman delivered vegetables and whispered to the farmer who squatted by the stove to stir-fry beans and said, "Look, the rich man's life is free, pity on my old hen who lays eggs..."

The farmer cursed in a low voice, "Boh, the money is enough for you to buy ten hens that lay eggs. What else do you want to do?"

"Isn't that what you have been feeding for many years, and you can't bear it?" The peasant woman only laughed. Two half-sized girls came out of the dark and said, "Mom, I want to eat meat." One said, "Mom, I want to wear new clothes."

The peasant woman grabbed the Broom and hit her children twice and scolded, "Get out of here! It's only a few money. Do you still want to celebrate the New Year? Thinking about it, he said, "I'll ask... whether they want to stay for the Spring Festival. Presumably, they can't get used to our coarse cloth bedding, but we have a new one..." So I went happily and explanned the intention.

The servant meant this and advised, "Master, if you don't have a shop in front of the village, why don't you do it like this?"

The black-faced prince poured the last half of the bowl of wine into his mouth... He put the wine bowl on the table heavily and said with a cold face, "Where are the beans I want?"

He exuded an extremely cold momentum, which made people dare not say much. The peasant woman abruptly swallowed the persuasion and laughed and said, "It's ready soon, it's ready soon." He ran out quickly and said in a loud voice, "Master, are you ready?"

There are only two masters and servants left in the room... The black-faced prince said coldly, "Chang'an, you go. I'm not from the Lu family anymore. It's not good for you to follow me."

Chang'an knelt on the ground and choked with tears: "Fifth Master, the little one will follow you... You don't want the little one, but where will the little one go?"

Lu Lun is extremely impatient: "I don't care where you go! Let's go!" Chang'an said more. Lu Lun's wrist turned over, and a cold light flashed by. Chang'an felt that his neck was cold. He closed his eyes and said, "Whatever you want, the little one won't leave."

The farmer's timid voice came from outside the window: "Guest, okay, it's hot."

Lu Lun put away the dagger... and got up and went out. Chang'an rushed forward... He hugged his legs tightly: "Master, what do you want beans for?"

Lu Lun stood still: "Let go."

Chang'an shook his head desperately: "No, the second master is not..." Before he finished speaking, he was kicked in the chest... It was so painful that he couldn't breathe. Lu Lu Lu's eyes turned red and hissed, "From now on, don't mention them again."

Is this what he followed? Chang'an was overjoyed and said, "Don't mention it, don't mention it. Master, you...

Lu Lun has already gone. Chang'an hurriedly chased to the kitchen, but saw Lu Lu Lu take off his robe and spread it out, letting the peasant woman: "All fall in."

The peasant woman poured a pot of hot beans into the well-made cotton robe and said sadly, "Guest, what a pity..."

Lu Lun wrapped the beans and turned around and left. Chang'an hurriedly chased out: "Master, wait for the little one." In a blink of an eye, the two servants and the horses disappeared into the darkness, leaving the farmer's family looking at each other in consterance. What is this?

There are no stars and no moon in the sky, and occasionally unknown beasts and strange birds make a sad cry. In the mountains, there is a shelter, "Master!" Someone cried heartbreakingly, and was suddenly cut off without a sound.

The peasant woman who was cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks was shocked and pricked up her ears to listen, but she didn't hear anything. She whispered to the man, "Master, what did you hear?"

It's so clean to eat. There's nothing left! The man was rummaging over Lu Lun's leftovers and said unhappily, "The wolf crows!"

"Uh......" Lin Jinrong woke up from his sleep, stared at the dark tent with wide eyes, let go of his inexplicably sore teeth, and gasped. His body was as if he had just got up from the water. He was full of cold sweat. Suddenly, he felt very sad and wanted to cry, but he couldn't

"Grandma?" Because Lin Jinrong was punished, she was not released until nearly three o'clock. Chunya was worried that she would feel uncomfortable at night because of the cold, and she was worried about the cherry, so she went on a vigil with the cherry, but she had never slept well. When she heard that there was a movement inside, she immediately got up in her clothes and asked in

Lin Jinrong put his hand on his heart, and his heart beat so fast that she was extremely uncomfortable: "I look uncomfortable."

Chunya was shocked. She quickly put the lamp on the stage and touched Lin Jinrong's forehead. It was wet and cold. Looking at her appearance, she touched her body with a frightened hand. The underwear was all wet, so she took the underwear and changed it with her, and said softly, "Grandma has a nightmare?"

Lin Jinrong shook his head and whispered, "In my sleep, I suddenly felt out of breath..."

Chunya comforted her and said, "Most of the time, there were too many things that happened yesterday. I'm too tired. It's still early. Let's go to bed. I'm guarding it. Don't be afraid."

Lin Jinrong whispered, "Sister Chunya, I slept in my mother's room when I was a child. That's how you coaxed me. Do you remember?"

Chunya smiled and said, "Remember, you were timid when you were a child. Fortunately, Yilang is not like you. I don't see any children who are bolder than him. The master and servant gossiped one after another. When Chunya saw that Lin Jinrong came up tiredly, he quietly stood aside. When Lin Jinrong fell asleep, he put the tent and walked out gently... He whispered to Cherry: "Grandma is afraid she is sick. Go to Suxin and ask her for two pills to eat. At dawn, he will tell the eldest Doctor."

Cherry slapped: "Grandma is sick?"

Spring buds nodded with certainty. Even if you are not sick, can't you rest if you were tossed so badly yesterday?

"Arong? Are you better?" Lin Jinrong was woken up in a daze, but seeing that it was already dawn... Lu Yan stayed by her bed with a worried face, and Lin Yuzhen was still sitting beside her.

Lin Jinrong was about to get up. Lu Yan gently squeezed her hand: "If you are sick, lie down. I'll ask the doctor to come in and diagnose your pulse." The spring bud came up and put the curtain, and Lin Jinrong lay down at ease, arranged by them.

In a while, the doctor opened the prescription and was sent out by Lu Yan... Chunya hung up the tent. Lin Yuzhen held Yilang in her arms and said with a stiff face, "I told you to mind your own business! I lost myself. Yilang doesn't have anyone who doesn't see you. Is that all right?

Lin Jinrong smiled slightly: "Auntie, don't worry about me. I'll be fine in two days."

Lin Yuzhen said with a straight face, "Who is worried about you? You deserve it."

Lin Jinrong lowered his eyes... He stretched out his hand to Yilang: "Yilang, come and hug me."

Lin Yuzhen didn't give it to her: "I'm so sick, do you still want to hug him? I'm not afraid to give him the illness. I'll take it there for two days, and you'll take care of it.

In the oblique thorn, Zhong out of his hands firmly hugged Yilang. Lu Yan smiled and said softly, "Mother's body is not good. Yilang is too naughty. I'm afraid he will tire you. Let A Rong come. She is not a serious illness... Otherwise... and a wet nurse."

Lin Yuzhen hugged Yilang and was reluctant to let go. Lu Yan raised his voice slightly: "Mother?"

Lin Yuzhen withdrew her hand and said, "I just like him and feel sorry for him... I just want to do something for you. I can't bear to give it up." He got up in anger and walked out.

Mother Fang followed behind and whispered with a smile: "Today, the master stayed behind to escort the cage. The stodian is coming. My wife is very busy." He euphemistically explained the reason why Lin Yuzhen was in a bad mood. Lu Jianxin's other concubine was about to arrive, and he was still a concubine in charge of property.

Lu Wei nodded: "I'm sorry to take care of my mother."

This means that he doesn't blame Lin Yuzhen. Mother Fang was very happy. She saluted and quickly chased Lin Yuzhen. Lu Yan walked to Lin Jinrong's bed, handed Yilang into her arms, sat down next to her, and whispered, "What's wrong with you? I heard from Chunya, are you not feeling well? Are you tired of the cold yesterday?

Lin Jinrong leaned his head on his shoulder and whispered, "No. Somehow, I fell asleep and suddenly felt scared, sad and sad. My heart beat fast and I felt very uncomfortable. I don't know what's going on with my fifth brother. Can you survive as well as Aunt Huang at the beginning?

Lu Yan touched her hair: "Don't worry, didn't you give him all the clothes, money and horses outside the city yesterday? And Chang'an followed him. Chang'an grew up with him, and he will definitely take good care of him. But Lu Lun will never come back.

Lin Jinrong sighed, put Yilang on ** to sit and play with him, put his hand around Lu Yan's waist, leaned his head in his arms, and gently shouted, "Erlang." If, I hope she can watch Yilang grow up and have a son with him.

Lu Yan said "um" and waited for Lin Jinrong's next article, but he didn't hear Lin Jinrong's next article again. He couldn't help saying, "What are you going to say?"

Lin Jinrong let go of him and smiled: "I want to tell you that since my father's furniture in Jiangnan is going to be escorted back today, there must be a lot of inconveniences. You'd better ask him by yourself, but you have to arrange someone to pick it up. Don't let your mother be instigated to make a mistake. Erlang, there is no need to care so much about these things. It's okay to be soft. In the future, we will rely on them to feel sorry for Yilang.

"Good." Lu Yan smiled and said, "Then you rest, I'll go." What I'm thinking is, who can be trusted? He has never seen Lu Jianxin's ruthlessness. Can he be trusted at the critical moment? He doesn't believe it.

I have to queue up at the hospital at 6:30 in the morning to register. I don't know when to finish the examination, so I have to wait until I come back. I'm not used to using a notebook. The speed is comparable to that of a snail, but I really tried my best. In the last three days, the competition on the pink list has also reached the most fierce time, begging for pink's support!!! Every vote is very critical and very important. If you accumulate a little, you will get more. You need everyone's support!