Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 21 Legend of the Dragon

Grandpa took a sip of Baogu wine, narrowed his eyes and slowly recalled the past, and he preached; my father was a famous hunter in this area. At that time, he caught the strong man severely, and he took my mother and I to hide in Sihu. Only by hiding in the old forest would we not be pulled as cannon fodder by those soldiers. My father took us to an unknown valley. In the valley, we found a very hidden cave outside, which was covered by thatch. If I hadn't chased a rabbit in, we wouldn't have found the hole.

The cave is more than ten meters deep, and there are some sporadic human bones in a pit in the cave. My mother collected these bones, wrapped them in wild banana leaves, and respectfully buried them not far from the cave. I sincerely hope that this dead man can see him for the sake of burial and bless our family to live a peaceful life here. Ann.

Dad cut down a big tree to make a strong wooden door and sealed the hole. At that time, what we ate every day was the prey that Dad brought back. Fortunately, Dad's shooting is accurate, and there are many wild animals in the gape, and we are not hungry. When my father went hunting, he always told my mother to plug in the door to prevent the beasts from coming in, and I was not allowed to go out to play for fear that I would be eaten by the beast.

I was really bored. When I scribbled on the stone wall, I found that there were some figures drawn on the stone wall, which seemed to teach people how to fight with others with knives. When I was bored, I took out a machete and followed the moves on it. Over time, I found that I could play the knife very skillfully.

There are also patterns on the stone wall that teach people how to sit cross-legged to practice inhalation and exhalation, and ways to hurt people by throwing a long needle. At that time, living in such a remote place, how could you buy a long needle! At first, I practiced with branches. Once when Dad saw that I could throw the branches into the stone wall, he cut a lot of bamboo sticks for me. After that, Dad took me with him when hunting.

Once I was sick and didn't go hunting with my father. He was very happy when he came back. My mother asked him why he was so happy? Dad said he saw the real dragon! In our Yi people's view, the dragon is an auspicious and powerful animal. It can be seen that the dragon means that this person is favored by the gods and will be blessed by it. My mother knelt down happily and recited words devoutly. I was young and didn't understand these at that time. I was just curious about what the dragon looked like? I pestered my father to take me to see the dragon.

Dad was so entangled that he had no choice but to agree the next day, but he asked me not to make a sound when he saw the dragon. He also scared and said, "The dragon likes to eat children the most." I nodded in surprise. Dad took me to a big lake. Sure enough, I heard a low cry not far away, and we could smell a fishy smell. We hid in the grass and looked over there. We saw a black python-like animal on the shoal. It had feet and claws and horns on its head, but it was not as good as the dragon painted. The scales had The dustpan is so big that the eyes are like lanterns, and the fishy smell comes from it.

The "dragon" seemed to be dying, and it was stranded on the shallows and could not move, so it could only make bursts of "Moo" calls. I said to my father, "Dad, is this dragon going to die!" "Don't talk nonsense!" Dad scolded that the dragon was very sacred in his heart and could not be desecrated. The child is always straightforward, and I defended, "Look, he can't move!"

Dad listened to me and looked at the animals on the shallows and seemed to think that what I said was reasonable. I saw that Dad didn't say anything and thought he thought so. He stood up and walked to the dragon. I wanted to help him. Dad grabbed me and asked me to keep moving. He walked over by himself.

He came to the dragon. The "dragon" looked at him and did not move. His father touched the "dragon"'s body excitedly. The dragon let out a whine, as if begging the man in front of him to help him. Dad suddenly seemed to have received some mysterious revelation. He dragged the body of the "dragon" into deep water, but the "dragon" was so big that he couldn't drag it at all. I also ran over and dragged it with my father. My father looked at me and didn't say anything. Maybe he didn't think this dragon was dangerous!

The sun came out and shone on the animal. It was like a loach on the shore. The sound was getting smaller and smaller, and the light of life slowly faded in its eyes. Dad and I were very anxious and didn't want this "dragon" to die here. Dad cut a wooden stick and pried the "dragon" into the deep water little by little. I rolled up the wild plantain leaves to load water. After working hard again and again, I finally got the dragon into the deep water.

As soon as the "dragon" entered the deep water, it rolled freely in the water and disappeared. Dad and I felt that we had done a great thing and breathed a sigh of relief. We rushed to the cave excitedly all the way, and I wanted to tell my mother that we saved the dragon today.

But as soon as I entered the valley, I heard a deafening roar. Dad said it was bad. I don't know what happened to your mother? I rushed into the valley in a hurry and was suddenly dragged by my father. He didn't let me go and forced me to climb a big tree next to me. Then he went to the valley and soon heard gunshots and animal roars.

After a while, the gunfire stopped, but the roar came out from time to time. I was very scared, but I was more worried about my father and mother. I couldn't help sliding along the tree trunk to the ground, running into the valley, and not far from the mouth of the cave. I will never forget the tragic scene in front of me.

Dad's head disappeared, covered with blood. A two-headed monster was dragging out of his intestines and chewing, shaking his head from time to time. Dad's gun was covered with blood and lying not far from his body. At that time, hatred and anger made me forget my fear. I took out a bamboo stick from my body and threw it into the monster's eyes. The monster howled with pain and used its claws to dig the bamboo stick in my eyes.

Taking advantage of this gear, I picked up a gun and pointed it at one of the monster's heads and pulled the trigger. Surprisingly, the thing was thick-skinned and thick, and the bullet hit it on its head just tickling. It seemed that only the eyes were its weak zone, and I threw out another bamboo stick and blinded its other eye.

The monster that lost a pair of eyes was extremely manic. It screamed and looked for the target of the attack with another head and rushed over to me. I didn't give it a chance to breathe. I quickly flashed to one side and shot two bamboo sticks to blind its other head's eyes. The monster completely lost its sense of direction and patted it with its claws.