Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 99 Dead Eater Mouse

When sleeping, because there was only one bed in this family, Zhou Xirui and Zhong Yueming set up several tents in this family room. Everyone got into the sleeping bag and whispered to discuss tomorrow to find the Yin vein.

"Just now, the aunt said that 20 miles into the mountain, there was a corpse, which was very dark, and the trees were lush because no one cut down. I guess the yin vein should be there," Zhong Yueming said.

"I also think it's there, Liu Peng, don't go tomorrow, guard the base camp here," Zhou Xirui said to Liu Peng. He was worried that Liu Peng was unable to protect himself and was not in good health. OK, then be careful," Liu Peng promised.

"Dimo, don't go either. A little thing like you will be swallowed in one bite, haha," Zhou Xirui joked. No, you're wrong. I'm the most important person to go. Judging from the knowledge of our race, I don't agree with what you earthlings say. So I'm going to go and see for myself to test what substance it is?" Dimo said stubbornly.

"Then who is responsible for your safety? You'd better stay with Liu Peng!" Atso said, "He is responsible for my safety." Dimo stretched out his slender fingers and pointed to Zhou Xirui. "Since he is the leader, he should take on the weakest and human safety of the team." Dimo smiled cunningly.

"Oh, let's go to bed! There will be such a difficult task tomorrow!" Zhou Xirui yawned and said, "Go to sleep!" I'm dozed off!"

When the chicken crowed for the first time, the owner had already got up. They got up early to roll the pig grass and feed the pigs. When the fish belly turned white that day, the hostess had already prepared breakfast. With a rapid call for the chickens to eat, Zhou Xirui was woken up. He muttered and hurriedly woke everyone up. He felt that the host was awake and could not sleep in as a guest, which was too rude.

The hostess saw everyone get up and said with a smile, "Why don't you sleep much? I'm arguing with you, right?" No, auntie, we woke up and really don't want to sleep, hehe," Zhou Xirui hurriedly explained.

The quick-footed couple quickly brought the food to the table. Surprisingly, the couple also killed a chicken. They said guiltily, "You are going to find the yin vein and solve the big problem for us. You see, auntie doesn't have anything delicious to serve you." Auntie, this chicken is really delicious, and the chicken that has not been fed is still delicious," Zhou Xirui said, and everyone echoed, "It's really delicious."

The couple were very happy to hear this. They said, "Our chicken has been fed corn rice and never feed it. You should eat more, hehe." Uncle, show us the direction when you go to the back mountain, so that we can find the location of the vagina," Zhong Yueming said.

"I'll take you there. It's very dangerous there. Although it's daytime, you can't go to the place where the trees cover the light." The male host said worriedly, "Uncle, don't go. We're afraid of danger. What if something happens if we neglect doesn't take care of you?" Zhou Xirui firmly disagreed. He felt that one less person would be less dangerous.

After dinner, the male host sent Zhou Xirui and others to the top of the back mountain. From afar, he saw several larger mountains surrounded by a mountain pass. The uncle pointed to the pass and said, "That's it. Even if you walk on the edge of the pass during the day, it's cold and scary."

Uncle said, "You really won't let me take you there?" Zhou Xirui said, "Uncle, please go back. We have no problem. Don't worry." "Then I'll go back. Be careful and come back early. Your aunt and I are taking care of you!" After saying that, the uncle waved and went down the mountain to go home.

As soon as the uncle left, several people also walked to the mountain in turn. The road was not difficult to walk, but among the gully slopes, some skeletons were seen, which made people a little hairy. Fortunately, everyone was used to walking in hell and was not scared away by these.

When I came to the mountain pass, a cold breath came, which made people shiver. Zhou Xirui said to Xiaopei, "You and Dimo stay outside. Let's go down and investigate!" He thought that Xiaopei was a girl and was afraid that something would scare her. And because she has lost a lot of weight in the past few days and her spirit is not very good, everyone is a little worried about her.

Xiaopei said, "Dimo stay on it. I have to go down. I have spiritual power and Yuque, which can protect everyone." But Dimo also insisted on going down. In the end, Zhou Xirui had to agree with everyone to go down. He put Dimo in his backpack and told him to hide.

There are many bamboos and miscellaneous trees in this pass, covering the sky and the sun, and the light inside is very dark. At the bottom, they found a lot of green light around them. With the faint light cast on the treetops, they suddenly found the source of those bright lights, and a chill surged up from the soles of their feet.

Those are actually the eyes of mice. These mice are really scary. They are about 1.5 meters tall and weigh at least 100 pounds, which is equivalent to the height and weight of a shorter person. The strangest thing is that these mice looked at them with human-like eyes, which reminded Zhou Xirui of the story of the man's black-eyed cat told by Xiaopei's master.

Are the souls of these mice all dead souls? Zhou Xirui guessed in his heart that at this time, these giant rats had surrounded several people on the inner three floors and the outer three floors.

Xiaopei motioned everyone to put the corpse powder sachet by their noses and began to play the flute. These giant rats were unstable in a moment and soon fell asleep. Compared with those prehistoric pigs, the IQ of these giant rats is still much worse.

It's just that Zhou Xirui is very surprised. How much food do these giant rats have to eat? They are surrounded by barren mountains. Where do they find so much food to feed themselves?

"Unless there are corpse holes here, the smell from these big mice is very smelly and dead. It shows that these mice live by eating dead human flesh. And if the corpse wants not to decay, it must be a living corpse, so there may be a negative vein here," Xiaopei analyzed.