Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 34 Strange Water Monkey

After discussing with everyone, Zhou Xirui decided to pack his bags and drive to Baojia Village, Taizhou the next morning. Because the submarine was rented a site and made by workers in Shanghai Shipyard, the submarine had to come from Shanghai after leaving the factory. After going up, the team members went to Macao for a short flight. I heard that when I went to Macau, the men in the team were going to experience the charm of this casino.

Zhou Changyuan sent a team of four SUVs to send his son. When he was resting, he was bored and talked about some adventures. Uncle Li talked about a strange thing he really experienced in his hometown.

He is from Fujian and lives near Meizhou Bay. His ancestors have been fishing for a living. Although his grandfather died at sea, his grandfather's father also died at sea, and finally his grandfather disappeared at sea, his father still did not give up this job of supporting his family. It was not until he went to sea with his father and encountered a terrible thing that he persuaded his father to resolutely sell the boat and take him to Zhejiang to work.

He hasn't returned to his hometown for many years. He remembers that there was a Mazu temple by the seaside of his village at that time. People by the sea made a living by fishing, but the storm on the sea came. The danger was unpredictable. The only thing he could hope for was the protection of Mazu, so this Mazu temple was the best house in the village. . He remembered that his father would go to the temple to burn incense before going to sea, praying for his mother to bless him to return safely.

When he was 12 years old, his father officially asked him to go fishing with the boat. Before leaving, the father and son came to the mother's temple to pray. After that, his father solemnly took out the incense ash and wrapped it in a handkerchief and put it in his pocket. It is said that the child's soul has not yet grown, and it is easy to provoke unclean things in the water. If you take this mother with you, you will be guarded by her.

He and his father drove their small fishing boat to about dozens of nautical miles from the coastline, because the boat was small and could not be too far from the shore. There are some sparse reefs here, and fish like to move in underwater corals. My father often jumps into the sea, looking for sea cucumbers and shellfish in these coral reefs, and can also insert several large fish with a harpoon, but it is not suitable for casting nets, which is easy to be tripped by coral reefs. But as long as enough sea cucumbers can be found, their benefits will be much higher than those casting net fishing.

My father asked him to lean the boat against a reef on the surface of the water and ordered him to stay on the boat. He jumped into the water and searched in the coral reef. Although the sea was calm, he was still worried about his father because he knew that there was a fierce sea eel living in the coral reef with sharp teeth. If the barb is bitten by it, it can tear off the whole piece of meat and arms, so fishing in the coral reef is also very dangerous.

The sun shines on the body, the sea breeze blows from time to time, and from time to time seagulls and other waterbirds call to pass over the top of their heads. He squinted and lay in the boat, with waves as if lying in a cradle. Just as he wanted to take a nap, he found a fishing boat floating in front of him, about the same size as his own boat, but it looked much shabby, and no one on it was a "ghost boat". After fishermen lost their lives on the sea because of the owner, the unmanned boats drifted with the waves were called "ghost boats".

There was no one on the boat, but it seemed to know that there was someone here. It floated towards itself against the wind. When the wind blew, it made a creaking sound. In this empty sea, it seemed a little scary. Fortunately, it was a sunny day, and he stood up and boldly looked at the ship.

This look scared him, with a strange creature lying on its stomach, about 12 meters long, covered with long hair, red eyes and dark faces. I don't know what it was. As soon as the ghost ship approached, the strange thing jumped over and grabbed his neck. At that time, he was small. Although he was a little bigger than this creature, his strength was not as big as it. He struggled desperately and called for help. His hand inadvertently touched the ashes his father put in his pocket. In a hurry, he took it out and wiped it away. The strange thing's eyes were gray, and he shouted to loosen his claws to wipe the dust from his eyes.

At this time, my father also floated to the surface with the sea cucumber he found. Seeing this scene, he climbed into the boat and gave the strange thing a knife. The strange thing quickly jumped into the sea and fled. He nervously asked his father what it was. At that time, my father didn't say anything, but the engine drove the fishing boat to the shore as quickly as possible. As soon as he landed, he went to the Mazu Temple to burn incense and thanked the Empress for her protection.

At dinner, my father announced an important decision to take him to Zhejiang to find a job. His mother asked him what was going on. My father just said the reason. It turned out that they met the "water monkey", that is, the water ghost. In folklore, it is a kind of monster lurking in the water, with hair all over its body and red eyes and black faces. It is said that it is a ghost similar to a ghost transformed by the ghost of the person who drowned in the water. It must be replaced by drowning a person. This monster is extremely powerful and often changes various objects in the water to attract people. It takes the opportunity to drag people into the water to drown and absorb human blood. Anyone who has seen this thing and has not died will be followed by it as soon as they enter the sea until they are killed by it, so the two father and son have no way to stay at sea and can only go to Zhejiang to make a living.

As soon as Uncle Li finished speaking, everyone asked him curiously, so why did you dare to get on the submarine? Aren't you afraid that the water monkey will come to you? Uncle Li said with a smile, "Actually, I've always wanted to find out if this thing is the ghost of the legendary drowning man, hehe, so I came here, of course for this!" He made a move to count the money, and everyone else laughed. Everyone came mainly for the money.

At this time, Liu Peng listened to Uncle Li and said: I also tell you a strange thing about my own experience. It was a summer night. The weather was very hot, and many people set up tents to rest after swimming at the seaside. My roommate Akun and I also went to the seaside for a night swim. After coming up, we sat on the beach and rested. There seemed to be a flashlight in a tent next to it, so the situation in the tent was clear at a glance.

In it is a man and a woman with a good figure. The woman's figure is great, so I can't help looking at it a few more. After a while, the people there became intimate, so that my eyes never left the tent. After a while, my best friend said that they wanted to buy something to eat. When we got up to buy and walk past the tent, I peeked at the mouth of the tent, but the tent was open. Is there anyone in it? What's going on?

After a few steps, I asked my best friend if he had seen it? The best friend was asked inexplicably, saying that we just sat next to nothing? I looked back and saw that I had only taken a few steps. There was nothing there? After that, I no longer dare to go swimming at night.

"What you see is a ghost. The soul after death must have something that can be attached and has life. As a spiritual power, it can interfere with people's brains. For example, being possessed by ghosts is the truth. It makes you hallucinate. In fact, the illusions in your brain are also some reflections of what you have seen and heard in your heart." After explaining the cause of this ghost, everyone thinks that what she said is reasonable, but this means that there is really a ghost, which makes people feel creepy.

Jenny came over and sat down next to Zhou Xirui and said sullenly, "I also have a story. Go to my room. Let me tell you alone!" Zhou Xirui smiled and said, "Zhong Yueming, let me tell you this story, hey hey!" Zhong Yueming pulled Jenny up and said, "Oku all right! I was about to hear it," John also said lustly, "Take me too! I want to listen too!"

The three fell in love all the way to the room. Zhou Xirui was also too lazy to pay attention to these perverts. He thought that the wizard said that the person who could see ghosts when he was drunk belonged to people with particularly weak yang. It is also a good thing to have such a person. When encounters bad luck, people with weak yang are always the first to go. It was also a warning to the people around him. He looked at Liu Peng's face carefully, and it was really pale.

Their car arrived at Baojia Village, Linhai, Taizhou, at noon the next day, waiting for the submarine to come from Shanghai after leaving the factory. In the shallow water, the submarine could not reach the shore, but the ship was equipped with a charging boat, and they waited for the people above to pick it up. Acuo and Xiaopei took the cat to pick up shells in the distance. The two had never been to the seaside. They were excited to see the shell shrimps on the beach. Zhou Xirui shouted at them far away.

The scenery of Baojia Village is very beautiful by the mountains and the sea. It has basically been converted into a tourist village. Several people were bored and simply set off the seafood hot pot at the seaside. John took off his clothes and went down to swim. Zhou Xirui looked up and saw that except for John, so many tourists in the resort did not go swimming. . Zhou Xirui curiously asked the little sister who served the dishes why no one went down to swim? The little sister shook her head when she saw the question, but a trace of panic flashed on her face.

Zhou Xirui felt that there must be something hidden. Maybe the boss didn't let these waiters and new guests say it in order not to affect the business. He took out 500 yuan from his pocket, quietly stuffed it into the little sister's hand, and asked her what had happened. The girl looked at the * in her hand, looked around, and looked at John in the water and said, "Let the swimming foreigner come up quickly. I don't know what's in the water recently. Many tourists swimming in the water said that they felt something dragging their feet into the deep water. Fortunately, only one little girl who came to travel was dragged down, and the others were fine. The boss won't let me say it for fear of affecting the business.

Hearing what the little sister said, he felt the seriousness of the matter and quickly stood up and went down to call John. John heard the shouts swimming to the shore and suddenly saw him sink into the water. Zhou Xirui quickly jumped into the water and swam over there. He dived into the water to see that something was really pulling him. He struggled desperately to emerge. Zhou Xirui quickly swam to his feet and saw that a dark thing in the water was pulling John's feet. He took out the machete at his waist and pricked it. The thing loosened John's pain and swam quickly into the deep water.

John swam to the shore and kicked rudely. He asked Zhou Xirui in shock what was dragging his feet, and everyone gathered around. Zhou Xirui said that he didn't see it clearly and felt that it was a black thing with long hair all over his body. Uncle Li frowned and said that it might be a water monkey, and everyone felt a cold heart. Zhou Xirui said that everyone must act uniformly in the future. This round-the-world trip is full of unknown dangers ahead. If anyone acts without authorization, he may put himself in danger and even make the whole team fall into it.

Zhou Xirui continued: "I am the initiator of this trip. I am the captain. Zhang Yueming is the deputy captain. He has experience in outdoor sports. If I'm not here, you will follow his command." After what happened just now, everyone agreed with Zhou Xirui's opinion, and Zhang Yueming gave him a thumbs up: "Not bad! Brother, hehe, I feel that you are much better than before."

In the evening, two storm boats arrived at the seaside and took them to the submarine. Zhong Yueming looked at the submarine. It looked like a very exquisite luxury yacht. When he went down to the bottom of the cabin, he found that it was actually a huge submarine. The yacht on the water was just the tip of the iceberg. What's more amazing is that there is a layer of tempered glass outer cover on the outside of the yacht part, which is hemispherical. It is usually opened flat on both sides like a transparent platform of two pieces of glass. When the submarine sinks, the glass cover is closed to wrap the submarine part without water.

This submarine is sailing on the sea. If you don't go on the boat, you can't find this secret. You will only think it is a yacht, which is very cleverly designed. Zhong Yueming was interested and asked Zhou Xirui, "Which expert designed it, which is very clever and creative!" Zhou Xirui smiled and put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Of course I am an expert! Haha" Seeing Zhong Yueming's wide eyes, he smiled harder: "Haha, it's nothing. I just conceived it as a whole. Of course, the specific design still requires experts in this field." It turned out that Zhong Yueming said, "You boy! Even the submarine can be made like this. I have decided to hang out with you later!" You, a Harvard top student, hang out with me, an uneducated person. Don't be ashamed!"

"Boss, who is responsible for the automatic control of the submarine?" At this time, Liang Jianguo, a senior engineer in charge of factory driving, came over and interrupted their jokes. Zhou Xirui shouted up, "John, come down!" He turned his head and said to Liang Jianguo, "Mr. Liang, John is responsible for the automatic control! But I want everyone to learn that the danger ahead is an unknown, and everyone will operate it at a critical time." There is also manual control, everyone must be proficient," Zhong Yueming also took over the words. Okay, let's go to the yacht and I'll explain it to you," Liang Jianguo nodded.

In the next few days, in addition to being familiar with the operation of the submarine, everyone will lie on the glass cover and enjoy the sea breeze. Xiaopei's pleasure was fishing, while the cat lay beside him and waited for the moment when the fish was hooked up, and then jumped and pulled the fishing line and wanted to run. Xiaopei chased him all the way and ran around on the deck.

Two days later, they drove into the inner port of Macao and stood on the deck and looked at the water-facing gambler paradise. Although it was already dark, the city was still bright and bright. On the road and buildings, all kinds of lights are shining brightly everywhere. This is a city that does not sleep.

Several men gathered around Zhou Xirui and asked for a half-year salary advance. Zhou Xirui smiled and was ready before he came. He knew that there was no reason for everyone to come here without playing. The money has already been turned into cheques in the mainland bank, and each person can go to any casino to exchange chips for 500,000 yuan. These people cheered.