Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 7 Escape from the Magic Cave

A huge octopus head exposed to the surface of the water, with a very large mouth on its face, revealing uneven fangs, reflecting a scary cold light. The thing's eyes flashed green and faintly in the dark, staring at Zhou Xirui. His slender tongue stretched out his mouth, and the water in his mouth hung disgustingly on the tip of his tongue, and then rolled it in his mouth with his tongue.

Zhou Xirui was so scared that he sat on the ground and couldn't move. The monster lay on the edge of the pool with its upper body exposed, with a thick chain around its neck. It seemed that the other end of the chain came from the bottom of the water. The distance of the chain could only make the monster lie on the edge of the pool. It waved its claws desperately to break free from the chains and rushed to Zhou Xirui. But the chain was extremely strong and firmly tied the monster so that it could not move forward at all.

Fortunately, with the bondage of this chain, Zhou Xirui's life was saved. At this time, Zhou Xirui came to his senses. He was only a few steps away from the monster. Looking at the things with teeth and claws in front of him, he jumped up and ran to the high platform in the middle, took Li Wen's hand and was about to drag her out.

Li Wenzheng was fascinated and took out his camera to take pictures of those patterns. How could he go? He shook Zhou Xirui's hand and asked him in surprise, "What the hell are you doing! I haven't finished shooting yet!" Zhou Xirui said tremblingly, "You... Go and see over there, over there... There is a monster over there!" He stated and looked at the direction of the monster uneasily, lest it break the chain and suddenly appear in front of him.

Li Wen heard this and quickly walked down the high platform and saw the monster he said in the direction pointed by Zhou Xirui. The monster has an octopus's head and the upper body of an elephant on the surface of the water is covered with scales. The arms are long, the claws are slender and sharp, and there is a gap between the claws. The monster waved its claws to hunt for food. It is certain that it is a carnivorous animal.

This monster reminded Li Wen of the image he saw in the mural and pinched people in his hand. It seems that this monster was painted. Are the piles of bones here all big-headed people eaten by this monster? And those bones were incomplete and seemed to have traces of being bitten, all of which seemed to prove the ferocity of the monster, which made Li Wen feel a chill in his heart.

She quickly ran to the high platform, picked up Zhou Xirui, who was sitting on the ground, and asked him to help him push down the bronze frame so that he could get the shining stone on it, so that she could see the way. It was very fatal to see such a horrible place.

But it is very strange that the bronze frame seems to have taken root, and no matter how hard they try, they can't push it down. Fortunately, the bronze frame was not too high. Zhou Xirui asked Li Wen to sit on his shoulder and lifted her up. Zhou Xirui was about 1.8 meters. After lifting Li Wen up, the height was just right. She easily took down the stone.

But as soon as the stone left the bronze frame, the light dimmed and could only shine a few meters away. Now the whole cave became dark and gloomy. They walked down from the high platform with stones. The light shone on the bones and drew a long shadow. They looked so ferocious that they dared not shine towards the monster. Walking to the small hole connected with the outside, Li Wen asked him to take a stone to drill into the small hole first, and he followed him to get into it.

Zhou Xirui quickly drilled out and took a stone to illuminate the mouth of the hole. Li Wen also came from there. Suddenly, Li Wen felt that his foot had been caught by something and was pulling it hard. She tried her best to put her upper body out of the hole and put her hands outside the hole. She exclaimed, "There is something pulling my foot behind!" Zhou Xirui quickly dropped the stone and hugged Li Wen and dragged it out. The two took a lot of effort to break free.

Take a picture of the stone inside, "Oh!" The monster inside was leaning his eyes against the hole and peeping, which scared Zhou Xirui to shout. Li Wen quickly took a picture of the stone. It turned out that the monster didn't know how to break free from the chain. Fortunately, it was so big that the hole was so small that it could only allow one hand to barely reach in. If it hadn't climbed to the hole here, it might have been pulled over and eaten by it. Thinking of this, Li Wen only felt cold sweating.