Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 31 Grandpa Witch Doctor

After a difficult trek for several hours, they finally returned to the falling slope. Xiao Peijue scolded, "Why did it take so long to walk back?" Zhou Xirui briefly talked about what happened in the cave. Hearing that there was a snake in his face, Xiaopei was shocked. Although they were fine, they always felt that they should be with them. If they hadn't thought of a way to block their ears, they would have been in danger.

Several people climbed over the no man's land of the last few mountains and came to the Shennongjia Stone House area, which is a small basin surrounded by mountains. The scenery here is pleasant, and several bamboo buildings are neatly arranged in the middle of the basin. It seems that this village is not too big.

Xiao Pei took them into his home, which was a wooden building on the edge of the paddy field. Her parents went out to work, and there were only one-eyed grandfather and brother at home except her. Her grandfather enthusiastically moved out of the stool and asked the two boys to sit down and brought them tea. Zhou Xirui and A Cuo liked the simple mountain people here very much and felt that the people here were always so enthusiastic.

Xiao Pei's younger brother is about three years old and extremely naughty. Standing next to him, he always wanted to touch the cat, but was scolded by his grandfather. He immediately ran to ride on the back of a big rooster and drove away with branches. The big rooster raised its head and waved its tail and cried. It was not a big deal.

Zhou Xirui looked at the chicken curiously. It was as big as a goose, its legs were as long as a crane, and its height was more than 1 meter. The blind grandfather said that although this kind of chicken is big, it doesn't eat much. As soon as the chicken cage comes out, it goes all over the mountains looking for food. This kind of chicken has big fists, about 4 eggs, 0.5 kg, and often double yellow. Like ordinary chickens, hens hold their nests at the beginning of spring, and the chickens come out of their shells more than 20 days later. Two years later, the rooster weighs 5 to 6 kg, and the hens also weigh 4~5 kg. Moreover, this kind of chicken is only available in their stone house area. Chickens can't be raised well when they go out of here, and they don't eat outside.

The two boys chatted with their grandfather. Speaking of this experience of crossing no man's land, Grandpa was surprised, pointing to his blind eye and talking about a horrible experience when he was young.

Grandpa said that it was when he was still very young. He had a very good relationship with his wife. He came back together wherever he went, and the child was the same age as he is now. He pointed to his grandson riding on the back of a rooster.

Once they went to the mountain to pick up mushrooms. It rained the night before. The mountain was very slippery, but it was at this time that the mushrooms grew the fastest. Each of them carried a basket and wanted to pick up more mushrooms and sell them to make two sets of clothes for the doll.

They sang mountain songs all the way. From time to time, they found big white mushrooms with fungus fragrance in the grass and bushes. The more they picked them up, the happier they became and went further and farther. Unconsciously, I have been far away from the village and come to a place that villagers have never set foot in. This is a green valley with a gurgling stream and some big stones at the bottom of the valley.

They came to the stream and sat on the stone and washed the mud on their feet. The wife was happy to see that they had picked up half a basket of mushrooms and said, "Not only can they buy two sets of clothes for the child, but also a pair of shoes for you." At that time, the conditions were far from good. He hadn't worn shoes several times since he was a child. He turned around and smiled and said to his wife, "Why do you buy shoes? I never wear shoes. Don't waste it. You buy a pair of shoes!" You women can't do it without shoes.

The two made concessions to each other. Although their families were very poor, they felt very sweet because of their love. From time to time, there were two "gurd quacks" in the valley. The mountain people were used to hearing the call of toads and thought it was just a toad call that they didn't know what kind of toad in the mountain. So they didn't care. After a short break, they decided to go back and were afraid of getting lost when they were far away from the village.

As a result, a snake stood in front of him, exactly a human-faced monster standing in front of him, looking at him with sharp and cold eyes, spitting out snake letters from time to time. Before he could react, the snake bit him. The snake stood as high as him and just bit his eyes. The snake's venom was injected into his eyes, and the pain made him roll all over the ground.

Fortunately, he is a witch doctor and often comes to the mountains to collect medicine. He understands that there must be an antidote near the poison. He rolled to a stone and saw many small red flowers. This kind of little red flower has never been seen outside the valley. Now it seems that it may be an antidote, but it may not be an antidote or even a poison. It depends on luck.

There has been a large "gu quack" sound in this valley, which makes people feel irritable and painful. Worried about his wife, he endured great pain and grabbed some leaves and grass roots to block his ears, and then grabbed a few small red flowers and chewed them in his mouth and swallowed them.

This thing is indeed an antidote, and the eye no longer hurts so much, but this eye can't see it. Looking around, there are human-faced snakes everywhere, and I don't know where these things came from. He looked at his wife in a hurry and found that her had been bitten and fainted on the ground. Several snakes had already wrapped around her. He quickly grabbed the red flower and kicked it in his pocket, got up and ran to his wife.

God also took pity on him. The sound of those snakes attracted the eagles, and several eagles flew down. They were the natural enemies of human-faced snakes. The snakes let go of her wife and run into the grass. He hurriedly picked up his wife and ran back. Out of the valley, he quickly rubbed the red flower into her mouth. Unfortunately, it was too late. When I got home and put my wife down, there was no breath. Grandpa choked and said, changing her clothes before burial, and found that her body was full of snake bite marks. It was so miserable! Speaking of this sound, he choked a little, and then he no longer dared not go to the mountains and pulled the child up alone.

Zhou Xirui doesn't know how to comfort his grandfather. Losing his loved one is the biggest shortcoming in his life. What's more, there is one less labor in this mountain, which is directly linked to whether he can eat enough. Sometimes he sighs in his heart that some people are just busy with food and clothing all their lives. To put it bluntly, isn't it just to live? However, people like themselves live a life full of food and seeking stimulation all day long. Maybe they need to do more for these people struggling in poverty in the future to find a balance in their hearts.

Grandpa continued to preach. Later, his granddaughter Xiaopei grew up. The child was bold and liked to learn witchcraft. Although my medical skills were also a kind of witchcraft, I could only save people and could not save myself in danger. Zhang Yongfu, the most famous wizard here, told me that Xiaopei was very talented and wanted to accept her as an apprentice. I didn't agree at that time, because wizards were all alone. Unexpectedly, the child secretly went to worship the teacher. Later, he thought that she often went to the mountains alone to collect medicine, which was very dangerous and agreed with her to learn witchcraft.

He suddenly remembered that he always dreamed of floating in the universe at night and asked Grandpa, "Grandpa, I heard that you are a famous witch doctor?" Grandpa waved his hand and said modestly, "It's not famous. It's just a minor illness." Zhou Xirui then told Grandpa about the situation in his dream.

Grandpa thought for a moment and said to him, "Young man, I don't know why you always have this dream. I can only treat minor diseases. You may go to Xiaopei's master to have a look. He may know!" Looking for my master? He has a strange temper. It doesn't necessarily depend on your luck!" Xiaopei cut vegetables in the kitchen and answered. I'll take you up tomorrow morning. Go and try your luck!" Xiaopei said with a smile.

The next morning, they walked to the mountain under the leadership of Xiaopei. The wizard's house was located on the half-slope. Before they went, they thought that he must have made a lot of money if they knew witchcraft. The house must be the best in the village. Surprisingly, the house was the most dilapidated in the village. It was just a mat made of bamboo and put together into a wall, and built on it. Some plastic cloth is as simple as a blind grandpa's chicken.

There was no one in the room. The three sat on a small wooden stool in front of the door and waited for a long time before they saw an old man with green cloth wrapped around his head and some patterns painted with charcoal on his face holding a bundle of firewood. Xiaopei quickly went over and talked to the master. She took down the jade room on her neck and handed it to the master. It seemed that her master was very excited. His hands were shaking with Yuque, and then he quietly told Xiaopei a few words. Xiaopei had to nod seriously from time to time.

After the master finished speaking, she turned around and introduced Zhou Xirui and A Cuo to him and explained their intentions. Unexpectedly, the wizard did not mean to refuse at all. He looked at Zhou Xirui and seemed to be very surprised. He quickly took out a large bowl of coarse porcelain from the room, filled a bowl of water, and let Zhou Xirui put his fingers in the water. Then I looked at it in the water bowl for a long time.

Then he looked at Zhou Xirui for a while and told him, "Young man, your spirituality is very high, and you are naturally full of spiritual power. He is a person who can freely enter and exit the underworld, which is very suitable for learning witchcraft. The white light flashing in your dream is the soul of the dead. Once you catch the white light, you will know everything before their lives!"

"I was not born. I found a shining stone in a place. After accidentally swallowing it, I began to have this dream. I felt that I was in a very good spirit after swallowing it. I fell from a high place and felt that I would not get hurt? But recently, it seems that the spirit is not as good as when you swallowed it, and your physical strength is not as strong as when you swallow it. It seems to be back to the previous state." The wizard shook his head and said that he didn't know what Zhou Xirui was talking about, but he told Zhou Xirui that although his spiritual power was very strong, he could not release the energy in his body without practicing, which was no different from ordinary people.

Hearing the wizard say this, Zhou Xirui was eager to know the method of cultivation, but the wizard said that the witchcraft they inherited from generation to generation would not be passed on to foreigners. Zhou Xirui still wanted to beg the wizard. Just as he wanted to speak, he was pulled down by Xiaopei and blinked his eyes, signaling him not to beg again. Zhou Xirui had to say nothing.