Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 113 Samsung Fantasy City 6

Zhou Xirui shouted in his heart. He gently put Xiaopei down and walked around the side of the monster to watch the change. The monster's regeneration ability seems to be very strong. After a while, his fingers grew again.

It stared quietly at A Cuo in front of him and suddenly shook its tail to attack Zhou Xirui on the side. At this moment, its tail is like a huge iron whip, mixed with the sound of thunder, which is extraordinary. If it is swept, I'm afraid that people will be swept into two pieces.

While sweeping its tail, the monster grabbed the table next to it and waved it to Acuo. Acuo couldn't avoid it and reached out to block it. Suddenly, he felt like hitting the fish iron. His arm was numb. There was a flower in front of him, and a fishy sweet smell surged up in his throat and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

The monster found that the swept tail fell empty and only swept the wall. Suddenly, a big hole in the wall was swept out, but the opponent disappeared. At the moment when the monster was stunned, Zhou Xirui had arrived at Acuo's side and picked up his machete. He knew that the monster's rough and thick weapon could not help it at all.

The monster found Zhou Xirui's behavior and shook his tail and swept over. Zhou Xirui flashed and came to the courtyard. Now there were several injured people lying in the room. He was afraid that the monster would hurt them and deliberately led it out.

The monster found that the figure in front of him was extremely fast and could not sweep him at all, so he stopped and turned his head to stare at Zhou Xirui. This time, no matter how Zhou Xirui moved, the monster did not rush to attack, but kept staring at him. The two confronted each other like this, looking for a way to kill each other with one blow.

Suddenly, Zhou Xirui noticed why the monster's eyes protruded so long? Is it deformed, like a long tumor? If so, why are its eyes red? Is it a hemangioma? According to his shallow medical knowledge, after the rupture of hemangioma, it will cause heavy bleeding and a high mortality rate.

Thinking of this, he was a little excited. No matter whether what he thought was right or not, if he cut off the monster's eyes, he would definitely hit this guy seriously. After made up his mind, he suddenly rushed to the monster head-on, and the monster reached out and grabbed it. He suddenly flashed to the side of the monster at a lightning speed, while the monster was waving its claws to catch it in front of him.

In this gap, the monster's eyes were cut from the side by a knife, which was very clean and neat, as if the monster had an ophthalmicectomy. The blood suddenly went out and sprayed far away. This eye was indeed its key point. It let out a terrible howling, shook its tail and patted everything around it, and the surrounding flower beds, trees and corridors were swept away by the monster's tail.

The monster's blood continued to flow, and there was no sign of stopping. Soon a layer of blood condensed in the courtyard, and the whole courtyard was filled with a strong smell of blood. The monster also lost too much blood, and his skin became pale. He quickly fell to the ground feebly and shook a few times and died!

Zhou Xirui went to the courtyard to check whether the monster was dead or not. Who knew that he stepped on the blood and fell on his feet. His face was full of smelly blood. He was embarrassed. He felt unlucky to get up, but he couldn't move. He was dizzy and wanted to sleep. It seemed that his eyelids were too heavy to open. I fell asleep all of a sudden.

I don't know how long it took. I felt that someone was wiping his face with a cold handkerchief. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and the light came in from outside the tent. In front of him, he was clearly sleeping in the tent. Looking up and looked up at him, Zhong Yueming was applying a veil to his face with a veil, scared. After a big jump, is the previous experience a dream? But that dream is too real!

Seeing Zhou Xirui's suspicious expression, A Cuo pointed to the wound on his arm and said, "That's not a dream!" Zhong Yueming also nodded that what they encountered might be true, because everyone's injury was still there. Zhong Yueming said, "Xiao Pei can't wake up until now!" I applied the handkerchief twisted in cold water several times, but I didn't wake her up."

Zhou Xirui looked at the sleeping Xiaopei and said, "Quick! Let's get out of here so that we won't go in again!" Several people quickly packed their luggage. Zhou Xirui carried Xiaopei on his back, and everyone accelerated their pace and walked in the direction of parking. Because they cut some marks on the tree when they came in along the way, it was quite smooth to get out of the old snake ditch.

When he saw everyone coming back, Liu Peng, who was bored waiting outside, was very surprised and hurriedly greeted him, but he saw that Xiaopei fell asleep and was carried back by Zhou Xirui. What's going on?" Liu Peng noticed that everyone frowned and had injuries on their bodies, and they didn't seem to be in good condition.

"Let's not talk about it. Let's go to the front hospital first. Let's take a look at the injury first and tell you slowly when we have time." Zhou Xirui carefully put Xiaopei into the car and anxiously went to Daping Town in front of him.

Three hours later, the car drove into the health center of Daping Town. Acuo and Zhong Yueming were both skin trauma and were simply treated and bandaged, but the doctor was helpless about Xiaopei's condition, because from the indicators of her body, everything was normal, but she could not wake up, which made everyone very anxious.

Everyone stayed in the hospital for two days, but Xiaopei hadn't woken up yet. An aunt in the same ward saw Zhou Xirui coming to guard Xiaopei every day and took care of her. She thought they were a young couple and sympathized with them.

One afternoon, the aunt pulled Zhou Xirui aside and pointed to Xiaopei and whispered, "Young man, I don't think this girl may be sick, maybe she has lost her soul!" This is not good for doctors in the hospital. Go to Sihe Township, 20 miles away from here, and ask Wu Xianniang to help you call back your soul!"

After Zhou Xirui told everyone what his aunt's words, everyone was skeptical, but now he can only be a dead horse as a living doctor. Maybe he really has to bring Xiaopei's soul back, so everyone decided to take Xiaopei to have a try.

When she was discharged from the hospital, the aunt told Zhou Xirui that Wu Xianniang was quite famous in the local area, and many people in the city drove to see her. She said that in the local area, a spiritual fairy is very respected and even worshipped. Because she knows nothing about heaven and earth and the underworld.

She can invite your long-lost relatives to talk to you, even with the same voice. She can say every request of her, and she can tell all the indeed things in your family.

At first hearing it, Zhou Xirui felt like a fortune teller? Almost, but it's much worse. fortune-telling is actually a psychological game sometimes. And the "gangxian" is really a magical phenomenon that has no reason to talk about, but Xiaopei's witchcraft seems to have the same second.

They drove the car and listened all the way to Wu Xianniang's residence. After the fairy asked Xiaopei to **, she began to do it. She only saw her sitting in a chair, covering her head with black cloth, and her hands flat on her knees. She began to shake slightly up and down her legs, faster and faster, in her mouth Read the words for about a minute or two.

She suddenly opened her eyes and asked in shock, "Where have you been?" Is it very evil?" Seeing that the fairy asked this, Zhou Xirui knew that she had some Taoism, so he went to the old snake ditch, entered the capital of Shu in a daze, and killed the monster of the king of Shu.

The fairy breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, you killed it, otherwise you wouldn't come out of there at all!" Since it is dead, the girl's soul should not be controlled by it. I'll try to bring her soul back.