Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 59 Submarine Alien

After Zhong Yueming came back, Zhou Xirui informed everyone to discuss the itinerary. Since the terrible experience of his trip to Southeast Asia, Uncle Li has become more and more timid, saying that he is mainly doing submarine repair work. In the future, he will stay on it and no longer follow the expedition. Everyone felt that what he said was reasonable, and they all raised their hands to agree.

John and the cat have already arrived in Taizhou, waiting for everyone there. Zhou Xirui found that Liu Peng's period of recuperation at home seemed to be very moist, his body looked much better, and his face was ruddy than before.

Zhou Xirui wanted to take care of him, which was weaker than others. He wanted to let him stay on the boat with Uncle Li in the future. Unexpectedly, he resolutely disagreed. He thought it was more interesting to explore.

The group took a bus to Taizhou, got on the assault boat and got on the submarine. Standing on the deck, Zhou Xirui looked at the afterglow of the sunset on the sea in the distance and roared: "Japan! Here we are!" Everyone cheered with him. A new journey is about to begin. What interesting experience will you encounter ahead?

They drove slowly along the Chinese coastline to Japan. Uncle Li was timid, but he was good at cooking, and he also liked to cook, so he was in charge of the diet of the submarines and cooked delicious food for everyone every day.

Uncle Li's favorite dish is also everyone's favorite squid teppanyaki. Every day, he eats seafood with beer with the sea breeze. Life is very comfortable. Xiaopei and Acuo are very interested in casting net fishing. The seafood they eat on the boat is basically made by the two people. The cat also likes to follow the two, holding a rope to help drag the net.

But in the past few days, I was very unlucky. I scattered the net many times and only hit some small fish, and sometimes I could even catch some water plants, which made everyone greedy. Zhou Xirui also thought about the delicious squid teppanyaki, swallowed his saliva and said cruelly. He stopped the boat. I put on my diving suit and went down to get a few squid.

Zhong Yueming and Lacuo immediately agreed, and they also wanted to go down with him to have a look. The three changed into wetsuits, put on oxygen bottles on their backs, and turned their backs to the sea. They turned on the searchlight on their heads and carefully observed the situation in the sea.

This is really a wonderful and quiet world. The light shines on some coral reefs with red, maroon, purple and yellow corals. Their tentacles follow the flowing sea water, softly undulating, light and colorful, like a group of butterflies flying on the bottom of the sea, which is indescribly beautiful. The red and white fish shuttled in front of them. These colorful fish, in the face of strange guests who rushed in, these subjects of the sea did not fear or dodge at all.

The changing seabed terrain and the changing water scenery attract them to dive deeper and deeper, and what they see in front of them is more wonderful. In the quiet deep sea, all kinds of soft and hard corals grow like trees among the strange-shaped reefs, dotted with colorful marine life; red and blue starfish and white sea clams lie lazily on the fine sand on the bottom of the sea; large and small unknown fish calmly pass by Zhou Xirui.

When Zhong Yueming saw Hai** moving the squid, he excitedly made an OK gesture to Zhou Xirui. They took out a nylon bag hanging on the waist and put the captured squid into it. It was really fulfilling to chase these guys who were easy to be caught all the way. Thinking of their delicious taste, the two couldn't help swallowing. Spit.

Azo saw a strange squid, which was like a rubber bag, with a boat-shaped limestone hard sheath and its internal organs wrapped in the bag. There are meat fins on both sides of the body, with an oval body and 10 wrists. He chased him up and reached out to catch the thing, but he escaped with ink sprayed by this thing.

Zhou Xirui and Zhong Yueming couldn't stop laughing when they saw this scene, because it was not a squid at all, but a cuttlefish and a squid. Of course, this thing is also delicious, but this guy has an ink bag on his body. When he is in danger, he will spray it out to confuse the enemy and then escape.

And if this thing grows into a big monster weighing dozens of tons, it will be amazing. It has a cuticle jaw in its mouth and can easily bite food, so if it grows very big, the boat can bite in two, so it is still full of danger!

Zhou Xirui swam not far forward and found a huge trench in front of him. Looking down, he couldn't see how deep it was. You should know that this trench was a little deeper, even deeper than the height of Mount Everest. He looked at the time when he was about to swim back. Suddenly, I saw a big shark swimming over.

It's not a good thing to meet sharks in the water. This guy's bite power is amazing. Zhou Xirui quickly turned around and made a gesture to let A Cuo and Zhong Yueming hide behind the coral. At this time, there was a very strange phenomenon. Suddenly, the warm sea, the temperature dropped rapidly, and the searchlight on the head inadvertently shone on the trench. A huge thing, like a sampan, slowly floated up from the trench, and the shark remained motionless as if enchanted. Within two minutes, the huge shark was inexplicably devoured by this inaudible thing.

The three were so scared that they dared not come out. The monster swallowed the shark and slowly sank into the water. Soon the temperature of the sea returned to normal. They quickly floated back to the sea, boarded the submarine, gasped for breath, and recovered for a long time.

Everyone helped them take off their wetsuits and saw the frightened expressions of the three people. Liu Peng asked, "Did you encounter something terrible?" The three nodded and everyone asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Xirui said, "I saw a strange thing next to the trench, which was a little bit like a huge ssam, which swallowed a big shark inexplicably." "Is that monster living in the ditch?" Liu Peng asked.

Zhou Xirui nodded and said, "Yes! The trench looks bottomless." And the sea temperature of this monster becomes lower as soon as it comes up!" Zhong Yueming added.

"Living in a trench, the sea temperature has become lower?" Liu Peng muttered, "Sevent percent of the species in the sea live in deep water, especially those unknown trenches, where there are many unknown human creatures. The previous one is easy to explain. But it can lower the surrounding temperature. Such a strange creature, the species we know on the earth, has never been found, which is really a great discovery," he said excitedly.

But others are not as excited as him. This thing can inexplicably swallow a big shark. That swallowing a person is not a piece of cake. They won't think this is a fucking great discovery. This thing is a deadly monster.

Uncle Li came up from below to get the squid they got back, and the three nylon bags. "That's good, hehe, we'll eat the squid teppanyaki later," he told everyone happily. Everyone cheered, which was much happier than meeting monsters.

They sailed at sea for about two weeks and came to Yokohama, which is the largest port city in Japan next to Tokyo. When they landed, except for John, their appearance was no different from that of the Japanese. There were also many foreigners here. In addition, the yachts on the submarine were very luxurious and did not attract the attention of the locals. No one came to check.

Uncle Li and the cat stayed on the submarine, because they didn't know if they could take a big dog to the street, and the others landed smoothly. There are many docks here, and the ports are very busy. Many Japanese can speak English, so it is much better to communicate than going to Southeast Asia.

They quickly learned that there is a tram stop not far from the port and it is not far from Chinatown. When the group came here, they saw that the entrance of Chinatown was a gate archway with Chinese characteristics, and there were entrances in all directions in the southeast and northwest. The three characters of Chinatown were written on the archway.

, the production process of the archway is perfect, and it is difficult to find such a beautiful archway in China. When they walk into Chinatown, the electric poles on both sides of the road are pasted with the signs of Chinatown, and the buildings in the city are all large Chinese-style roof buildings.

, there are many Chinese restaurants and shops, as well as calligraphy and painting shops, which sell Chinese calligraphy and painting. Some operators are Chinese from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other regions, and many are Japanese stores. The business here is still relatively booming, and many tourists buy goods here.

Acuo saw a picture of a Japanese maid in a store. On the way, the woman was half naked in the bath, and a pair of eyes stared at him affectionately. Originally, he wanted to leave at a glance, but he didn't know why the woman's eyes in the picture made him unable to move, and he didn't even keep up when everyone left the store.

When Zhou Xirui saw that he didn't keep up, he went back and called him. Seeing that he was staring at the painting and thought he liked it, he waved to the shopkeeper to come over and ask him how much it cost. As soon as the boss heard that the guests wanted to buy this painting, he was a little unbearable enthusiasm. He gave up a seat for the two and brought tea and said, "Just 20,000 yen!" It seemed that they were afraid that they would not buy it, and finally reduced the price to 10,000 yen. This price is very cheap. Zhou Xirui has no yen, only US dollars. When he arrived in Japan, he had not had time to exchange it, and the boss was very happy to receive it.

Zhou Xirui pulled Acuo out of the door, but it seemed that the boss's eyes were a little relieved when he paid just now, which he couldn't figure out, but the excitement of his new arrival in Japan soon made him forget this matter.

Near noon, several people bought a few pancakes in a Taiwanese-opened store. There is no language barrier to visit here, and there are Chinese in each store, so they feel like they are in their own motherland without any strangeness.

They also found that there is also a large-scale Guandi Temple in China, where, like the domestic Guandi Temple, sits majestically in the middle of the lobby.

Next to them are the two sons of Guan Xing and Guan Ping and several generals. Guan Gong is a symbol of loyalty and justice. In history, many emperors have respected Guan Yu's character. Therefore, there is a tradition of building Guandi Temple in China, and it has been built abroad. This Guandi Temple was built by Chinese funds. It seems that the worshippers here are The endless stream is not only to worship Guan Gong to ensure safety, but also to worship money!

The season when they come to Japan happens to be the most beautiful spring in the country. Japan's national flowers and other flowers are blooming. Many streets are lined with cherry trees and flowers in other flower beds to make the city very beautiful. It has become a sea of flowers, no matter where you go I feel relaxed and happy there, and every scenery is a beautiful oil painting