Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 57 Prehistoric Animals

They saw that Yangzong did not wear an oxygen mask. It was estimated that there was air in it, and they all took the mask under the mask, and a damp and cold water came to their faces. After all, it is dozens of meters underground, next to the underground river, and the temperature is very low. But it is happy that there is air in it, which means that there is a place to make out with the ground. Enter

When he came, Zhou Xirui felt that he was swept into the bottom of the underground river from the bottom of the lake and then floated up. The dark river should be made out with Qinghai Lake, which means that there are holes in and holes that can go out. Think about it, no wonder Qinghai Lake can hide water monsters. Not only is the lake large, but there is also an underground river with abundant water at the bottom of the lake. But now it is not easy to judge the direction in this dark cave, and it is right to go. He had to choose a better direction on the shore and urged everyone to walk down the underground river.

The further you go, the wider the water becomes. Slowly, the underground river actually forms some large and small pools underground. What is amazing is that these pools are full of fish. As soon as people pass by, they only hear the sound of fish swimming in the water. When they shine the searchlight on their heads, they can see the fish jumping out of the water first when they see the light. Good boy, these fish are really big, and many of them have grown to about ten catties.

There are many small fish fry swimming in groups. If Zhou Xirui wants to catch a net, how many fish does he have to catch? It seems that this is the breeding ground of Qinghai Lake fish. As I walked, I heard a strange cry, which sounded like a baby crying. After a while, it made people feel scared. Yangzong grabbed Zhou Xirui's hand and hid behind him. Xiaopei and Acuo also stopped behind them and looked over nervously.

Zhou Xirui followed the sound. This is a huge pool. There seems to be many small islands moving in the pool. When I took the lamp to shine, there was a creature floating on the water ten meters away. Take a closer look at this guy and look at them along the light!

The creature is about 5 meters long, and its eyes are big and staring at them. The head is a little like a cow, but it can also be said to be a little like a sheep, which is very strange. The neck is a little long, with a long tail, the limbs are not visible in the water, and the skin shines with fish skin under the light of the light.

What kind of creature is this? If it is a plesiosaur, it is not the case at all except for the longer neck. The sound is like the sound of a salam orang. Speaking of salam orang, it is really a little similar, but there are also some places that are not very similar, such as different heads. And I have never heard of such a huge salamado. But it is certain that this guy is an amphibian, and he likes to emerge and stay.

See them stay quietly in the water and don't attack themselves. Zhou Xirui calmed down, took out the underwater camera, turned on the night vision light, and patted it. He thought that this animal might be so huge as an amphibian left over from prehistoric history. It looks mild and not aggressive, but conforms to the characteristics of amphibians. Maybe it's just because it has not been confirmed. So it was rumored to be a lake monster.

Those huge creatures, swimming slowly in that small pool, are basically a water monster more than ten meters long with a smaller water monster. It seems that this is not only a breeding ground for fish, but also a nursery for water monsters. There is plenty of food, rich water, spacious and quiet here. These water monsters are really good at finding a place," Zhou Xirui said. Yangzong said, "Will you tell others what you see here when you go back?" Zhou Xirui shook his head and said, "We like to explore these unsolved mysteries, but we don't want people to destroy their living environment. As long as it is a place trampled by human beings, many animals have become extinct. Let them live here quietly and don't disturb them!" Xiaopei and Acuo also nodded in favor.

Zhou Xirui whispered to everyone, "These creatures can come in here, indicating that there should be a waterway under the pool connected to Qinghai Lake, and they must be able to swim out from the bottom of the water. But it is not sure whether these are ferocious bloodthirsty animals. It is too dangerous for us to rush into the water. And now there are more people, the oxygen cylinder is not enough, and the oxygen in it will not last long, and it can't be used unless necessary. Everyone nodded, and Xiaopei asked Zhou Xirui, "Then shall we continue to go forward?"

Zhou Xirui nodded, led Yangzong ahead, carefully bypassing the lake, signaling everyone not to make a loud noise and not to disturb the water monsters. Not far away, the hole became spacious, and the wall of the cave was swept by searchlights, and many snake-shaped things with thick arms were seen. Several people were shocked, and Zhou Xirui had an instinctive fear of snakes. After standing without a hole and observing for a while, I found that these things had no mouth, and the whole shape was like an earthworm. Drilling in the wall of the cave, the soil has been drilled and loosened. This kind of big "earthworm" is also covered on the ground. What a strange thing is this? If it's an earthworm, I've never seen it so big. It looks disgusting. Zhou Xirui tried to walk among the earthworms and found that this thing did not bite people. Maybe it was really an earthworm, but it was bigger. Seeing the safety, he turned around and called the people behind him to catch up quickly.

The oxygen cylinder is very heavy on their backs, and they move very slowly. The more I walked forward, the stronger the smell of sulfur became, and the temperature around me became warmer and warmer. In the end, I felt too hot to kick out in a tight wetsuit.

There is a large cliff space in front of you, and there is a firelight shining brightly below, and the heat is getting more and more frightening. Zhou Xirui asked everyone to stay where he was and came close to see by himself. There was hot lava under the cliff. This was simply a furnace in hell, and Yangzong also followed.

He quickly pulled Yangzong back to the river. The underground river was not far from the cliff, and it was hot with water vapor. The underground river passes through here and is like roasting on the fire. No wonder the uncle said that there is a hot spring near the lake.

The group continued to walk along the bank of the underground river for more than an hour and gradually moved away from the cliff. The temperature on all sides also began to drop, and it was just right to take a bath at the temperature of the river. Zhou Xirui thought that the water here was boiling, and the temperature in the middle couldn't pass. Just now, it was so hot that it was better to take a shower and find out if there was an outlet under the water.

He turned his head and smiled at everyone and said, "I just sweated. I'll go down and take a shower." As he spoke, he began to take off his clothes and jump into the water. The temperature of the water is really comfortable! Acuo took off his diving suit and jumped down. They took a deep breath and dived into the water and groped on the edge of the bottom of the water, but unfortunately floated to the water. There was no passage below, so the two had to float up and said to Xiaopei and Yangzong on the shore that there was no place connected to Qinghai Lake below.

But Zhou Xirui firmly believes that there is air in it, and there must be a place to make out with the outside world. Everyone followed Zhou Xirui to the front. Yangzong took Zhou Xirui's hand tightly. Now she only has this man in her heart. As long as she is with him, she will be happy even in hell.

On the way forward, Zhou Xirui felt that the terrain was getting higher and higher, and the passage was getting smaller and smaller. He was very happy. He told everyone that it means that they had begun to get close to the ground, so that they could go out soon. After staying in the dark for a long time, I know how much I yearn for light.

The front channel has reached an almost vertical angle, which makes Zhou Xirui depressed. How can he climb up so straight? Even if you can climb with your rock climbing skills, others can't climb up. Such a dark hole can't leave everyone below. And without rope, there is no guarantee to climb to a certain height, which is very dangerous.

It seems that this road can't be passed. Even if we turn back now, it may not be very smooth in the other direction. As long as we encounter this vertical channel, it will be futile. It seems that the only feasible thing now is to dive into Qinghai Lake from underwater, so that it is possible to get out. But it may be close contact with the water monster. Although it is terrible, there is a glimmer of hope to go out.

However, as soon as Yangzong heard that he was going to go down from the place where there was a water monster in front of him, he was scared to death and shook his head like a rattle. But after everyone analyzed the pros and cons, she stopped talking. It seems that she also thinks that it is only feasible to go underwater.

The group walked for a long time and came to the cave with "big earthworms". Suddenly, they saw several giant rats nibbling on " earthworms" and heard the sound of gnawing. These giant rats seem to have degenerated their eyes because they have been living underground all year round. But the nose is very long and sensitive, and it is as big as a bear. It seems that the size of the food determines the size of the predator. Soon, these giant rats had smelled a different smell from earthworms, turned their noses into the air, turned around, and smelled at the place where Zhou Xirui stood. Several people saw such a big mouse, and their heads exploded. Seeing the mice sniffing at them, they couldn't think much about it. Several people quickly jumped into the water. They didn't want to give the giant rats a chance to change their tastes. When he got to the water, Zhou Xirui took off his oxygen bottle to put it on Yangzong's back, but Yangzong resolutely refused. Later, Zhou Xirui was anxious and said that he was very good at water and could hold it in the water for a long time, so he carried it on her.

The density of fish in this water is really high, and from time to time fish are squeezed close to them. They continued to dive down and found that these pools were very deep and they had figured out about each other. The light on everyone's heads attracted a lot of fish, which made them a little nervous. Sure enough, the big water monsters also dived over and swallowed the fish. The waves stirred by those water monsters made them unable to stabilize their bodies. Zhou Xirui took everyone to dive quickly and let them turn off the lights on their heads. At this time, it was dark around. They tried to grope for the edge and dived nearly 20 meters to find that it was empty below. Several people were ecstatic.

Zhou Xirui asked everyone to hold hands to prevent a few people wandering away. After swimming along the hole below for about 5 minutes, he felt that the oxygen in his lungs was almost exhausted, and he began to feel that his breathing was getting faster and faster, and his chest became more and more stuffy. Fortunately, I can already see the bright light overhead in front of me. It should be the lake.

Zhou Xirui pedaled hard on the water and floated to the surface with everyone. As soon as they came up, they hurriedly pulled off the oxygen mask and breathed the fresh air.

The sun is like blood outside. They have unconsciously tossed from morning to dusk in the cave. This feeling is so good. It's great to see the sun, and the excitement in their hearts is like rebirth.

They came out close to the shore, and there were some hillsides on the shore. Looking around, it is strange that the terrain here does not look like Qinghai Lake. But no matter what, it's good to come out. Everyone quickly swam to the edge and climbed up the shore. It's so comfortable to throw away the bulky diving equipment and lie on the grass.

At this time, Yangzong shouted, "It's strange how we got to the ear." Xiaopei asked curiously, "Sister Yangzong, how far is the ear sea from Qinghai Lake?" Zhou Xirui quickly asked her, "How do you know this is the ear sea?" Yangzong said, "I used to come here to hunt by the lake with my father. Why did we get so far away? If we want to get home, we have to walk at least 30 miles. We have to walk back and walk miserably!" Wow, it's so far away that I can't walk!" Acuo is a little frustrated.

Zhou Xirui laughed and said, "Don't be afraid. I don't know if I can come out when I was under the water just now. Everyone's life can be earned. It's nothing to take this road. Just take it as a walk! Haha." Yangzong was also infected by Zhou Xirui's words for the rest of her life after the robbery. Anyway, as long as she is with Zhou Xirui, these are nothing!

Although he is heroic, he has been tired for a day. After walking more than 30 miles, he is indeed exhausted. Several people grinned and sweated, and they felt that they were about to fall down. It was finally dark before I walked back to the tent. After arriving, I quickly changed my clothes and got into the quilt and fell asleep.

Mom was very worried about them. When it was dark on the lake, Dad came back and didn't see them. When Dad heard that they had gone to the middle of the lake, he was in a hurry to ask someone to row to the lake to find them, but only found Dad's boat. Everyone thought that something had happened and were crying in the tent, and their mother cried to death several times. Unexpectedly, several people came back magically, and everyone was surprised and happy.

Mom hurried to help them get food. She turned around and brought it to the table. When Dad went to call, he found that several people were tired and asleep and refused to get up.