Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 92 Rac Reform

When they got to the third floor, they found that this was also an alien laboratory with a lot of large equipment. Zhong Yueming whispered in surprise, "I saw Xiaopei and them!" Zhou Xirui was overjoyed and looked in the direction pointed by Zhong Yueming and saw that there was nothing but equipment.

"No, are you dazzle?" Not on the ground, but above. Zhou Xirui looked up. It turned out that there were several cages suspended on the top 30 meters above the ground, and Xiaopei and others were closed inside. It seemed that everyone was in good spirits and should not have been harmed.

Zhou Xirui felt relieved, but how could he get it down so high from the ground? At this time, Zhong Yueming put his index finger to his mouth and motioned him not to say anything. At this time, two aliens came up from below, talking about something and came this way. When they walked outside their hidden equipment, Zhong Yueming and Zhou Xirui jumped up at the same time. Zhong Yueming instantly cut the artery on the alien's slender neck, and the light green ** flowed out of his blood vessels and shook twice to death.

Zhong Yueming did not expect that the aliens would be killed so easily. He was stunned for a moment. The alien controlled by Zhou Xirui trembled with fear when he saw this scene. Zhou Xirui pointed to Xiaope in the air, which meant to let this guy put them down.

Suddenly, the alien took out a small box and said an alien language, and the box immediately translated into Chinese that they could understand: "Do you want me to release the earthlings above? Please don't hurt me, I'm just a researcher." Zhou Xirui immediately shined his eyes and was very interested in this box. With this, he can communicate with locals wherever he goes. There is no language barrier.

He pointed to the small box and asked, "Do you still have this box?" The alien pressed the button, and the box turned Zhou Xirui's language into alien language. The alien said, "Yes, we have made a lot of this thing." After saying that, he came to a corner and pressed the button on the wall. Zhong Yueming shouted, "No!" He rushed to the alien, but found that he did not press the alarm button, but turned on the switch on the wall. A small space appeared in it and placed a lot of equipment, including many such small boxes. Zhou Xirui threw away all the things in his backpack and put them in a small backpack box.

"Haha, do you want to sell it wholesale?" Zhong Yueming smiled and said, "Hey, one per person. We have so many people. In case it breaks down, we need to prepare an insurance!" Zhou Xirui smiled and said. Then I will also take one." Zhong Yueming picked up one and put it in his pocket.

The alien pressed another button on the wall, and the suspended cage slowly fell to the ground. Xiaopei was surprised to see Zhou Xirui and Zhong Yueming, and their tears fell down with excitement. Just now, everyone was desperate and didn't know what these aliens were going to do to themselves.

Zhou Xirui didn't see his cat and left and right. He was a little anxious: "Where's the cat?" Everyone else was silent. Zhou Xirui was anxious: "Everyone is talking, where's my cat?"

Acuo came over and said, "In front, you come with me." Zhou Xirui looked at his solemn expression and felt a little nervous. When I came inside, I found that there was an isolation room with a type of operating table, and Atso pointed to it. It was covered with a layer of white cloth, and Zhou Xirui's heart jumped wildly, and the huge pressure made his hands tremble a little.

Gently uncovering the white cloth, Zhou Xirui's tears suddenly fell down; the cat in front of him stared and had been opened. Suddenly, he took out the machete on his waist and put it on the alien's neck and shouted, "Why? Why did you kill my kitten? What hatred does it have with you? Treat it so cruelly."

Zhong Yueming hugged Zhou Xirui, grabbed his knife, and whispered, "Calm down, the cat is dead. Keep this alien. We want to go back and maybe it can help us."

"Sorry, this is our laboratory. It's also for the experiment!" The alien replied uninterestingly, and Zhou Xirui immediately jumped up and kicked it. This guy was kicked twice like a ball. "Damn, I'll try to open your belly and do an experiment!" Zhou Xirui scolded.

Zhong Yueming quickly grabbed him and thought to himself, "This alien is so fucking honest. What do you say!" At this time, Xiaopei went over and picked up the big-headed alien and asked, "What on earth are you doing? Where did you come from?

The alien replied, "We are the neighbors of your people on earth and the inhabitants of Mars, the closest living planet to the earth. However, because of the development of science and technology, the race has moved to a terrestrial planet 5 billion light-years away.

Because individuals of our race are so weak, we conduct experiments in this base to strengthen individuals of our race through genetic integration.

Zhong Yueming asked, "Is there any way you can change time and space? We are from the 21st century and want to go back to our era?"