Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 49 Human Skin Demon

Before departure, Zhou Xirui had already ordered a suite at Holiday Inn Fland online. The car drove directly to the hotel and opened a room to take a shower and rest. Xiaopei texted Prince Teso in the hotel. The two seemed to have endless words. Zhou Xirui asked her if she wanted to go to dinner. Xiaopei looked at the text message sweetly and did not raise his head. Zhou Xirui shook his head and shook his head helplessly to Acuo: "Women in love don't have to eat." Acuo laughed and said, "Let's go eat something and bring her some back."

The two decided to go to the night market, eat the specialties here, and taste the legendary Xinjiang roast mutton kebab and big plate chicken. In order to experience the authentic style of the city, they took a walk to the most famous May One Night market in Wu City. Before they came, they longed for the special snacks here, so Zhou Xirui specially asked his friends who had been here where to eat delicious food. They all said that this night market is the largest. As soon as you enter the night market fruit stalls, you will be conspicuous on the roadside. Various varieties of grapes, watermelons and cantaloupe are dazzling, and there are also some strange names of people like bitter gourds. Watermelons in Urumqi are only 70 cents per kilogram, and everything in Xinjiang is bought in kilograms.

There are also dense dried fruit stalls! There are all kinds of dried fruits, raisins, Padan, walnuts... There is also a large cup of draft beer on the roadside. Zhou Xirui found a Xinjiang-specific alcoholic drink called Kawas. After drinking it, he felt that there seemed to be honey in it. The big stove for barbecue is so huge that the streets are smoky. It was past nine o'clock, but it was still late in Xinjiang, and the stalls in the night market were full of people who came to eat.

They sat down at a stall of roast mutton kebabs and sat in the headwind. The smoke was really a little smoky. However, the smell of mutton kebabs is still unforgettable. The two of them drank a few bottles of beer with a refreshing night breeze. To be honest, the climate here is much hotter than Hangzhou. The surroundings were full of people, and the laughter came one after another, and it was very noisy. There is a table next to them. Although they are not dressed as ethnic minorities, they can tell that they are not Han people when they look at their appearance. They have been muttering something in their own language. Zhou Xirui felt that they were peeking at his side and felt a little alert. Sure enough, after a while, a middle-aged man at the table came to chat up with wine, invited Zhou Xirui for a drink in half-baked Chinese, and asked them if they were not locals! Where did they come from? Where to travel and so on.

Zhou Xirui doesn't have much experience in the world. Although he dealt with it casually, these old people have cunningly known from his words that they are here to travel. Zhou Xirui was a little worried. After dealing with a few words, he gave Ah Duo a winny and hurriedly left after paying. After strolling at the night market for a while, A Cuo touched Zhou Xirui's arm and said, "Damn, several people at the table next to us are following us." Zhou Xirui did not dare to look back, afraid that they would be found that they knew someone was following him, and whispered, "Come on! Let's go out of the night market and take a taxi back!"

But without taking two steps, I felt something behind me. Looking back, it was a few men at the table just now, holding sharp knives of sheep bones against them. The man who was close to them just now showed fierce eyes and threatened in a low voice: "Be honest, or I will stab you to death!" At the same time, their hands have been held by these people, buckled back and put on handcuffs. Some passers-by looked at them in surprise, and these people said arrogantly, "What are you looking at? We are police."

Police? Are these people really policemen? Feeling the handcuffs behind Zhou Xirui thinking about it, he felt more stable and felt that it might be a misunderstanding.

Acuo still wanted to break free. Zhou Xirui was afraid that these people would hurt them, so he turned around and called Acuo: "Don't move yet." He knew in his heart that in this unfamiliar place, if he was not a policeman, he would be stabbed to death by these people and thrown into the Gobi Desert, I'm afraid that his family would never find it. I don't want to say anything. Acuo brought it out by himself and can't be sorry for his father and grandfather. Besides, if these people are really police, maybe it's just a misunderstanding? Ten thousand steps back, if it's not the police, isn't it just money? Just give it to them. Life is more important than money.

They were taken to a remote alley. These people blindfolded them with black cloth and were escorted into a dark place after turning left and right for a long time. His hands and feet were tied, and his mobile phone and cash were also searched. He wondered why these people stared at him. Later, when he thought about it carefully, the two of them wore famous brands. At first glance, they knew that they were traveling from other places. Who will they be kidnapped if they are not kidnapped? Zhou Xirui was very annoyed and thought about how the two of them should escape.

I don't know how long it took. The two took a nap in the dark, and Zhou Xirui dreamed that he was in the endless universe. There were planets around, and the white light flashed in the distance. He tried to float towards the white light. Suddenly, a strong light stabbed him so hard that he couldn't open his eyes. After a while, he tried to open his eyes and found that he and Acuo were tied up in a basement and stood in front of a group of people. It was the group of people who kidnapped themselves, standing in the middle of an extremely ugly old man, with a deep scar on his face, which made his facial muscles a little deformed.

The man took a bright razor in his hand and inserted it into a long table in the middle. Seeing this table, Zhou Xirui's heart was very cold. It was full of blood stains, and a large basin was also covered with blood stains under the table. Where did these blood stains come from? Is it human blood? He shivered in his heart, and he also noticed that there were still some hooks hanging meat in the basement, which were tied to the nails on the top of the basement with chains. Those hooks were also blood-stained, and the whole basement was filled with a smell of rotten blood, like a slaughterhouse.

At this time, the ugly old man muttered something to the group of people. Zhou Xirui couldn't understand what he said. At this time, two men from the group came out and walked in front of him. Zhou Xirui thought to himself, is it over. Is it going to kill himself? But the two men did not drag him over, but walked behind him. Zhou Xirui looked at it strangely. It turned out that there was a girl tied in the corner behind him. She looked very young and was already pale and trembling.

The two people went over and said something. Zhou Xirui couldn't understand, but he heard the evil laughter of the two people. They walked over and dragged the girl up. One of them reached out and pulled off the girl's clothes and touched her chest. The girl tried desperately to break free, but her struggle just made the group more excited and made them laugh more evil.

The group stripped the girl naked and tied their hands and feet to the four corners of the table. The ugly old man drew two strokes on the girl with a knife and laughed terriblely. The girl screamed in horror. The old man seemed to enjoy her screaming, and then he licked the girl's foot with his tongue and suddenly cut it off alive with a knife. The girl fainted in pain all of a sudden.

Zhou Xirui was stunned, and the perverted man in front of him was simply a demon in human skin. It is a hundred times more cruel than those monsters seen in the Black Bamboo Ditch. He suddenly understood that the real monster was not hidden in the old forest, but hidden in people's hearts. The devil cut off the girl's feet and threw them into the basin below. Then waved to the group of people that it was OK, and then the group of girls who fainted**.

This bloody picture at that time reminded Zhou Xirui of still having palpitations after a long time. And Acuo behind him, the fearless and stubborn guy was also scared to close his eyes and could feel that he was trembling slightly against his body.

After the group of people**, the skin demon pulled the girl's intestines out of her lower body. Before long, a living person became pieces of human flesh and hung on those hooks.

At this time, the man who spoke Chinese came over. He told Zhou Xirui that their boss meant that as long as he could take out a ransom of 300,000 yuan, he would let them go, otherwise he would kill them and sell mutton like the woman just now. When mutton is sold, my God! The two remembered the mutton they ate in the night market and suddenly vomited.

Zhou Xirui agreed to their request, but the group demanded that one person must be left as a hostage. Zhou Xirui said that he would transfer 150,000 yuan to their account first, and if he saw Acuo return to the hotel, he would transfer 150,000 yuan to them. This group threatened Zhou Xirui that they must all hit the account or kill them.

Zhou Xirui didn't want Acuo to be in any danger. He knew that they were mainly for money and would not kill himself without the money. He simply said in a broken manner: "If you don't agree with my request, just kill me!" The devil came over and stared at Zhou Xirui for a long time. Suddenly, he smiled strangely and said a few words that he didn't understand.

The man who negotiated with them said, "You can do as you say, but it's useless for me to warn you to call the police. You'd better not call the police. Otherwise, you will never be able to get out of Xinjiang alive. Looking at the devil's strange smile, it seems that he is teasing a prey playing with applause, and he happens to be the prey, which makes people feel terrified.

They blindfolded and brought Zhou Xirui back to the previously remote alley. He quickly walked out of the trouble and took a taxi back to the hotel, took the card out of his backpack, went to the nearby ATM, and transferred 150,000 yuan to the account of the group. Then they returned to the hotel and Xiaopei to talk about their experience just now. After waiting anxiously for more than an hour, Acuo returned to the hotel in shock. Zhou Xirui saw Acuo coming back and did not dare to neglect it. He sent another 150,000 yuan to that account.

He knew that what the devil said was true. This is his sphere of influence. If he doesn't do it, he may not be able to leave here alive. Since their experience in Thailand, they no longer dare to call the police. The old saying "strong dragon does not suppress the local snake" is very practical. The only thing they can do now is to look forward to the dawn and go to Karas as soon as possible.

The next day, they rented an off-road vehicle early and went to Burzin County near Karas. From time to time, they could see large and small lakes and green farms along the way, but there was also a desert full of yellow sand in the sky. Sometimes the road extends straight and open to a long distance without turning, giving people a desolate desert. Feeling.

They brought enough bags and water, as well as cantaloupes and grapes, in order to try not to stay on the road. In this sparsely populated and desolate Gobi, in case they are robbed in any remote place, the body may not be found for a long time. Because there were fewer cars on the road, Acuo wanted to learn to drive, but he couldn't beat him all the way. When there were no passing vehicles, he taught him to test drive. Acuo had a good understanding and soon learned it. The two changed for a long time, but they were not very tired. Just thinking about the situation in the basement, both of them felt not very happy.

About ten hours later, I arrived in Burzin, where I bought some bags and brought some pickled beef. After resting in the county for another night, I drove to Jaden Island. When I arrived here, my private car was not allowed to enter, so I had to leave my car in a hotel.

They took a tour bus in the scenic area to the hotel to open a room, put their luggage properly, and climbed up the mountain along the plank road by the lake. They wanted to check the terrain first. The three of them enjoyed the blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green water here. They climbed up the fish pavilion all the way and could overlook the wide place in the middle of Karas Lake. If there is a water monster, it is a good viewing point, but it is a little too far away.

After a night's rest, Zhou Xirui hired a boat at the yacht management office of the scenic spot and decided to inspect the lake. He also brought several sets of diving equipment this time. Maybe he still has to dive down to see what's going on.

They brought the equipment onto the boat, and five people, including three people and the young man who drove the boat, set off. Fortunately, when the ship marched near Sandao Bay, waves of more than 1 meter high and more than 20 meters long suddenly stirred up on the water more than 200 meters away from the ship. The sudden waves surged quickly towards the center of the lake.

After a big wave surged, they found that a huge figure appeared under the water in the distance, and the figure was also swimming quickly towards the center of the lake. After a while, the originally connected unknown objects turned into two, sneaking under the water one after the other. About two minutes later, two unknown objects disappeared underwater and quickly disappeared. Zhou Xirui walked to the prepared photographic equipment and quickly pointed the lens at the unknown creature, which may be the only time that human beings have photographed an unknown object in Kanas at close range. Is the figure dancing under the water the legendary water monster? How big is it? What will it be?