Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 83 Prehistoric Civilization 2

Xiaopei said to himself in his heart, calm down! Be calm! "You can't go, we can't die!" Her voice trembled slightly, but her tone was firm. Zhou Xirui knows Xiaopei's personality. If she said so, she would definitely do it. So how can we save them? He asked.

Xiao Pei took out his piccolo and said, "We still have this. As soon as these people fall asleep, you wake up the prisoners and bring them out." She took out the corpse powder sachet from her backpack and sent one to each person.

Xiaopei blew the soul song on the cliff. This wonderful music made the people under the cliff stop the work in their hands, listened attentively, and finally fell asleep one after another.

Zhou Xirui put the unpleasant corpse powder by his nose in one hand and the other by the cat's nose. He scolded the cat and let him lie down, signaling it to stay here to protect everyone. After seeing that the people under the cliff fell asleep, they walked to the gentle slope with Zhong Yueming and Acuo and carefully went down to the cliff.

They woke up the three prisoners who were still alive with corpse powder sachets. The three people looked at the scene in front of them in surprise; the people of the Ima tribe fell asleep on the ground, and three men in strange clothes stood in front of them, kindly untied them, pointing outside, and signaling them to follow them out.

The first thing these three people think of is that the god of their tribe is depicted on the stone tower symbolizing the god of their tribe, and the three men in front of them are very much in line with that image. They immediately knelt down in front of the three gods and bowed. Zhou Xirui and the others were a little embarrassed. They didn't expect them to be so grateful to themselves and wave their hands to sign that they didn't have to be so polite. Zhou Xirui pointed to the sleepy people on the ground and the outside, signaling them to leave quickly.

The three people trembling when they saw the sleeping tough man not far away and quickly followed them out. Who knew that as soon as the wall surrounded by logs came out, there was trouble on the front.

A group of very horrible animals came down the stream dozens of meters away. These animals are not big than the giant beasts seen before, only two meters tall. Of course, this is basically Yao Ming's height, which is much higher than ordinary people.

Its body is like a kangaroo and has small fluff, and the mouth in front of its head is as long and flat as a dog, which allows its mouth to open very large and sharp teeth. The most terrible thing is its claws, like an eagle's claws, but longer and sharper.

I'm afraid the image of this monster is closer to the evil spirits in hell. As soon as the three indigenous people saw this group of monsters, they shouted in horror: "Kopa! Kupa!" Zhou Xirui didn't know what their roaring Cooper meant, but he knew that it was very dangerous to look at the image of these monsters. Just as he was about to call Xiaopei to play the flute, her flute sounded.

But this group of monsters did not fall asleep, but blew the three people rescued to sleep. What's going on? Damn, why didn't it work at the critical moment? The hearts of the three suddenly picked up.

Xiaopei also saw that it didn't work. He stopped playing the flute doubtfully and asked Liu Peng what was going on? Liu Peng sighed and said worriedly, "This is Raptor, which is fierce and cunning, but they have not yet evolved into hearing. In fact, many kinds of dinosaurs are deaf!" Ah!" Xiaopei was shocked. She originally thought that she had this flute and there should be no problem protecting everyone in the jungle, but the current situation does not seem to be optimistic.

At this moment, Zhou Xirui has woken up the three prisoners with a corpse powder sachet. As soon as the three woke up, they pointed to the dragons running this way and said, "Kopa! Kupa!" It turned out that in their language, Cooper meant the devil, but in fact, they were more afraid of this monster called Cooper than the giant Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Because these Kupa will cleverly round up prey, and will look for the gap of human tribal negligence, sneak into the residence, and hunt human beings. There used to be a very prosperous ruler tribe that was eaten up by Cooper. Maybe human beings are their favorite main dish on the table.

At this time, at the front of this group of Kupas has the largest head, which seems to be the leader of this group of monsters. It stared intently at the prey in front of it and did not launch an attack. The monster's eyes reminded Zhou Xirui of the devil's eyes in the underground slaughterhouse in Xinjiang. This look makes people feel that it is eager to try and ready to jump over, as if it is choosing the target to attack at this moment.

Zhou Xirui pointed to the three prisoners and asked them to hide first. As soon as the three prisoners went inside, the monsters launched an attack. The leading monster quickly jumped up, and two sharp iron claws were about to rush over and hold Zhou Xirui down. Unfortunately, its idea failed, and the prey in front of it flashed away.

It is furious. The monster has no hearing or vocal cords. If it could make a sound, I'm afraid it would have howled long ago. It quickly turned around to search for Zhou Xirui's trace. It turned around and found the prey standing behind it, looking at it with rest. After all, it was the leader of this group of monsters. This guy was not in a hurry to attack. Under the attack, he found that the prey was not as easy to catch as expected. It stared at him calmly, looking for the angle of attack, thinking about how to prevent the prey in front of it from escaping.

At this moment, Zhou Xirui's heart is not as calm as it seems. He is also quickly thinking about how to solve this leading monster with one knife. As the saying goes, "If you can capture the king first", as long as you can solve it, it can have a deterrent effect on its kind.

The most effective way to attack this monster should be the heart, but the monster's most powerful thing is its claws, which just protect the heart. If it is caught, its intestines may be pulled out. Zhou Xirui thought quickly about how to avoid its claws and its big mouth full of sharp teeth.

At this time, the monster had begun its second attack. Its claws surrounded Zhou Xirui in a hugging position. Zhou Xirui suddenly flashed behind it, making its attack useless. Suddenly, it jumped on its back, pulled its neck with one hand and inserted a machete into its heart with the other. Digit.

The thinnest part of the whole body happened to be here. The machete was inserted deeply, and there was only a knife handle outside, and blood gushed out of the heart. Zhou Xirui immediately jumped from its back to the side. This guy really smells bad. I guess he has never taken a shower and has a strong smell.

The monster's blood gushed out, staggered back two steps, and fell to the ground, which scared other Cooper a few steps back. Zhou Xirui reached out and pulled down the machete on its body, afraid that it would not die, and inserted another knife. The other Cooper immediately fled in fear, raising a burst of choking dust.

Zhou Xirui fanned the dust in front of him twice with his hand and saw two Kupa's bodies lying not far away. Zhong Yueming was tearing off his shirt and letting Acuo wrap up the wound on his back. Zhou Xirui quickly went over and carefully examined his wound, took out disinfectant spray from his pocket, and carefully sprayed the wound.

"It's okay, a little skin injury!" Zhong Yueming grinned in pain, "Be careful in the future, don't fight hard," Zhou Xirui told him.

Zhong Yueming nodded. Just now, A Cuo shot a bamboo stick and blinded the two Coopers that rushed in front of them. A Cuo took advantage of one of the blind spaces to cut off its head.

Zhong Yueming didn't have a weapon, so he just avoided it carefully and was not caught by the monster's swinging claws. When Acuo killed the monster, he threw the knife at him. Unexpectedly, the gap of receiving the knife was caught in the back by the blind monster's swinging claws.

Acuo felt a little guilty: "Damn it, if I had known it, I would have come straight to cut off its head!" It's okay!" Zhong Yueming patted him on the shoulder and comforted him. We left like this, so what about the sleeping people here? If these monsters come back, won't these people become ready-made meals? Don't save people, but kill more people," Zhou Xirui said worriedly.

Zhong Yueming thought for a moment and said, "You take those three people up first. After I wake one up, I will teach him to use the corpse powder sachet to save the others and come up." Zhou Xirui said, "No, you are injured. You and Acuo will take them up first, and I'll deal with it immediately.

Acuo said, "Zhong Yueming, you go up first, and I can stay with him." Zhou Xirui shouted over the three prisoners, pointing to Zhong Yueming and pointing to them, and then to the cliff, meaning that they were going up. Acuo couldn't bear it, so he had to take them up the cliff.

Zhou Xirui walked over and woke up a woman with a sachet. The woman saw the surrounding people lying on the ground and shouted in fear. Zhou Xirui signaled to stop shouting. The woman squatted on the ground and looked at him tremblingly. She didn't know what the weirdos in front of her were going to do. In the eyes of these indigenous people, being captured means that they will be used as food, so the woman is very scared.

Zhou Xirui motioned her to watch and woke up another person with a sachet. The person's reaction when he woke up was basically the same as that of a woman. But the woman finally understood what Zhou Xirui meant, took the sachet handed over in his hand and learned from him to save her clan.

Acuo also saved several people. He threw the sachet to them and walked out with Zhou Xirui. Suddenly, these people who woke up knelt down for them. Perhaps the people of the Ima clan also regarded them as gods. Early human beings were always in awe of strange things. The woman Zhou Xirui woke up just now was the wizard of this tribe, so when she knelt down, all the people who woke up knelt down for them.

Acuo laughed happily: "We stunned these people, and they still have to kneel down and thank us. It's so fucking interesting!" Hurry up! They are still on it. Xiaopei's flute doesn't work for some dinosaurs. Let's go up quickly!" Zhou Xirui reminded. Atso looked at the cliff and accelerated his pace.