Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 36 Dragon Bay Sea Monster

Thirty-six episodes of Longwan Sea Monster

But their next travel plan is to land in Vietnam and make a detour through Laos, Cambodia and then to Thailand. Zhou Changyuan has already been granted tourist visas for them. This plan is mostly in the no man's land of the tropical rainforest, but now it seems to be in conflict with the time to save people in Thailand.

Zhong Yueming said, "It's okay. That woman has been locked up for a few more days at most. The kidnapper won't kill her without getting the money. Everyone has this opinion. Zhou Xirui also put the expedition first. He called for a moment to communicate with the kidnapper and gave him a two-month deadline. Immediately, Zhou Xirui ransomed half of the kidnapper's account to prevent the other party from tearing the ticket.

Liang Gong and several staff members on the ship are about to disembark and fly back to China. After discussing with everyone, Zhou Xirui decided to leave no one on the submarine after landing in Vietnam, set up an automatic route, and drove the submarine to the port of Thailand to wait for them. When Liang Gong left, he also gave them a box-sized submarine remote control. With this, it is very convenient to monitor the situation on the submarine through the camera at any time and operate the submarine's route at any time.

A week later, they crossed the sea and came to the vicinity of Along Bay, which is very close to Haiphong Port. Haiphong is located in the lower reaches of the Jingtai River on the northeast coast of Vietnam, the northeast side of the Red River Delta, and the northwest coast of the Gulf. It is the largest seaport in northern Vietnam. It is the sea gateway to the capital Hanoi and a transit point for import and export materials in the north.

It has a tropical monsoon climate, with a temperature of about 21-27 degrees Celsius, which makes people feel very comfortable. While everyone was resting on the glass cover, an accident appeared. A huge sea monster appeared in front of it. Its body rose 30 meters long, wrapped in a layer of soft black skin and decorated with marble spots. There are big scales on the 5-meter-long head, which is very similar to the head of a giant turtle. The column of water it sprays up to 15 meters high. What is this? Big snake? Or the dragon? Everyone was shocked by this huge monster.

Zhou Xirui immediately reacted and asked everyone to leave the glass cover, asked John to close the glass cover and stop the submarine. Fortunately, this huge monster did not come to attack the submarine, but swam on the sea for a while and disappeared into the sea.

Uncle Li asked in shock, "What monster was it just now?" John spread out his hands and said to her, "I don't know, it's really beautiful!" The most exciting is Liu Peng, an expert in marine biology. After the sea monster appeared, he quickly took out his camera and took a lot of photos. He took the photo and told everyone that from the appearance characteristics of the monster, it can be seen that this thing should be a deep-sea tiger eel, that is, a kind of sea eel, but it was found before more than 2 meters long, and never Think that this creature can grow up to 30 meters. And it will float on Shanghai. This thing generally only lives in the deep sea, and it has a fierce temperament and sharp teeth. It can easily bite people's legs and grow into such a huge monster. It's really lucky that it didn't attack the submarine just now.

Hearing Liu Peng's words, everyone is a little afraid. How many such terrible creatures are there in this unfathomable ocean, which makes people feel curious and afraid.

Not far from the port, they put down the assault boat and sailed to the shore. After landing, the remote control assault boat returned to the submarine, and then started the submarine on the set route. Everyone called two taxis to drive to Hanoi. The scenery along the way is very beautiful. This Southeast Asian country is full of hills like Guilin, surrounded by red flowers and green leaves on both sides of the road.

Zhou Xirui occasionally asked the driver to stop by the roadside to buy some local special drinks, freshly squeezed lemon juice and sugarcane juice. The Vietnamese girl selling drinks was hairpinned with gardenia, with a petite and exquisite figure, matched with the elegant and slim Ao Dai, and the bowed smile, which made people moved. Several people suddenly surrounded and drank enough before leaving reluctantly.

After the car entered the city, the tide of motorcycles on the streets of Vietnam was shocking, and the taxi stopped in front of the Blue Summer Hotel and put them down. After entering the hotel, the front desk staff of the hotel actually couldn't speak English. Fortunately, I met an elder sister who came to Vietnam to travel and knew a little Vietnamese, so everyone booked a room with her help.

After thanking the elder sister, everyone took a shower and left the hotel to walk around. A few steps along the downhill road in front of the hotel is the road. The left side of the road is densely full of restaurant stalls. Each restaurant has a menu on the bracket at the door.

Zhou Xirui greeted everyone in a restaurant according to the recommendation of the LP website. The door of the restaurant also marked that he was recommended by LP to show his differences from others. I ordered sh*e, mango and coconut, and a few fresh shrimp lettuce spring rolls. Spring rolls wrapped with local ingredients called "ricepaper" contain very fresh prawns and various shredded vegetables, including lettuce, carrots, cabbage, etc. They are not steamed or fried. They are eaten directly. They are light and delicious. They are stained with fish sauce. They are really delicious.

Zhou Xirui has done a lot of research on food. He thinks that if domestic Shandong cuisine is compared to "everyone's boudoir" and Sichuan cuisine is a spicy "spicy girl", then Vietnamese cuisine must be "small jasper". From one dish, you can eat this "gentle" side of water and soil. It makes people feel simple all the way to Vietnam. Just like the 1970s and 1980s in China.

After dinner, everyone was separated. They wandered along the street but there were leaks. At night, when they returned to the hotel, they found that Liu Peng was missing? It's really unfavorable. At the beginning of the global expedition, his teammates were kidnapped or disappeared, which made Zhou Xirui very anxious. Jenny was fine. Liu Peng is the core member of the team. In the future, his rich geographical knowledge and expertise at sea or on land will be indispensable to the team. He must be found, but In Hanoi, the densely populated capital of Vietnam, countless people come here to travel. It's not easy to find a Chinese. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

He asked who was the last one with Liu Peng? John said that he was with him. On the way, he went to the toilet and didn't see anyone when he came out. He thought this guy had gone back to the hotel by himself. John's Chinese is not very good, so he didn't communicate with Liu Peng along the way, and the two didn't say a few words. Zhou Xirui scratched his scalp. This thing is fucking strange. Is it lost? Shake your head, it's unlikely. You can see Chinese people coming to travel here. You can find a hotel if you ask, but where have you been?

Zhong Yueming came over and took a picture of John who blamed himself: "Brother, have you recalled who you have been in contact with along the way? Or have you ever had a conflict with anyone?" John thought for a moment and said, "When I passed a market, I saw locals seem to be chasing out several girls in gorgeous clothes. A girl was pushed out and almost fell down. Liu Peng happened to pass by and helped the girl casually. It seemed that the girl came up and said a few words of Vietnamese and looked at Liu Peng a few times. At that time, I joked with him and said that the girl liked him. He said that he was saying thank you.

Zhong Yueming said that this may be a clue. Find a local tomorrow. It's dark now. Let's go to him tomorrow! Everyone agrees with his words. After a good rest after a tiring day, he will have the energy to find someone tomorrow.

The next day, Zhou Xirui found the elder sister who knew Vietnamese yesterday and wanted her to go to the market with herself to inquire. As soon as the eldest sister heard that someone was missing, she was also worried about him and immediately agreed. They and John came to the market where the locals bombarded several girls yesterday.

When they arrived at the market, many villagers picked up local products to sell here. They decided to find an old woman to ask. The most in this small market is the old woman.

They chose a man who sold cring eggs. The old woman sat on a stone in a black cloth. There were several small benches next to him. Zhou Xirui asked for two crouched eggs. When he saw the old woman open the eggshell, he didn't expect that there was a duckling that had not hatched. With coriander and some small seasonings, he came to them. He didn't dare to eat this and wave his hand repeatedly. The old woman immediately laughed as soon as she saw him. When asked which country they are from, how can they come here?

The eldest sister said that we were from South Korea. Because she was afraid of the self-defense counterattack between China and Vietnam, she panicked and said that she came here to find a friend?

Zhou Xirui asked John and the eldest sister to talk about the characteristics of the girl they saw yesterday. John thought for a moment and said, "Those girls' headscarves and their bodies are embroidered with a lot of dandelions."

The eldest sister asked the old woman about this feature, but her mother-in-law was also kind and said that she thought about it, and then told the eldest sister that she could fry two duck eggs for them to eat. The eldest sister agreed. With that, I saw the old woman grab a handful of coriander, beat two duck eggs and break them together, and pour them into a small pot. Suddenly, the smell of eggs and coriander mixed with disperses, sprinkled a small bar of coarse salt and drops of lime juice! When it's done, put it in a small plate and hand it over to Zhou Xirui. He thought it was quite delicious!

The old woman thought about what she was asked, but only said, "I seem to have heard of it, but I can't remember it all of a sudden!" She greeted several old sisters around her and discussed together. After a few words, suddenly several old people turned dark and turned around and asked us in surprise, "What are you looking for those people?"

The elder sister said, "We have a friend who went there as a guest, because he has something to do at home, so we have to inform him!" The old woman nodded and pointed to John and Zhou Xirui and said, "Are they going too?" The eldest sister turned around and looked at them. She seemed to be puzzled why the old woman asked about them. Just replied, "It's also a friend!"

The old woman shook her head and said that it was better not to go. The more she said it, the more ugly she became and looked at them gloomyly! Zhou Xirui's back suddenly cooled down. Although he didn't know what was going on, he realized that those people didn't seem to welcome men outside where they lived! The old woman first asked them if the fried eggs were delicious? Zhou Xirui nodded and returned the small plate to her!

She looked at Zhou Xirui and seemed to be examining it. That feeling was as uncomfortable as he** checking her! Several old women around her seemed to look at them strangely! The old woman suddenly asked him, "Young man, how old are you? You're so good-looking, you'd better not go to that stockade!"

When the elder sister saw that he was very uncomfortable, she immediately replied, "Mother-in-law, we are good friends with the people there. It doesn't matter! This time, they also invited us to go!" The mother-in-law sighed and didn't hear much about what she said, but in the end she told them to go to the north of the city and take a bus to Mangpang. After arriving at that place, she got off the bus. When she got there, she took a motorcycle to Wuwa Mountain, and then asked Wuwa Village and then asked!

The eldest sister answered and said that she remembered that Zhou Xirui gave the old woman 20 thousand. The old woman said she wanted to ask him for the money, but they were pulled away by the eldest sister. Looking back, I saw the old women gathered around again, pointing at them and chatting, and shaking their heads from time to time!!